Chapter Ten

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I was running... running as fast as I can... something was chasing me... or someone, I had no idea... my legs were slowing down... I had to run... I heard him yell... I must complete... I must reach him... but my legs could walk no more... like some invisible hands were sticking me to the ground... everything was going dark... I screamed and screamed... but he was nowhere... I couldn't find him... he must be close... I have to reach him... one of them got hold of me... I screamed... but then I saw him... he was bleeding... he was moaning in pain... I yelled for him... I must help him... he needs me... or do I need him?... someone was pulling me away... I tried to fight... I had to... it was no use... Remus gave one final groan and fell... his green eyes staring without seeing... and then-

"REMUS!" I screamed on the top of my lungs, my eyes flickering open, feeling the sweat brim across my shaking body. My eyes adjusted slowly to the light and I found myself in the middle of History of Magic class, tears all over my face, every single eye in the classroom on me, including Remus', who looked very panic stricken and anxious.

"Professor, can I got to the hospital wing? I'm not feeling well." I spoke quickly, standing up.

Professor Binns nodded casually. "Alright, Fera-ferameradora? What was your name again?" He asked, as if he just noticed my existence today.

"Tonks." I said coldly, making my way out of the classroom fast without giving anyone a second glance.

The moment I left class, I found myself shaking terribly, the image of his dead body sticked to my memory. I couldn't steady my breath; everything was blurry and my head was spinning. I leaned against the ancient wall and closed my eyes, allowing myself moments of momentary relief and peace. He is safe, I reminded myself, he's alive.


My eyes flickered open at the familiar voice and I saw a concerned looking Remus standing in front of me, his lips trembling furiously.

"You didn't call me that in ages." I unconsciously said, rubbing my face with my now oversized sleeve.

"It sort of came out." He shrugged, looking down, "Are you okay?"

"Sort of." I shrugged, leaning on the wall a bit more, my hand rubbing my arm unconsciously, my heart beating furiously against my chest; it was the first time Remus spoke to me since our row.

"What was that all about?" He asked, his green eyes full of life, sparkling under the effect of the candles, making my heart warmer.

"Just a dream." I smiled but the smile faded from my face as soon as it appeared.

"You said my name." Remus spoke carefully, like he's thinking through every single word he's saying.

"Technically, I screamed it." I laughed quietly, and I felt my face heat up.

"What happened?" He pressed on, knowing that'll tell him anyway.

"Nothing, really. It's okay." I shrugged, trying to manage a smile.

"No, it's not." Remus took a breath, "Look, I have to fix this. I'm causing you this. It's all my fault. I've been selfish, really selfish-"

"If there's anything you are not, it's selfish, Remus." I cut him off, but he ignored and went on.

"I kept holding stuff you told me a grudge against you, it was stupid. I should have forgave you ages ago. I was so blinded by trying to keep you safe that I forgot you have feelings too, it was foolish of me-"

Trusting my guts, I grabbed him too quickly from his robes and brushed my lips against his, feeling the warmness of his touch fill my body. Remus' arms wrapped around my hips and picked me up immediately. He pressed me to the wall and let his tongue roam into my mouth, his hands rubbing my chest. Lips still on each others, I passed a hand through his locks as he went on to my neck, making me shiver and moan slightly against his passionate touch.

"No.. no wait-" He whispered against my neck, but I closed my eyes and kept a hand running through his hair.

"Shh.." I muttered, wanting to feel his lips on my body once more.

"Please.." His hand snapped away slowly, "There's- there's something I have to tell you. If we are going to be together then at least you should know everything." He whispered, his eyes not meeting my gaze.

"Alright, go on."

"Nymphadora, look, I'm.. I'm a.. damn- it's just that I'm-"

"Hey, look it's okay, just tell me." I smiled encouragingly, rubbing his face with my fingers gently.

"I'm a, I'm a werewolf."



I started a new Marauders fanfiction on the first wizarding war and you should read it :-)

- Yomna

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