CHAPTER TWO: Past and Presentation.

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"oh c'mon don't act like you don't want me."

🎀 Kim Y/n
I walked out that door.
As I felt Jin's footsteps followed. "Look y/n I know you and Jeon have a past but-"

"No! Never! I will never!" I kept saying, walking infront as Jin finally pulled me back. "C'mon! Its just until we find them. Please y/n." He said. As my eyes layed on the cocky figure, staring at where Jin held my arm. Before he looked back into my eyes. Raising his eyebrows.

"If he can agree, you can too." Jin said. As I sighed .he was right. Personal stuff shouldn't come in between this.

How do me and Jeon know eachother? Let's take a trip down memory lane shall we?

-4 years ago-

He slammed her into the wall, kissing her, as she kissed back. "Your driving me crazy y/n" he said, his voice as intoxicated as hers.

"Yeah? I plan on Jeon." She kissed back, unbuttoning his shirt, the alcohol taking over them.

Morning came,
"NO WAY IN HELL I SLEPT WITH YOU?!" She yelled, wearing her shirt, as he scoffed getting up "Don't act like you don't want me princess?" He said cockily, when his shirt came flying at his face.

He groaned, pulling her towards him. He smiled cockily "why sleeping with me hurt your ego?" He chuckled, wearing his leather jacket and giving her a kiss on the cheek. "Your not getting anymore sweetheart, I'll see you at results today. When I get 001." He said. As he left chuckling

Anger racing in her veins, she couldn't believe that she left the drinks of a celebration party take over her so quickly. "SCREW YOU JEON!" she yelled.

"You already did baby!"

On the other hand. Jungkooks heart was beating like he was on a rollercoaster, yes he acted as if he was a badboy, it didn't bother him, but oh god how he did. He slept with her and he couldn't remember anything it pissed him off.

He smiled at himself. As he suddenly remembered how she squirmed under him.he laughed. Starting his bike.

Luck was on his side, he got Agent 001. And a new rival. A hot one. And maybe that night. She didn't only steal his breathe. But his heart too.
He only needed to realise it.


Both of them looked at Jin as he explained the presentation.

"The Hwang families is one of the most secluded and anonymous families of the underworld, it was very difficult to prove the fact that they stole the diamond in the first place." Jin continued.

"But there's a way to get to them. The only publicly owned place by them is the Siena Hotel. There's rumors that one of their bases is underground. We think the diamond is there. And if it isn't there has to be something that will get us closer to it." He said, before passing it onto Jimin.

"We have a golden opportunity this Month, for there's a big celebration at the hotel, and all residents get to participate in diffrent activities. Which might get us to not only earn their trust but also maybe they'll be busy enough for us to sneak into this so called base without being noticed." Jimin said.

"Okay so that's easy? What's the big deal then?" jungkook said, leaning back, as Jin and Jimin shared a glance. A glance containing nervousness. Which didn't go unnoticed by Jungkook. Who stood up, making Jin and Jimin flinch.

"You two hiding something?" He said. As Jimin chuckled. "Jin hyung will tell you both." He said suddenly trying to go out, but Y/n caught him by the back of his collar, pushing him infront.

"Come clean you two." She said.

Jin laughed. "Well- it's not ordinary- um event?" He said. "What do you mean?" Jungkook said, putting his hands on the tablez leaning on them.

"Well- Hwangs son is getting married so- in celebration- the mother wanted to hold an event to celebrate love that only allows- couples-" before he could complete his sentence. Both y/n and Jungkook walked out.


Both of them sighed, knowing they had no choice.

"Fuck me." Y/n mumbled in frustration. As Jungkook chuckled taking that opportunity. "I already did" he said wearing his sunglasses and walking back inside.

"Son of a-" Y/n was about to jump on him with a dagger, but Jimin held her back "no y/n don't be him" he said in a motivational tone, as y/n pushed him, aiming the dagger at him. "Touch me again and you'll regret it" she said. Before walking inside.

"They're perfect for eachother." Jimin mumbled. Walking inside, thankful that she didn't swipe the knife across his neck.

🧁: nsnsnsms it's picking up pace right? I hope it makes sense. And hope it's not stoopy poopyndnsndj byeeee

Until next time~
-Ava <3

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