CHAPTER ELEVEN: Unknown Feeling Detected.

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"Jealousy is a disease baby"

🎀Kim Y/n
"Cheers!" We all said in Unison, as our drinks clicked together. We were currently In Jungkooks mansion on the sea side of Busan, secluded from alot of things.

We held a party, related to our successful mission, and even finding the diamond!.
I smiled, taking a gulp of the drink as it turned my throat.

"Waaahh it must've been so much fun!" We heard a high pitched voice. Hah. That's Eunha. And she's the world biggest bit-

Why did we invite her? She tagged along. We didn't even tell her. Ya know what's the worse part? She's sitting next to Jungkook. Cause she has a crush on him.


I watched as she suddenly clinged onto Jungkooks arm. He smiled. HE SMILED?!?! WHAT THE F-

"Jungkook oppa~ it's been so long since I've seen you~ you've grown handsome~" she said resting her head in his shoulder, as Jungkook chuckled. "Thank you Eunha"

"Oh there's something on your lips" she said, touching his lips.

Oh fuck this. Grabbing the soju bottle I chugged it down. "Damn Y/n..slow down-" Taehyung said. As Jungkook looked up at Me, before leaning on the table to stare at me, as I rolled my eyes and looked away.

"Sorry I'm late!" We heard another voice, as a good looking man entered, wait I recognise him-

[-Chapter 1: No way in hell]

"as I pressed the button and got into the elevator.

"Wait wait wait!" A voice yelled, as I immediately stopped the elevator, inside came a handsome man, with several boxes in his hand. And glasses on his nose. I smiled at him

"Here let me help you" I said, carrying a few of his boxes, as he laughed. Thanking me. "Actually um I'm a rookie here" he said, fixing his glasses. Cute.

I smiled, "it's okay, everyone has their fair share of trials" I said smiling, as he laughed in return.

"I'm Agent 134" he said, as I smiled. "Agent 002" his eyes widened. "Wow! It's an honor, I've heard alot" i laughed. "Um all in a days work" I smiled.

"Um this is me. Nice to meet you" he said, before quickly gathering the boxes and rushing out of the elevator. I smiled at his action. He was cute i won't lie. "

(End of Flashback)
"Agent 134?" I said, gaining everyone's attention, "ahh Agent 002 we meet again" he
smiled, his eyes smiling alone with his lips.

"You've met before?" A deep voice interrupted our interaction as we turned to look at stone cold Jungkook. "Oh! Agent 001! It's not nice to finally meet you!" He said, engulfing Jungkook in a hug and Jungkook hugged back.

"Everyone this is Agent 134. Aka. Kim Donghyun" Jin introduced him. "I invited him since he really wanted to meet you two, and his dad is a close friend of mine so I thought why not." Jin smiled, as I laughed. Not Jungkook. He just stood there arms crossed.
The night passed as me and Donghyun kept talking, but I couldn't focus with Jungkook and Eunha right infront of us. Why didn't he push her away?

Does he have a crush on her?
Is she going to kiss him?

"Oppa~ your really handsome ya know" Eunha said, almost side hugging Jungkook. As I couldn't take it anymore. Whatever it was it made me mad. And worse that Jungkook wasn't saying anything.

I excused myself and went to the balcony.

I needed fresh air..and him.


☁️ Jeon Jungkook:
Alright looks like i went too far. "Stop Eunha stop" I told her. "Did you think it worked?" Eunha asked, as I looked at her. "Ofcourse it did, she left after watching that" Taehyung said.

"Did I take it too far?" I asked, as Jin hyung laughed. "Well if you did one things for sure. She's definitely fallen for you." Hyung said. Making my heartbeat faster, when Donghyun entered. "I can't find Y/n anywhere" he said in heavy breathes.

I stood up. "It's Agent 002. For you glasses." I said, patting his shoulder a bit agressively and walking, cause I know exactly where she is.
Closing the balcony door behind me, making her aware of my presence, she sighed. "What happened? Thought you and Eunha would be a bunch of bunnies in a cadilac by now." She said sarcastically. As I chuckled.

"Why jealous?" I said, my back leaning on the railing, as she looked at me. "Me? And jealousy?" She scoffed. As I got closer. "Jealousy is a disease baby." I said. As she hit me in the chest.

"I'm not jealous!" She said. "Jeez okay okay" I said, staring at her. The way the wind hit her face. As she completely gave into her presence.

"You like her?" She suddenly said, making me look at her.

"No I love someone else." I said. Making her look directly at me.

"Oh..." She trailed off.

She's adorable.
🎀: ong fav couple-
I have to stop doing enemies to lovers.

Until next time~
-ava <3

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