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"Your eyes, have their own stars, that's why they're my favourite galaxy"

"Where are we going?" Y/n laughed , watching him climb on his bike all dressed up again in his suit. "Shut up loser just come" he said, suddenly changing his demeanor as she rolled her eyes. "jerks never change"

"Hold on tight" he said, as he zoomed them right into the late night empty street.

Feeling the breeze hit her face, y/n closed her eyes, she imagine flying in the sky with no worries in the world. She swore she felt a tear run down her cheek and that's when Jungkook stopped.

Opening her eyes, she looked at the things infront of her, an empty street, with a large fountain at the centre. It looked almost a field.
Was it a park or something?

"It's not a park. By the way. It's um. My dad and I we used to come here and. It's just a um-" he stopped feeling the rush of nervousness run through him. he didn't know how to explain it.

He held her hand, guiding her and making her sit by the fountain as she watched his every move almost admiring him.

"Wait here" he said, before disappearing from her sight, a few minutes past when she felt a drop on her cheek and then another and then another. It was raining.

"Jungkook- I think we should-" she kept quiet when she looked at him infront of her in his mask, as she laughed, looking at him, slowly holding her hand he guided her back towards him, as he put her mask on for her.

"You wanted to feel free and- other things. So um yeah" he said, before swaying with her side to side, to a music only they could here, she couldn't take her eyes off of him, he looked so handsome and all this for her.

The raindrops were masking her tears and she couldn't be more thankful, nor could she believe that someone would do this for a person like her.

He laughed, spinning her in his arms as she squealed and hit his chest, in a fear of falling but something in her heart said she was safe with him, and he wouldn't let her go.

Their breathes heavy, as they stood opposite eachother, the masks slipping off, falling to the ground. As they looked at eachother.

Hand in hand. Drenched in the rain. Dancing in the middle of the night. What a fairytale.

"So..out of 10?" He asked, making her laugh. "Can't put a rating." She said teasing him back. "That will $5000 dollars for making me dance and $50 for my bike ride." He said, making her smile.

"Ya know something?" He asked, as she raised her eyebrows.

"Your eyes, have their own stars, that's why they're my favourite galaxy" he said. Making her burst out into laughter, "no seriously-" he said making her laugh louder.

"Gosh love your laugh loser, makes my heart beat like a drum. Like a fucking drum Y/n." He said. As she looked up at him.

Their faces inches apart once more. As they slowly closed in, feeling over taking them.but the sound of a ringing phone interrupted them.

It was Jin calling Jungkook, groaning in frustration, he picked up the call. As Jin yelled from the other side. "LEAVE LEAVE NOW! THIS IS A CODE RED!  HWANG KNOWS ABOUT JIMIN AND CHAEYOUNG WE DON'T KNOW HOW MUCH HE KNOWS JUST LEAVE!" Jin yelled, as they both looked at eachother, before running to Jungkooks bike.

"Shit shit shit fuck!" Jungkook yelled, before stating the bike and speeding off.
Running through the halls both soaking wet, they entered the room, to see a panicking Jimin. "WHERE THE HELL HAVE YALL BEEN? ITS A FUCKING CODE RED" he yelled. As Jungkook quickly helped. Leaving now trace behind

"We walk normal, and leave. Just be cool." Jungkook said, as they got out of the elevator.
The sound of the wheels of the bag hitting the floor was the only thing that could be heard.

but the sound of a gun loading caught their attention. "One more step and you'll be walking into the gates of heaven" Hwangs voice echoed.



🎀Kim Y/n
I saw Hwang walk towards us, as his men put a gun on Jungkooks head. And then he turned to me, grabbing my wrist and pulling me towards him. "Let her go Hwang." Jungkook said, his voice cold and intimidating.

This is what I was scared of. I didn't want this. I didn't want this at all. I knew this was coming. This is all my fault isn't it?

Hwang laughed. "Ya know how long I've searched for little Miss smarty over here" he said grabbing my hair. I swear on my dead body, if there wasn't a gun to Jungkooks head right now. I wouldve fucking killed him.

"She's mine now. And I'm gonna torture her until every bone in her body is turned to ash FUCKING ASH!" he said, pushing me on the floor, as Jungkook didn't waste a second and pounced on him, knocking the gun out of his hands.

Getting up, I kicked his guard right in his pretty little penis. Not once. Not twice. 5 times.

"Bastard. How dare you hold a gun at him huh?" I yelled, tacking every single guard that came at me.

Game on.


Wiping the blood off his nose, Jungkook punched Hwang, over and over, but somehow Hwang over powered him, getting on top of him, and trying to push a dagger right through Jungkooks eyes.

Groaning and yelling with force, trying to keep Hwangs away from his eyes or anywhere near him, Jungkook turned to look at y/n. Who was bleeding because of he cuts, losing his senses for a sec seeing her in pain. His grip loosened but he was quick enough to realise and push Hwang, but he has already been stabbed in the arm.

"JUNGKOOK!" y/n yelled, helping him stand up "I'm fine I'm fine" he kept saying, patting her hair, as Hwang got up slowly, laughing.

Anger filling her veins, Y/n walked right up to him gifting him with a punch right across his face. Knocking him out.

"Let's get out before he wakes up! Backups not coming so quick!" Jimin yelled, as Jungkook noticed the army of people Hwang had coming towards them. it was too dangerous for them to take Hwang along with them, so with a lot of frustration and anger they had to run.

Getting into the car, Jungkook groaned as it took off. Hitting the wheel in Frustration of not being able to take hwang in
"DAMN IT FUCK!" he yelled, zooming the car.

He was breathing heavily, if this were a movie, smoke would've been coming out of his ears.

Y/n looked at him, sighing noticing how his knuckles turned white from gripping the steering wheel hard. Placing a hand on his face, he looked at her for a split moment, immediately calming down and focusing on the road.

"You did good jungkook." She said.

He sighed, slowly melting into her arms, as he continued to drive them back to Seoul, where Jin curently was. And where they would be safe.

Where he could keep her safe.

Atleast for now.
🎀: my exams are taking soo damn long to end
I'm annoyed, but here some romance for yall.

Is it really a blue_blush book if there's not a dancing in the rain scene?

Until next time~
-Ava <3

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