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"I'm your hyung, I'll handle it."

🍁: Mentions of :
Alot of Language Apparently,
You've been warned ~

🎀Kim Y/n
I closed my eyes, feeling the warmth of the water in the bathtub fill my mind and my body. Jerk Jeon. That's what I'm gonna call him. In my life I had never been so stressed and i couldn't do anything. If I did anything it would disrupt the mission.

So all I could do was wait and pray.
Can't beleive that mother- whatever locked me in a room this's not like i didn't break the lock in like 5 minutes but. I couldn't do anything, they had left.

Suddenly I heard something clatter outside.
Getting alert, I kept silence. Quietly getting out of the bathtub. As an agent. Even if it was the wind. I couldn't take the risk. Had they come home.

I quickly dried off. Putting my stuff on and Jungkooks large shirt on, since that was the only thing closest to me. Taking my gun which was kept on the sink, I loaded it, I flinched slightly, hearing a series of thuds.

Footsteps, Heavy, one by one.
Aiming my gun at the door. I waited for it to burst open. Something in my gut told me it wasn't Jungkook.

Suddenly it stopped. No shadow under the door. Was i dealing with a ghost?

Unlocking the door slowly, I walked out, gun in hand. No one. Until i felt someone grab me and headlock me from the back.

"Hello Dollface, guess who's back hm?" He said. Or Hwang said. Before I was pushed in the ground my gun flying to the other end. I shared a glance with him before running for the gun, but he had caught my leg pulling me up to him. As I yelled.

"STOP FUCKING STRUGGLING BABY!" He said, but i punched him right on the face. Making him stumble back, taking the chair I smashed it on his head. As he fell to the floor.

Breathing heavily I watched, as he touched his head which was bleeding.

"Fucking bitch!" He yelled, as I ran and picked up my gun, running all the way downstairs with him close behind.

I just kept running until I bumped into someone. Looking up it was a huge man. I heard Hwang chuckle as I realised it's one of his men.

I looked at him, before pointing my gun at him. "I'll shoot you Hwang."

"Oh you won't. You don't have the bal-"
I shot him in his arm.

"MOTHERFUCKER!" He yelled, coming back into laughter. "Youve got some balls dollface." He said. Before looking at the man behind me. And then I felt myself being picked up. I struggled and pushed. Until i was thrown into the floor.

I hit my head. It hurts like hell. My vision became blurry. I can't see. As I watched Hwnag crouch infront of me and kick my gun away. Before pulling me by my hair. I yelled in pain.

"Ya know the amount of satisfaction I get seeing you like this? You shot my father he was my best friend" he said breaking into tears and then suddenly laughing.

Fucking psychopath.

"And now. I'll kill yours." . Fear and worry filling my heart.

"Jungkooks gonna kill you." I laughed,
"He's dead." Hwang said, before pulling me up by my hair.

I yelled in pain, but I couldn't all.

"Fucking liar!" I yelled, as he pushed my back on the floor.


☁️Jeon Jungkook
I groaned, feeling my head heavy and it hurt like someone smashed it into the wall. I slowly got up, gathering my strength. The bag had a bomb definitely.

I looked around, seeing fire and smoke and most of my men dead. "Fuck.." I groaned, and then I saw Jin Hyung. "Hyung!" I yelled getting up and running towards him, he was injured badly.

"J shouldn't have brought you here j-jungkook" he said. His hand on where he had been wounded. "Get y/n." He said, giving me the car keys in my hand.

"But you-"

"I'm your hyung. I'll handle it. Now go." He said. As I hesitated. But then we heard Hwangs men coming this way.

"Go jungkook!" He yelled. As I finally got in my mind

"HERE HERE OVER HERE!" Taehyung hyung yelled as he got into the car and so did i. I sat loading my gun. And speeding off with Jimin Hyung puking in the backseat.

"What the hell is wrong with him?" I asked driving. "He saw someone's intestines" Taehyung said casually, as I rolled my eyes.

"It was all- ov-" he barely completed his sentence before he puked again.


"You'll never get away with this Hwang." Y/n told him her head hung low, As Hwang watched her tied to the chair. Before he walked up, dragging his stool and sitting infront of her.

"The first time I saw you. At my hotel i knew exactly who you were, that's why I bumped into you with the invitations. That stupid ring you wear. Made me realise who the fuck you were. You think your special huh?" He said, pushing y/n by his pointer.

"Y/n y/n how stupid of you. Your own parents abandoned you." He said, making y/n look up at him finally. "Strikes doesn't it? When your lonely all alone. That's how it fucking felt when you killed my father."

"YOUR FATHER RAPED AND KILLED MULTIPLE WOMEN!" She yelled, making Hwang grab her hair and slap her. "SHUT THE FUCK UP SOMETIMES!" he yelled.

Making her laugh. "Fucking psychopath." She mumbled. "Oh your so correct baby." He said, grabbing her face. "I'm my dad." He said. "What do you mean?" She asked. As he laughed.

"I can do them same to  you if I want to baby" he said, his hands caressing her face, as she moved away disgusted.

"I feel pity on your fiance." She said. As he laughed. "Oh please. She's just a Fuck Slut ya know? A whore." He said, suddenly making y/n burst into laughter.

"Sad she had to settle for someone who has a little teeny tiny di-" She yelled, when she was greeted with another slap. "Your tempting me to pull the trigger Kim." He said.

"Do it."

🎀: ok I was sleepy when I wrote this.
I'm sorry if it's confusing af.


Until next time~
-Ava <3

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