CHAPTER THREE: Mr and Mrs Jeon.

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"Meet My Wife, Jeon Y/n"

🎀 Kim Y/n
"Okay look I know you guys hate eachother but once we reach there. You have to act like the most lovely dovey couple. ACT LIKE A MARRIED COUPLE" Jennie said. Making it very clear how we were supposed to act.

She and Taehyung were a couple. And Jimin and Rosie were a couple.

Sighing, I got down the car, to be faced with the Hotel. I gulped.

"From here onwards Princess, Your Jeon Y/n. My wife." He said. As I intertwined my hand with his walking in. "Anyways you won't have a problem since we-"

"Shut up before I pull your tongue out" i retorted. "Aww that's not the way for a wife to talk to her husband." He teased. I would be lying if I said, my heart didn't flutter everytime he mentioned us playing a married couple.

"Welcome welcome! Names?" A girl greeted us, and beside her, Hwang Gi-reum. Hwangs son. I gulped. He smiled at us. "I'm Jeon Jungkook, owner of Jeon Enterprises in New York, and this is my wife Jeon Y/n."

Hwang looked at me up and down before smiling. "Ah the Jeons! Were happy to have you here with us." He said. As Jungkook smiled. He was towering over Gireum. Turned me on.
We entered our Suite, which has a stunning view. But there was one problem. "Why is there one bed?" I asked. As Jungkook chuckled. "Were playing a married couple sweetheart, you really thought that i was gonna book 2 beds?" He asked.

As I chuckled. Before jumping right onto him. But he was prepared? Grabbing my arm, he twisted and pressed me against the wall. "C'mon flower don't be so tough hm?" He said, in a deep voice. Spinning me around to face him.

"But I'll be honest. This aura of yours turns me on." He said, eyes never leaving mine.

"Shut up!" I said, pushing him as he laughed. "I'm gonna take a shower wanna join?" He asked, as I rolled my eyes, walking away. He chuckled.


Walking the halls of the Hotel, Y/n saw all diffrent kind of things, they weren't normal mafias were they? Everything was diffrent then what she usually sees.

So amazed by the beauty of the hotel, as well as engrossed in her thoughts. She bumped into someone, who was none other than, Gi-reum. She smiled awkwardly, bending down to help him.

"I'm-im so sorry" she laughed, as he chuckled "it's alright, we all make mistakes" he said, almost in a mocking tone. But she didn't think much of it. While she was picking up the stuff he was holding , she felt his gaze on her and something stood at the back of her neck.

He smiled at her, when her gaze met his, as she continued picking up the cards, suddenly he grabbed her wrist, making her flinch and look at him. "Lovely ring Mrs Jeon. Would love to get one for my wife." He said, his grip tight. She smiled nervously.

"I'll tell my husband to tell you where it's from" she said, keeping her composure as they both smiled, standing upto their feet.

Turning around, she was about to leave when he called her name. "Mrs Jeon!" He yelled, handing her and invitation card, she looked up at him. "It's our first Ball. We expect both you and Mr Jeon at it tonight" he smiled. In a mocking way.

As she faked another smile. "We won't disappoint" she said, quickly walking away.

Fear took over her. She felt as if something bad was going to happen, As if Hwang knew everything, and he was going to kill them. But they were trained. But what if everyone got hurt because of  her? Maybe she shouldn't have come.

What if Jungkook got hurt because of her? Suddenly, she bumped into Jeon, falling right into his arms. "Aww already falling-" he shut up, the minute he saw her state.

"Y/n?" He asked, concern filling his voice, as he carefully made her sit on the bed, on his knees he held her hand. "Hey hey hey it's okay" he rubbed her hands, as he realised how fast her breathing was.

"Tell me what happened okay, just breathe" he said, as she finally calmed down. "I-i feel like he knows jungkook, he knows, what if-"

"Y/n. It's our first day here. I know you have a past with him. But trust me it was 3 years ago okay? We will be okay. And nothing will happen to you. I'm here alright?" He comforted her, his hand rubbing her back

"But what if something happens to you?" She said, his eyes softening. "nothing will happen to me tiger. I'm bulletproof." He said, making her laugh.

Giving her a glass of water, he read the invitation. "A Masquerade huh?" He said, as she laughed. "Yeah masquerade."

"I'll tell Jin hyung about this. You watch tv okay kiddo?" He teased, ruffling her hair.

She pushed him, laughing.

"Shut up Jeon."
🧁: Ayooooo what's happening lmaoooo

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Until next time~
-Ava <3

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