CHAPTER FOUR: Masquerade

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"are you sure your not masking your feelings for me hm? Sweetheart?"

🎀Kim Y/n
I watched as Jungkook and Jimin discussed our moves at the Ball, it was simple. Me and Jungkook would go introduce ourselves say us, Jimin and Rosie, came together and make a show for Jimin and Rosie to try and sneak in.

Why aren't we going instead? Because we suspected that maybe some of the guards present on patrol for the secret bunker may recognise me, since somehow the guards changed last minute.

Everyone was talking, but all I could do was look at him, honestly, it was kind of annoying. But I liked it. The way his hands moved, the way he leaned back into the chair or hm the way he fixed his glasses form time to time, chuckling too.

Taking a deep breathe, I looked away, and when I looked back he was... already staring at me. Shit. Be cool, be cool, be cool.

He got up slowly, and walked towards me as I looked away, why am I so nervous? WTF I've never been so nervous I've never been so-

"Here your sweating, have cold water dumbass" he said, walking past me. As I sighed, Jesus Christ, my heart was beating like I was on a freaking roller coaster ride. What is wrong with me?

The sound of metal could be heard, so we turned around to See Jungkook pull in a rack of clothing in hangers.

2 dresses and 2 suits to be exact. "Looks like Jin Hyung got busy" he said chuckling.

Walking over, I picked up the dress assigned to me, a long black gown and a matching mask., looking over to Jungkook, i realised he had an all Black suit and mask. Like mine. He even had black gloves.

Jimin and Rosie, left to get changed, and i think jungkook noticed me staring at him. "You want a picture? It will last longer" he said. As I looked awaym "rather burn it." I said quickly, walking into the washroom to change. I heard him chuckled.


Why did I kinda like it tho?
"Mother-" I almost cursed, trying to pull the damn zipper for this damned dress. "C'mon c'mon c'mon" when suddenly I felt it zip all the way up. I looked in the mirror to see Jungkook, all suited up, his hair geled back, leaving a strand.

And gosh his cologne was driving me crazy, I just wanted to push him to be wall and kiss the shit out of him- wait. What am I thinking?

I stared at him through the mirror before turning around.

He's really hot isn't he? Or have I just- what's wrong with me?


Jungkook stared down at her, his eyes piercing into hers. "Why are you doing this to me y/n?" He mumbled, confusing her. "What?" She asked. As he looked back down at her.

"Nothing. How long are you gonna take here baby? We got a ball to catch." He said, regaining his personality back as she sighed. "I'm done I'm done." She said as they both made their way out.
Catching her breath, Y/n held onto Jungkooks arm. As he looked at her. "Breathe baby I'm here. you'll be okay" he said. As she nodded.

Putting on their masks, Jungkook stared at her. "What?" She asked. As he smiled "nothing" but in reality. It was driving him insane. The dress, her curves, the way her face looked in that mask. The way she was squirming under him that night. Everything reminded him of that.

Chuckling he asked. "Are you sure your not masking anything else behind that mask hm? sweetheart?" She rolled her eyes walking in. As he laughed, running after her.
"Mr and Mrs Jeon!" Gi-reum yelled, a grin on his face as he greeted them. His eyes going on Y/n as he smiled at her, opening his mouth to say something but he was stopped or rather interrupted by Jungkook.

"Mr Hwang. I see you recognise us under the masks." Jungkook said, his grip tightening on Y/ns waist. As she looked up at him.

Gireum laughed, "well ofcourse, I see through and through." He said, his eyes falling on y/n. Jungkook laughed. "Its funny how I'm talking yet your eyes go on my wife." He said. His voice sounded angry, possessive almost.

But why was he possessive? That was the only thought on y/ns mind.

"You know who don't meet the eyes Mr Hwang? Men who are thieves." Jungkook said boldly. "Excuse me?" Hwang chuckled. As Jungkook laughed louder, "I'm just playing, don't be so serious now if you'll excuse us." He said, smoothly taking y/n out.

"My wife huh?" This time y/n teased. "C'mon sweetheart you know you like it." He said, "maybe." She mumbled, making his heart skip a beat as he looked at her laughing.

"Alright guys we need the distraction now." Jimin said through the earpiece as Jungkook and Y/n nodded.

Ohh this was gonna be fun.


☁️ Jeon Jungkook
The golden words. "We need a distraction" they were my favourite during missions, I was a prankster as a kid, drove my mom's and my hyungs insane. So when I heard those words. Gosh was i riled up.

Searching through the crowd. I watched a couple, kissed and made out, it was one of those couples, who they're just dating for show ya know, no actual love. And it showed when the girl pulled away, looking away from the guy and he rolled his eyes

Yeah I would never do that to y/n. Wait. I mean my future girlfriend not y/n. What am I saying. Anyways. Pulling y/n beside me. I whispered in her ear, exactly what we were gonna do.
I smiled walking up to a girl beside the couple. she was indeed a stereotypical rich girl. She chewed on her gum, speaking and squealing in a high pitched voice.

As y/n smacked her ass from behind, exactly where the little boyfriend was standing. The girl gasped turning around, and y/n was quick so she was faced with the boyfriend. Ngl I felt bad but, the government is to blame right?

"Ohhhh mahhhh gawwddd" the girl squealed, before, throwing her bag at him, as the girlfriend said. "Watch your hands bi-yatch!"


"YEAH I DONT BELIVE YOU YOUR ASS FLAT AS F-" "COME BERE BOYATCH" she said, jumping on her. Fisting her

As the guy, quickly sneaked through the crowd running away.

As Y/n and i stood at the corner, laughing our asses off. I smiled, turning around to look at her, as Jimin told us they were in. But i couldn't focus, I just focused on her laughing.

Her smile, the way her eyes squinted, the way she held onto my coat, everytime a new wave of laughter came onto her.

She looked beautiful as always.

Her smile drives me insane.

And I'd kill anyone to see it everyday.
🎀: uhuhuhh dhsnsnsnd I want this romance.

Until next time~
-Ava <3

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