CHAPTER FIVE: Knife to Neck.

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"you like your knife at my throat don't you"

🎀 Kim Y/n.
Where is he? I mumbled underneath my breathes Jungkook has been gone for way too long what was he doing?

Gosh I was so hungry, the masquerade was still going on. And Jimin and Rosie were almost done which meant me and Jungkook could leave. But the food here was so tempting.

But ofcourse three a rule. We don't know what could be mixed in the food so we don't eat, I was lost in the sounds of my tummy, and thinking about how we would get Hwang, even if Jimin did find a link.

I didn't even notice, Jungkook calling me, when did he come back. "Hey you okay?" He said, as I looked at him. "What the hell were you doing?" I asked him, as he chuckled. "Um got caught up with something, anyways we need to leave. Jimins in." He said, as I breathed out a breathe of relief.

Rosie and Jimin had already smoothly left and now it was our turn, we slowly started exiting, anyways no one was gonna realise our absence.

Atleast that's what I thought.


Stopping the car right infront of them, Jimin yelled "get in!' he said, as Jungkook turned to look at Y/n. Her gaze still inside the hall through the big gates.

She looked at the young girls in pretty dresses, dancing with their lovers. Maybe even a random person who might turn out to be their true love. She never got that. She was forced to give her life to guns and daggers. A life of bloodshed.

It was never a bed of roses. Why? Why did she have to live in fear? In fear of getting killed?

And even in her silence, she spoke so many words that only Jungkook could hear. And he heard it loud and clear.
The clicking and clacking of Jimins computer, echoed through the large hotel room. As they were all focused on it. And finally a file opened up. Which made them all groan.

"Shit! The diamond is not here. Its just dumb weapon deals" Jimin said I'm frustration. Hands going through his hair. As y/n sighed.

"This is our last day here. What are we gonna do?" Rosie said, they had information, but they wanted the diamond. The Ruby. Last day? Yeah it was. Apparently Jin had informed them that someone in the agency worked for Hwang. They needed to be out of there, and if they didn't abruptly they would be caught so. The trip ended early.

"We return back tomorrow morning. Simple. Let Jin hyung tell us what to do." He said, when suddenly they heard a knock on the door. Startling them.

The clicking of guns and daggers echoed through the halls as Y/n spoke in a soft voice holding her gun tight. "Who is it?" She asked. As Lia, Hwangs fiance replied. "Oh um just me!" She said. As they all sighed.

Jimin and Rosie, took their laptop making their way into the bedroom to stay hidden, as Jungkook regained composure sitting on the couch, and y/n opened the door, revealing a smiling Lia.

"Hey um so- Our wedding is in um a few weeks and we wanted to invite you both" she said, handing y/n a card, Sharing a glance at eachother ,Jungkook laughed. "Wow um thank you so much we would love to share this moment with you." He said speaking so sweetly, as y/n looked up at him, wanting to somehow burst out in laughter at his poetic words.

"I'm sorry my fiance wasnt here, he has business to take care of" she said smiling apologetically, "what business?" Y/n asked suddenly as she shook her head. "Um he doesn't say" she said, her voice saddening before she gleamed up again.

"Anyways um! Please do come" she said, smiling and making her way out, the sound of the door lock clicking was heard, when y/n broke into laughter "wow really? 'share this moment with you'?" She said making Jungkook push her, making her fall on the couch. Which seemed to piss her off. She stopped laughing and jumped directly onto him.

Her knife at his throat. "you like your knife at my throat don't you?" he asked, a smirk on his face, his breath heavy, as she smiled before replying.

"always.", before he held her hand, and pulling her back onto him, their faces inches apart. When they heard a clear of a throat.

"You two done?" Jimin said, before y/n pushed Jungkook. "When did we ever start?" Jungkook said. Feeling the heat on his cheeks.

"Go to your room hyung" he said, throwing a pillow at him, as Chae laughed.


☁️ Jeon Jungkook
Bringing the cigarette back to my lips, I let out another puff of smoke. Looking at the view infront of me. This was a pretty good balcony.

This was my habit. A bad one. Get stressed? Smoke a cigarette, happy? Smoke. Sad? Smoke and drink some wine.

Madly in love but are denying it completely because ya know your too egotistic to believe that your enemy who you hate btw is so beautiful you wanna smash her to the bed and kiss her and then marry her and see her have your children? Smoke. Easy.

"Smoking again?" She said,her voice is like music to my ears, and sweeter than honey to my soul. If that makes sense.

"Yeah wanna taste?" I asked her, as she bumped into my shoulder making the cigarette fall down the building. As I glared at her, she just smiled innocently, my composure broke in an instant.

"Why aren't you sleeping?" she asked.
"No sleep." I replied as she stood beside me.

"You like to dance huh?" I asked, recalling the incident when we were leaving the Masquerade. "No I just liked the feeling and dumb." She said. As I laughed.

"Put your dress on and take your mask." I told her. As she looked at me confused

"Just trust me."
🎀: you trust him?

Until next time~
-Ava <3

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