CHAPTER FOURTEEN: Being Protective and Possessive.

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"All Mine."

🎀Kim Y/n
Putting on my dress, I smiled at myself in the mirror, Jungkook had to stay back a little in the office so I told him that I would meet him at the restaurant, he was hesitant but agreed.

Making my way outside, I walked to my car and saw a familiar figure. "Donghyun" I smiled. As he smiled back. "Ahh Agent 002" he said. As I laughed. "Just call me Y/n okay?" I smiled. As he laughed.

"Y-you look beautiful" he sttuttered. As I smiled at him. "Thank you, what are you doing around here?" I asked. As he looked around. "Um my mom stays here" he said, putting his hands in his pocket. As I smiled.

Alright I'll see you at work. He suddenly held my wrist. "Uh I just um. Wanted to say that-"
Suddenly I felt myself being backhugged. And i knew the cologne.

"You were saying?" Jungkook asked in a deep almost in turn to intimidate Donghyun. Donghyun, nervously let go of my hand. Chuckling. "Um nothing, h-have a good day." He said. Walking away.

I turned around to look at Jungkook. "That was completely unnecessary!" I said, walking inside the house, followed by Jungkook. "Unnecessary? I don't like him y/n, I hate the way he looks at you." He said, shutting the door behind him.

"He's being nice Jungkook! He's two years younger than us!" I yelled back this time. "Don't raise your voice at me y/n, I get a bad feeling from him." Jungkook said. As I just walked up, but that didn't last as his words stopped me.

"I hate the way he looks at you. And today he grabbed your wrist. Do I ever say anything when  my hyungs hug you?" He asked, as I just stared at him. "He must've felt bad-"

"I don't fucking care what he felt. I hate the way he grabbed your wrist all of a sudden." He said. Anger slowly fading.

"I didn't like it y/n. If Jimin Hyung had to do or anyone else I wouldn't have said anything but I just didnt-" he said. Putting his hands on his face.

"I'm sorry I- I shouldn't have. I just-" I held his face in my hands. "It's okay it's okay", he hugged me tightly. "I'm sorry I'm just so paranoid with these murders..there was another one. The scene is horrifying y/n. I can't." He said, as I held onto him tighter.
So we decided to stay home. I started cooking up his favourite dinner. I knew this case has taken a toll on him and I didn't like how pale he looked. I smiled, the hoodie I was wearing smelled like him. Made my heart warm.

Suddenly I felt two arms wrap around my waist. "Hey" I smiled. As he kissed my neck. "Whatcha cooking?" He asked, watching my hands.

"Samgyeopsal, Tuna Gimbap and some fries chicken with ramen."

"How unhealthy" he laughed. "You spoil me Mrs Jeon." He said, making me look straight at him. "Mrs Jeon huh?" I laughed, as he sat on the counter.

"Well I know I'm gonna marry you. I think that's where we put a label." I smiled at him.

"I love you." I said suddenly as he smiled. Getting off the counter walking towards me, suddenly picking me up making me gasp.and kissing me, his hands around my waist.

I could feel his hands, tighten around my waist, as the kiss got deeper. "I love you. And i guess Ill show you hm?"

Uh oh..


🍁slight mature content

Jungkook, smoothly turned the stove off, before carrying Y/n all the way to the bedroom. "Dinner can wait" he said, kissing y/n before she could say anything, his hands tracing up and down her body. As she gave into him completely.

Biting her lip, he hovered over her, as he trailed kisses from her neck to her collarbones. She closed her eyes, feeling him on her skin. As his hands worked going under her hoodie, tracing the skin on her stomach.

Pinning both her hands by her head. He laughed at the way she whined when he did that. "Reminds me of us a few years ago." He said. Making her laugh.

Suddenly flipping him. "Your so easy to play with." She said. Before slowly unbuttoning her shirt. He stared at herz before holding her hand. And kissing it. "Your adorable." Lifting his hips up, she fell right onto him, as he kissed her.

His hands caressing her thighs. Before squeezing them, as she gasped staring at him as he broke out in laughter. Kissing her again.

Sucking on her neck, leaving red and purple love bites all over her neck and chest.

"Gonna make you mine again princess."

"All the best" she laughed.

And he took that a bit seriously-
he ripped her clothes off. Taking in the sight of her, before laughing.

"All fucking mine. And all mine to fuck, love and destroy"

until next time.
-Ava <3

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