CHAPTER FIFTEEEN: A Basket of Roses.

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"marked you as mine."

Coming out of the shower, Jungkook stared at Y/n who was getting ready, leaning on the door frame, trying not to get her to notice him.

But she did. "You want a picture? It will last longer" she said, as he walked up to her. Grabbing her gently by her neck, as she smiled looking up at him.

Abs on display, wet hair and staring down at her. "Mine." He said before peppering her with kisses, and tickling her, making her laugh and giggle. "Stop!" She said. As he kissed her.

Caressing the purple hickey with his thumb he gave her last night he smirked. "What?" She said, moving away and looking in the mirror.her eyes widening.

"Hell no-" she said grabbing powder and trying to cover it. "Why why why" he said. Pulling her towards him. "Let it show." He said. "I've marked you as mine." He said.

She laughed, pushing him. "Shut up Jeon."
"Ahhh I don't wanna go to work." He said, wearing his jeans and shirt. She smiled. "It's not that bad." She said going down. To see a basket of roses outside their door.

Wearing his jacket, Jungkook came downstairs. Watching as y/n picked up the basket and the letter.  "You bought me roses?" She asked Jungkook. As he shook his head, taking it from her and inspecting it.

"Oh my god." Y/n said, handing the letter to Jungkook, her breathe heavy, pulling her closer. He looked at the letter his jaw dropping.

Pictures of them last night. Kissing. Jungkook on y/n. Them making out everything.

They were taken from the building opposite to them, but that was abandoned.

Flipping the letter Jungkook read the letters written in red ink.

Dear Y/n,

I'm not liking this y/n. Haven't you noticed my love for you? And you give yourself to this fucking asshole?! I'm gonna kill him.
I'll do it y/n. I'll do it. Don't fucking test me. Hes bigger than me I know. But ill die trying to kill him.

I love you y/n..please be mine. Please y/n. Please please.

-your lover.

"That day, when I hugged you, you had a letter in your hand. Was it-" Jungkook realised everything. "Why didn't you tell me about that y/n?"

"I-i didn't take it seriously i-i thought-" she sttuttered, before running and hugging him as he consoled her. Patting her hair. While his eyes were on that abandoned building.


"I'm here baby. Nothing's gonna happen to you or me alright?" He said. Patting her hair, knowing she was crying. Even though trained to be an agent, she was scared for his life more than hers.

Now he was pissed. And he was gonna show it.

No one messes with his y/n.


☁️ Jeon Jungkook:
I stared at the board, watching all the clues weve collected, but I couldn't focus. All I could think was about y/n. That motherfucker had the audacity to do that to us. To her.

It fucking enraged me. I didn't tell anyone except Taehyung hyung and Jin hyung. Whoever watching me clench my jaw. Ofcourse i didnt show them the pictures. Why would I?

"Do you think there's a relation between y/ns stalker and These killings?" Jin hyung asked, making me look at him. "There's a possibility" Taehyung hyung said.

"Whatever the fuck it is. I want him dead." I said, making Jin hyung stand up. "We can't kill Jungkook."

"I don't give a fuck. I will kill him." I said, before we heard a file drop behind us. Turning around, we saw Donghyun standing nervously, eyeing us.

Eyeing me.

"Uhh Donghyun, you need something?" Jin hyung asked. As he shook his head nervously. He turned around to leave before I pulled him by his collar. "Say Donghyun. Where were you last night?"I asked suddenly.

"I-i um i-" he was sttuttering.

" 'i-i u-um i-' shut up. I asked you something." I mocked him,  My hands tightened on his collar.

"Jungkook!" Jin hyung yelled, as I let go of him.
Slowly standing up, he fixed his glasses. Turning around to leave, when y/n bumped into him.

"Oh I'm sorry Donghyun are you okay?" She asked. As I glared at her. She looked at me realising the conversation we had, and play she had been quite attentive after the picture incident. Passing a small smile to him, she walked to stand by me.

Donghyun smiled at her, but after his eyes went on her neck. He frowned, I observed him. As his grip tightened on his files. Realising my stare, he loosened up running on.

"Jungkook?" I heard y/ns voice, as I turned to her, she smiled. Before handing me the files and proceeding back to work.

But I just couldn't forget about what just happened.

Donghyun is suspicious. Isn't he?
I mean that's why I grabbed his collar.
🎀: ummmm what am I writing?

Until next time~
-Ava <3

(Give me your thoughts for the next book!! I'm out of ideas- or let's see~)

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