CHAPTER TWELVE: The Woman, He loves.

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"she's you."

🎀Kim Y/n:
"She must be pretty" I said. But my heart ached. Why did it ache? Hah. Maybe I was in love with him..but nothing is gonna come out of it. Why can't I get anything in my life, what if I stab her- no no. I can't see him sad.

"She has beautiful brown eyes" he said. "A beautiful smile, lovely hair and she smells like vanilla and strawberry." He continued, as I kept looking down.

"And she always puts a knife to my neck." He said, making me look up at him, "why are you so dumb y/n?" He said, his hand slowly lowering onto my waist, the breeze hitting us.

"She's you." He said. Making my heart beater faster than a racecar on a track. Lap1 lap2 lap3 never came quicker.

"Jungkook-" he cut me off. "I know. We can't do this cause we're agents. And we can't mix love and life. But I'm fine with being just like this. I'm okay if I just hold you like this." He said. As I looked at him.

We couldn't do anything, it was forbidden to fall in love, cause then missions become personal. I just kept staring him.

"Y/n. All this what I'm saying is useless if you dont love me back. And I'm not going to force you." He said. As I stared at him with adoration, feeling his lips on my forehead.

Before he slowly pulled away, leaving me longing for him again. Standing there i realised how much I loved him and how much he loved me.

His eyes, his heart, his smile. Everytime he called my loser I loved it. I loved the interactions with him. I can't get him go. Not now not ever. AND ESPECIALLY NOT TO EUNHA.

I saw him through the balcony, as He walked on the beach with the other guys. I ran downstairs. Running straight to him.

I Cant let this go.


"YAH JEON JUNGKOOK!" she yelled, as everyone looked at her. Not caring about anything else. She ran directly towards Jungkook. "YAH YAH HOLDING SOJU SOJU!" he yelled, before he dropped the bottles. And she smashed his lips on his.

Holding her tightly, he kissed back, still standing in shock, before he hugged her back tightly, kissing her back infront of everyone. As the rest slowly backed away.

Putting her down, he stared at her. Before she giggled. "You talk a lot-" she said, before he interrupted her. "Well. Actions speak louder than words" he said. Before he kissed her again, catching her off guard.

Smiling into the kiss, as they made out right there. "Enough-" she said, pushing him away.
"I DESERVE THIS-" He fought back. As they just kept laughing.

Not knowing someone was watching them the entire time.

🩷: y'all ready for the next one?

Until next time~
-Ava <3

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