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Nosaka Yuuma's POV

When i went to check if Hikaru was actually talking to the other team members, i saw him talking with Kousaka and Michiba. He seemed to be doing better and at this I breathed a sigh of relief. During half of the "journey" Mikado left because she had to get ready for tonight's outing.

It was actually getting late and I should have warned Hikaru, but when I looked at him, he looked at me for a second and then pretended not to have seen me.

I sighed and crossed my arms, leaning against the wall. I pretended I wasn't paying attention to him anymore and picked up the phone, but every now and then I glanced his way.

I saw Kousano walking there and I decided to ask him how things went.

"Kousano can I talk to you a moment?"

Kousano just stopped walking and turned over me "What is it, captain?"

Kousano had a bit of a harsh character, but he was a good person. "Have you talked to Hikaru about what happened?"

He raised his eyebrow "Hikaru? Who's Hikaru?"

I blushed a little, remembering that others don't know I refer to him as "Hikaru", I immediately composed myself and coughed "Ichihoshi. Ichihoshi Hikaru-kun."

Kousano looked at him as if trying to understand me, or maybe he was just judging me, but then he shrugged "Ichihoshi-kun, the guy is nice but I still don't remember his first name. Anyway, yes, we talked it over and now he is doing better."

While Kousano was talking to me I see Nishikage approaching me "Nosaka-san, sorry to bother you, but we should get ready for tonight's outing."

Nishikage has always been a concise and punctual person, and when his plans are interrupted it disturbs him greatly.

"Well have a good outing guys."
Kousano walks away and leaves me and Nishikage alone.

I wave bye at Kousano and turn to face Nishikage as I smile at him.
"Thanks for reminding me Nishikage. I actually knew but I was waiting for Ichihoshi-kun to stop talking with the others"

I look at Hikaru again and this time I notice that he was the first to look at me, he blushes a little and removes his gaze. I sigh again as I tap my foot nervously.

Nishikage crosses his arms too "It's not very like you to look nervous, does it have something to do with Ichihoshi-kun?"

Why today everyone seem to ask me about Hikaru? Is it so obvious ? But actually, Nishikage has known me better than anyone else for years, and it's evident from how I behave.

I close my eyes and tilt my head down
"You might say it has to do with Ichihoshi-kun." I look at Hikaru again and can't help to notice how cute his laugh is, so even if I'm nervous, I smile a little.

Nishikage smiles a little "Do you really like him that much?"

I immediately look him straight in the eyes and cover his mouth "What the hell are you talking about? Speak more quietly or someone might hear you"

Luckily when I turn around they are still distracted and laughing, so I'm sure they didn't hear. But when Hikaru notices that I silenced Nishikage with my hand, I immediately remove it, and luckily he continues talking.

Nishikage raises his hands as to defend himself and looks at me shocked "Nosaka-san? What came over you?"

I put my hand on my head and close my eyes in desperation.

"I'm sorry, Nishikage. I really am sorry. It's just..what do you mean by that?"

Nishikage looks at me dumb founded "As... a friend? As a person? I don't understand what's wrong about it..oh. "

I raise an eyebrow "...Oh?"

Nishikage points the finger at me and has wide eyes "Don't tell me.. my suspicions were right?"

I look alarmed. What suspicions? What is he talking about? Did he get it? Actually, Nishikage knowing wasn't a bad thing for me, but deep inside I needed more time to admit it to someone.

Or maybe the thing that really scared me the most was that Hikaru would find out without reciprocating my feelings. And in that case I would have ruined everything.I preferred having him around as a friend or at least as a teammate, rather than as "nothing".

So I continue to pretend I don't understand what he was talking about "What suspicions? What are you even saying?"

Nishikage scratches his head and gestures like I've never seen him do before. He really seems to be breaking out of the character he usually shows himself to be "It's just- I-"

I stop him being afraid of his answer, and I give a sign with my hand to stop "Stop with the no sense Nishikage. In fact, just do me a favor please. Can you tell Ichihoshi kun that it's time to get ready for tonight?"

Nishikage looks at him perplexed while blinking "But Nosaka-san-"

I smile at him "I don't know what came into your mind but I would say don't think about it and think about tonight. Can you do this thing for me please?"

Nishikage composes himself and answers me with a confused but more relaxed expression "Yes, Nosaka-san"

I smile at him again "Thanks as always."

I walk away while Nishikage is still looking at me puzzled.

{"You came." Ichihoshi Hikaru x Nosaka Yuuma / Nosaichi | Inazuma Eleven Orion}Where stories live. Discover now