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Ichihoshi Hikaru's POV

I was now in my room, after closing the door I took a breath and stopped for a moment to think about everything Nishikage had told me

"After meeting you, everything changed"
"I had never seen such a thoughtful and kind Nosaka-san"

I held my hand to my heart as I thought about those words on a loop, even though I knew I didn't have time.

I don't really think I'm the cause of all this, I think it's the result of his personal journey as a person and the events in his life that were finally positive. Nosaka had also had that brain tumor, and such a bad and traumatic event obviously shaped him to be a darker and more solitary person.

I liked to believe that Nosaka had always been the wonderful person he is now, but that simply given everything that had happened to him in life, his true character never came out.

But then I remember something else Nishikage had said
"I never saw him caring this much about a single person, before you"

Nishikage knew Nosaka well, and for him to have even said that, he must have really meant it. But why me? He had to be wrong, I didn't understand why nosaka should find me important.

I blush a little thinking back to before, when Nosaka was now a few centimeters from my face. It was a more unique than rare event, he probably didn't even realize he was so close to me. He would never know how much hope my heart had fueled with just that gesture. I would keep that moment in my heart until I could forget about Nosaka Yuuma.

Speaking of Nosaka Yuuma... where the hell did he go? After all, this is our shared room, he should be here too. Was it really that late? Maybe he was even already out!

"Stop thinking about all these useless things, it's time to prepare! You don't want to upset Nishikage!" I say to myself with conviction, putting my hands on my hips.

We had taken a shower not long ago, I had just washed my hair so not having the necessary time, I found it useless to wash it again.

"Yeah sure..but... I really want to at least take a shower.."
I make a sad face towards the bathroom door and look at the clock on the bedroom wall.
"Ok I have to be ready in 15 minutes, If I choose how to dress real quick, I can take a quick shower and then dress myself fast as lightning!"

I walk towards the wardrobe.
Our wardrobe is unique but has two separate sections, so it's easy to get confused even if objectively, it's as if we had two. So sometimes, if we are late, we put our clothes in the wrong part of the wardrobe without realizing it.

As I open my side of the wardrobe I notice that this is the case, because I am entranced by the smell of Nosaka's clothes, which smell exactly like him.
I automatically take a deep breath and a smile appears on my lips, but then I widen my eyes in embarrassment "What am I even doing? Focus Hikaru, focus!"

I give myself little slaps on the cheeks and start looking for clothes in the wardrobe, then I step away for a second and start thinking with a hand on my chin.
"I don't have to dress up, it's not something fancy.. Something casual or sporty should be fine"

Then I think that Nosaka never sees me dressed particularly well, precisely because when we go out together I tend to dress like this, and the rest of the time we train together or I wear the school uniform.
I open the door further where there is a mirror, and stare at myself.

"Maybe I should try something new..? Oh god Hikaru It's too late to think about these things!"

Among other things, there is Mikado Anna and at most it is she who Nosaka will really notice or look at. It is useless to have expectations as if I really have possibilities.

{"You came." Ichihoshi Hikaru x Nosaka Yuuma / Nosaichi | Inazuma Eleven Orion}Where stories live. Discover now