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Ichihoshi Hikaru's POV

I was out of breath as we got to the car, and I put my hands on my knees and caught my breath. It was a very short ride but I was still tired from before.

Nosaka had his hand on his hip and winked at me as he shook my backpack. Ironic how he reminded me of when he teased me for mistaking the box of sweets and drugs. Two contexts so similar and yet so different, Nosaka Yuuma has its own way of teasing.

This makes me giggle and stand up as I speak "The student has yet to surpass the master"

Nosaka giggles as he closes his eyes "But you were quick, it won't take long it seems" He reopens his eyes and gives me an affectionate smile.

Nosaka knows how much weight it puts on my shoulders to think that I'm less good than others, so he limits himself even when joking. He always made sure I felt safe and not too much, even before we performed our first hissatsu together. This is one of the reasons why I like Nosaka so much.

I smile back at him "Thanks Nosaka-san."

I look at the car and notice that Mikado is sitting in the back while Nishikage is the driver. This makes it impossible for the two of us to sit together: If Nosaka stood in front, Mikado would be sad and disapponted towards me, because I know how she feels about Nosaka and that way I wouldn't have helped her. And if I got behind them, I'd leave Nishikage alone and it would be weird, and I'd be the third wheel.

I see Nosaka begin to sit in the back, as is right, but I also notice a bit of falseness in him as he exchanges furtive smiles with Mikado, who occasionally peeks over with flirtatious eyes.

I sigh lightly and can't help but show a sad expression, which doesn't go unnoticed by Nishikage, who looks at us impatiently.

Nishikage stomps his feet with his arms folded even though he tries to do it in the least severe way possible, but he exchanges glances with me and it's as if he has sensed the situation. Part of me hopes that's not the case, hopes that the way he acted was just a coincidence.

With an un-Nishikage attitude, he begins to speak while putting his hands in his hair "God, I can't possibly sit near Ichihoshi-kun!"

I feel scared and freeze on the spot, is it possible he is still mad at me? Or what comes to his mind? I really can't have lost one of the people I consider friends like this!

Nosaka raises an eyebrow while still halfway between being up and sitting in the back "Why is that? Don't talk like that about ichihoshi-kun! It's not like you."
It's like he went on the defensive and took what Nishikage said as an attack.
I can't say that his defending me without thinking twice didn't please me, and I look to the side so as not to point out the blush on my cheeks.

In all this, Mikado had a stunned expression, while every now and then she continued to message on her phone.

Nishikage continues to behave strangely, and waving his hands in the air and in a voice that doesn't belong to him says "No, no! But what did you understand? It's just, Ichihoshi-kun sucks with directions! Don't you remember that evening with Asuto-kun, the day they got lost? I don't remember the way from here and I need someone to help me!"

I'm relieved that's the reason, but at the same time I feel a little offended, but not really offended but more like they belittled me. If we managed to get back on a decent path it is above all thanks to me and the rest of the team!

"You must remember wrong Nishikage-san, it was Asuto-kun who sucked with directions, not me!"

That day still embarrasses me, they can't really think that it was me who made us get lost! And although I hate to say it, as much as I care about Asuto-kun, I don't want them to compare me to his carelessness.

{"You came." Ichihoshi Hikaru x Nosaka Yuuma / Nosaichi | Inazuma Eleven Orion}Where stories live. Discover now