My life was her game [ Part I ]

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Warning : swear words.

Note: My apologies for the long wait. I'll do better. So enjoy.

" Maya wake up...urgh Maya. We have to run."

" Nathan.. did you watch mission impossible again? You watched that movie for- "

" I heared mom's plan to kill us. We got to- " The door opened wide. There she is with her high heels and dress made of silk. I sat up straight as I held Nathan in my arms. She rushed forward and pulled Nathan away from me. Her arm wrapped around Nathan's neck while a gun is held up to his head. I saw Nathan's eyes filled with terror. I looked back at her.

" I see someone knew about the plan."

" No.. let him go. He's just a child. Just let him-" The gun was now pointing directly towards my forehead. Shoot me. I wanted to close my eyes but i saw Nathan bitting her arm making her release his neck. Before he could run out the door, the gun went off. His body fell forward. My mouth just hang not believing what i just saw.

" You killed get up." I fell apart as i walked towards Nathan. I looked back to see her. She stood there looking at the gun. Murderer. I wanted to check his pulse. Wanting to know a second chance of survival but i was pulled back by her bodyguards.

" Sweetheart, He's dead. Well. At least one less job for me to do. Boys clean the mess up. Mark deal with her. I'm busy. " She walked out as a buff man looking like freaking Dwayne Johnson hit me in the face and everything goes black.


Waking up in a cell. All four walls painted grey. A cell that could merely fit 10 prisoners and a metal door stood proudly in front of me. My arms were chained behind my back and my face felt numb. Up on the ceiling towards my right, was a speaker and on my left was a CCTV. What is this ...a SAW parody?

" Good morning Princess. All fresh? " That old hag..

" Princess? Well fuck you."

" Maya, dont let that pretty little mouth go out of hand or someone might get hurt." Suddently a familiar voice was heared. Laurent.

" LAURENT! NO ..DONT HURT HIM. PLEASE. YOU TOOK NATHAN AWAY FROM ME... PLEASE LEAVE HIM ALONE." I pulled my body forward with my wrist tugging to the chain and pleaded towards the camera.

" I didn't take Nathan away from you. He did that to himself. Laurent is such a good looking man. I'll keep him. " I heared a smooching sound as he was dragged out . She kissed him? I cant decide whether i'm angry or disgusted.

" Guard, let her sleep." Yet again I was hit out of my senses....

Laurent POV

I just kissed an old woman. I need a bucket. First thing in the morning having my house ramaged. Me getting kidnap. Now here I am chained to a four room prison hole with a CCTV and a speaker. What is life.

" Hello. Adjusting to your cell? Fun isn't it? You are Mr. Laurent Athos Duvalle. Son of the fourth richest man in France. Born in Paris. Yum. You seem like a man I would love. Strong name. Strong status too. "

" What do you want.."

" Nothing. I want her to suffer that's all and what's better is that, You're gonna be in it. Now dont look too sad. Here's the thing. Do you like her? Are you actually interested in her? "

" Yes. I Love her. I love her more than myself. There. I answered you. Now let us go. "

"Oh not soo fast dear one. Not. So. Fast. When you hold someone as hostage, you must have a little fun with them. So i suggest we play a game." A man enters in a black uniform with a helmet that covers his face into the room with a stick that glows within the room.

Maya WilliamsWhere stories live. Discover now