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Chapter 9

   The sound of the car engine as it strangles the awkwardness between me and Lau. I looked through the window and enjoyed the peaceful scenery. The trees waving by as the fallen leaves whispers to the wind. It has been two days yet we're still far. Lau and I have been staying in a motel for a night and eating junk food. The only toilets available would be the gas station. I couldn't wait to see her but is it right to just knock on her door and tell her that I'm her daughter? What if she doesn't accept me? These questions lingers in me as I clutched my jacket tighter. I don't want to cry infront of Lau. I feel the lump in my throat. I took out a hat and pull in over my face as I let the tears go but keep the sound in. I am confused. I wondered why all these years, no one told me anything. I re read the letter my mother wrote and my heart beat faster with nervousness. Will she accept me. What if she has a family right now and she's happy and here I am on the way to ruin all of it. I looked at her picture. I wasn't happy, Your request was not granted. I closed my eyes and let myself sleep. I suddenly felt like I was placed on a soft surface. Bed. When I open my eyes, please let me be home. I peek opened and saw Lau walking to the door.

   " Lau, I'm not there yet, right?"

He turned around and looks at me. After two days, finally we had eye contact. I saw him age before me. Dark circles under his tired looking eyes. Messy hair covering half his face. This was all my fault.  I pulled him into this.

   " We're not that far. I found the nearest motel I can find. We need a break. Lets stay here for two days. You look exhausted. You'll need it. Oh. I'm staying a room with you. I'll let you clean up first. You call me in once you're done." He walks out and left my guilty self to think. I don't think we're anywhere near the destination. Sighing, I got up and shower. The water was warm against my dirty skin. It felt so comforting , like a mother's touch. With that I couldn't help but cry. The nervousness of meeting my biological mother and her new family. Then there was a knock on the door.

      " Hey you okay in there?"

I washed away my tears and manage to croak with my dry throat. I bundled myself with the towel and waddled out of the bathroom. I avoided eye contact with Laurent. He silently went out with his phone and let me change in peace. At night, I slept on the bed and Laurent slept on the floor. I gave him the quilt so he wouldn't be covered with dust and dirt. I heard him snore soundly. I turn my body to face him. How I wish I could sleep right now. I feel so worn out but my eyes wouldn't shut. i was showered with anxiety. I bit my lower lips to stop my tears. I didn't care if my lips bleed, I wanted Laurent to have his sleep. After a few moments of battling with my thoughts, I dozed off.

   I woke up to find Laurent all dressed up and standing in front of me.

    " Why didn't you wake me up? Have you had breakfast yet?"

    " Well you're up now. I'm not leaving you alone while I enjoy breakfast on my own. I'm not that heartless." He clutched his chest to give a dramatic effect. I just rolled my eyes and pushed him aside and marched to the bathroom. Time to transform. He waited for me outside and locked the door as I tied the shoelace of my converse shoes. We went to the nearest restaurant. Mcdonald. We walked in and locals gave a suspicious look. Gosh has it been a long time since they saw  teenagers in this town. Pity. We didn't know what to eat nor were these food even edible. We just picked a meal that suits our budget. We sat down opposite of each other and we both looked nervous. Kinda like the feeling in Fear Factor for the rich..that is. Laurent tried the fries first and I took a bite out of the McChicken. oh my goodness. This is delicious. Why are my parents keeping me away from these food? These aren't junk food. This is a unique taste. Awesome. Even Laurent agreed. We stuffed ourselves and we didn't  cared if people looked at us as if we hadn't eating for weeks but this happiness must be shared.

Maya WilliamsWhere stories live. Discover now