Chapter 12

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 I rolled over and could immediately tell I wasn't in my bed. My bed was small, hard, and so very uncomfortable. The bed I was on was massive, and it felt like I was sleeping on a cloud. When I opened my eyes, I looked around the room and saw a black and red helmet on the dresser in front of the bed.


"I actually go by Kylo now."

I looked to my left, and standing in the doorway to what looked like a massive bathroom stood my first love. My only love truly.

"Okay," I smiled and tried out the name on my tongue, finding it different but fitting for the man before me. "Kylo."


I was surprised I hadn't even thought about food until now.

"Yes, actually. What time is it?"

"Around noon, you slept so hard last night. I didn't want to wake you, so I left Ushar in my living room while I attended some meetings this morning."

"Oh." I smiled as Ben... Kylo... as he looked down at me and approached the bed.

Kylo's hand cupped my cheek as I sat up slowly. Surprisingly, I felt no pain from the caves or from sleeping poorly on a horrible mattress.

"I did look for you, Kelsey."

"I looked for you too." I couldn't believe he was in front of me after all this time. "I never knew what happened. I came out of the woods, and everyone was gone. Master Skywalker-"

Kylo's face flushed red as an angry huff rumbled in his chest.

"He was gone, and I couldn't find any other students or R2." I continued as if I couldn't see the anger seething from Kylo's pours. "I searched the grounds and only found bodies. And I couldn't feel you or Master Skywalker in the Force. I assumed inquisitors came or Empire sympathizers."


"Do you know what really happened?"

"Yes, but let's leave that for another day."

I nodded and took Kylo's hand as he guided me out of the bed. He passed me a shirt that must have been one of his since it went to my knees when I put it on. But the shorts he gave me seemed closer to my size, and I found it amusing that he'd gotten me shorts in my size but had given me his shirt to wear.

Following him out of his bedroom, we entered a massive living space. White walls shined and brightened the room, while the black stone floor seemed to absorb light and made it feel like a black hole in space. All the furniture was either red or black, with only a few silver accents sprinkled among the tables and shelves.


Kylo looked back at me with a smirk, "Thanks, I designed the space myself."

"Can we eat now!" A loud voice startled me, making me jump, and I looked around the room until I found the body it came from.

Not one but six men sat around a massive dining table covered in food piles. I could see piles of fries, mac and cheese, and bantha dogs with chili and cheese, but the two empty chairs had plates with what I hoped were bantha burgers with cheese. He'd remembered my favorite food.

"Kelsey, these are the Knights of Ren, obviously," Kylo said as he walked me to my seat at the end of the table. "I made them wait for you."

"You didn't have to do that." I scooted my chair in as I took in the haunting sight that was the Knights of Ren without their helmets. "Wait... I know you two. were in my cafe."

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