Chapter: 1, Betrayal!

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"Claude, how could you?", I ask in disbelief. I have had doubts about my fiance, Claude. He has been acting really strange lately. But I thought that I was overthinking as we were getting married in a few days; so he might have been planning a surprise for me as whenever he acts strangely, it's always a surprise. But this time, the surprise is really unexpected and heartbreaking. My fiance had been cheating on me with my sister, my own flesh and blood; that too the night before our marriage.

"Laura, you too?", I ask, tearing up. Laura is my only sister. The only one that I trusted. When our father left our mother for his mistress, she was heartbroken. She loved father with all her heart but what she received in return was betrayal. From that moment on she lost all her trust in men. We were just an year old when all that happened. Laura and I are non-identical twins, me being the elder one. As we started growing up, mother gave us all the love she could. But as time went by, I started to resemble my father more then my mother. We looked nothing alike. My mother held deep resentment in her heart towards father. And therefore her love for me, slowly faded away. I would hate to admit that I did many things to gain my mother's love and affection back but in vain. My mother distanced herself from me so as to not do or say something rash that could hurt me. I wasn't maltreated but never received approval form my mother as her daughter.

"Ella, what are you doing here? It's ain't what you think." says Claude. Claude and I met at an event. He was very polite and respectful towards me and he asked me to dance with him. All my friends were really jealous because such a handsome guy asked me to dance with him. All of them backhandedly complimented me. My friends are really toxic and were only with me for my money. But due to loneliness and longing, I befriended them. I once even heard one of them say, 'She's just a dumb doll with a pretty face and a perfect life'. I was heartbroken but acted like I never heard what they said.

"Sis, it's definitely not what you think.", says Laura trying to maintain a straight face but can't hide her smirk. After mother I only trusted Laura, thinking that she could never break my trust. But I was wrong. We have gone through everything together, wether good or bad. This was just unacceptable.

In all my life has been truly miserable and hopeless so far.

"I hate all of you!", I exclaim with anger, running out of the room. We are on a cruise and caught in a thunderstorm.

"Ella,Sis!", Claude and Laura exclaim in unison and run after me.

"Ella, I am really sorry! You can punish me later but please hear me out.", Claude exclaims with sorrow, crocodile tears streaming down his eyes.

"Fine!", I scream, fighting to hold back my tears.

"You said you didn't want to do it before marriage. But I am a man and I have my needs so I did it with your sister. But trust me it won't ever happen again.", he says ever so shamelessly while still faking crocodile tears.

"What did you just say? Rascal, then if I get pregnant with your child, will you do it with me when I am pregnant or cheat on me again to satisfy your needs? I am pretty sure that this ain't the first time you cheated on me." I spit and not being able to control myself, start weeping bitterly.

"Hey! Watch out.", Laura exclaims in surprise and I realise that during our fight I failed to notice that chaos had ensued everywhere.


Suddenly the cruise collides with something and starts shaking violently. Due to this, I lose my balance and fall from the cruise into the ocean. I gritt my teeth realising that there is no hope of my survival. The ocean water slowly starts flowing in through my nose, mouth and ears. It is really bitter and cold. Claude has always wanted to travel through the Bermuda triangle, thinking it would be really adventurous. But I always refuse as it is famous for notorious incidents for example, the disappearance of an entire aeroplane with all the passengers and so on. But then, we were getting married and I agree for just this once. Don't judge me as I didn't know that both my happiness and life would end in hands of that bastard. Well I brought that all upon myself, I guess. Love is blind and I am going to die. Wait that doesn't rhyme! Anyway there's nothing left for me here and so I guess I can die happily. But couldn't I ever find people who love me. Am I really unlovable? Hmmm I don't know but I yearn and long for love so much. Well I must say mother, even if I look like father, I have a faith worse than yours.


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