Chapter: 6, My mate!

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Smut warning!!!

"Umm, Leo it's been like a month since you started courting me." I say after dinner when we are getting ready for bed.

"Eleanor, is there a problem with me. Don't tell me that you want to reject me.", Leo says scared, holding my hands in his shaking ones, tears threatening to fall from his eyes. Even he thinks that I want to reject him. What a great misunderstanding!!!

"No Leo, it's um.......ummmm. I want to mate with you.", I says blushing furiously while looking at the ground embarrassedly. That was it! Without warning, he lifts me in his arms and lays me down on the grass nest which is covered with a pile of hide as it is prickly with only grass. So, he has covered the bed with some hides as well.

"Look at me Eleanor, here! you even know how tempting you look and how hard I had to suppress myself each and every day. For an entire fucking month!", Leo exclaims in his deep and hoarse voice which sent shivers down my spine. He grabs my chin slightly and turns my red face which at this moment can compete a tomato, towards himself. What I see is a totally unexpected reaction, his usual calm loving expression is no more and instead it is replaced by a look of lust and desire. It is really arousing. This isn't the Leo I know. His eyes both scared and excites me.

It is like, he is warning me that he will ruin me but I want to be ruined. Then suddenly without any warning, he smashes his lips against mine. It is rough, demanding almost like he has been starved since ages but I enjoy it.  He starts massaging my breasts, earning soft sensual moans in his mouth. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him closer, slipping my tongue inside just as I get the chance. My pussy has started pulsating, getting wet and I unconsciously wrap my legs around his waist and start thrusting my hips forward. Understanding what I desire, he starts grinding his hand against my pussy.

"Ahh.....mmh!", I moan loudly, breaking the kiss. I greedily breathe air, releaving my lungs from the long torture they endured. After I recover from the kiss, I realise that my lips were red and swollen. I look accusingly at the culprit.

", look so tempting! I want to eat you right now and with that cute expression, you're tempting me even more. If it continues, I can't promise to be gentle anymore.", Leo says, he's voice trembling and then he smirks. What do you mean by gentle??? My lips are bleeding!!! If this is gentle, then I don't even want to know what intense is!!! This sly lion has also skilfully managed to remove all my clothing while our little make out session back there. I lay bare beneath him embarassed while he remains fully covered.

"You're so wet, my love. See, if you don't believe me.", Leo says, smirking slyly and with that he brings the hand to my view with which just a few moments ago, he was grinding my pussy.

"Leo, why am I naked and you're fully covered?", I ask blushing furiously and a little annoyed while trying to cover myself with my hands.

"As you wish, my love. Don't try to hide, it makes me wanna ruin you even more.", Leo says seductively, quickly stripping out of whatever he was wearing. Where did he even learn such type of words??? Ruin??? Heh!!!

"So hot and big! Will it even fit in me?", I blurt out, unable to take my eyes off my sexy lion. Wait, he's a lion so my children, sorry cubs will be lions as well.

"Focus Little one!", Leo growls and spanks me.

"Aaah...mhh!", I moan looking at him dazed. Spanking, that's isn't in my syllabus!!!😳

Author POV:

But it was in the script. Daddy vibes, okay!!!

The real thingy hasn't even started yet.😉

Author POV ends.

"What are you doing, Leo!", I exclaim shocked, blushing furiously. He doesn't let me proceed with my ranting further and starts grinding his hand against my pussy again. I moan in approval. He captures my lips into another dominant kiss of his. I never knew, Leo can act so dominantly. It is completely different from his usual kind and caring nature. I like this side of him more, must say!!! I am being so submissive and he is so dominant. Whenever I zone out , he would growl and spank me. I completely give in this time and simply follow his lead. He slowly spreads my legs and starts fingering, sucking, licking and grinding against my pussy hard. Also sucking, nibbling and playing with the beads on my chest. His sharp fangs feel so good on my soft flesh, which he too enjoys deeply. He leaves marks all over my body. I am a moaning mess by now. I climax several times while he pleasures me. I begg him to stop several times while tears of pleasure flow down my cheeks. Our bodies are hot and shivery as he collapses on top of me, burying his head on the crook on my neck as his inhales my scent. I feel crushed under him but in a good way. I am really tired and decide to drift off to sleep.

"Little one, we haven't done the deed yet. I was just preparing you to take me in. Controlling myself for so long did take some real willpower and energy.", Leo whispers in my ear, in his hoarse voice. He quickly positions himself at my entrance, his cock grinding against my pussy, making me moan slightly.

"Tell me if it hurts, okay Little one.", Leo says in a concerned tone. He slowly but steadily starts to enter me. I winch in pain, seeing which he slowed down his pace even more. He starts to massage my thighs and rub my belly and back, in an attempt to comfort me. He holds my waist tightly, inorder to support me. I really want to have his mark on me. A little pain can't stop me from achieving what I want so bad. If I have his mark and became his mate, we will truly be one and no one will be able to separate us. I want him to be totally mine. So when he asks if he should stop, I tell him to continue. Surely, there is a little bleeding at first but then the pain turns into pleasure. Leo's slow and steady thrusts are driving me crazy. I moan like a bitch in heat.

Slowly his thrusts start to get rougher, overwhelming me with pleasure and his hold on my waist leaving bruises I cling to his neck as we both climax together. After a few moments I look at him confused and then I feel him harden inside me. Before I can say anything, he smashes his lips against mine.

I don't remember how many times we did it, all I remember is blacking out while he was still thrusting hard inside me. What a beast!!!

Smut ends!!!

Author POV:

Hey, I know it's been a while since I last posted. Ok, let's not talk about my embarassing writing. 🤧 Nothing good came out of my research about lion mating and so I used my imagination. The reason for the chapter being late is not that I couldn't write it. I actually had an exam today, as I posted. Everything went okay today and I was able to upload this chapter. I don't even know how many times I used 'today' till now.😅 Ok jokes apart, can anyone guess what species her next mate will be??? Thanks to all who read, voted, commented, added my story to their reading list. This is the last chapter that's released in February. New chapters will be coming soon. Byeeeee!!!


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