Chapter: 9

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"Chillies!!! I found you!", I exclaimed in delight, bending down to grab them.

"Careful! This is the second time today that you want to harm yourself.", Leo growled, lifting me up with one arm like I was as light as a feather. This lion was so grumpy today. No don't look at me accusingly. I did nothing stupid today. It wasn't really me.🤧

"Hey, put me down. Why are you behaving like this?", I asked a bit annoyed. Dude you were gonna thank me later. I am here to free you from the clutches of bland and tasteless disasters which y'all apparantly like to call food over here.

"Why do you want them? They're dangerous!", Leo grunted. He had been in a foul mood since the last few days. Well hubby, I surely fix your mood if you let me get some of them. I looked at Rudra pleadingly, hoping that he could be of some help.

"Well sorry, you never told me your name but I think you should let Eleanor pick some of them. I mean, she's a healer afterall.", Rudra spoke a bit unsurely. Well whatever atleast he helped me. Such a cutie.

Author POV:

Simp vibes, totally!!!

Author POV ends.

"Well, I guess you're right and btw my name is Leo. Eleanor don't think you won as we'll wrap them in leaves first and I'll carry them.",Leo sighed and with that he let me down.

"Thanks!", I exclaimed and pecked the both of them on the cheeks. I sneakily managed to give an extra peck to Rudra for which Leo starred daggers at me as he had caught me. Chillies are deemed as dangerous as they have more cons than pros and beastmen didn't generally tend to use them because they had better alternatives for medicinal purposes. Leo took them and we all finally reached home. Our den was located on the outskirts of the tribe and so it was a bit hard to feel Rudra's presence.

"Eleanor, I have hunted for us but I don't think that it'll be enough for Rudra as well. If you don't mind please hunt something for yourself and don't swallow it on the way. Eleanor loves to eat together.", Leo said, making my respect for him rise even higher. Rudra nodded and immediately left to find something for himself.

"Let's go inside Eleanor.", Leo said, while I stared at him with eyes full of adoration.

"I love you so much.", I said and he  picked me up like I was a baby. I then gave him a peck on the lips.

"Little one don't tempt me. You should first mate with Rudra. Well, I wonder if you can handle him as his kind generally has two. You couldn't even handle me properly.", Leo said, smirking slyly and I immediately put my hands on his mouth to stop him from blabbering such nonsense.

"Stop it! I just gave you a peck. Someone will hear us. Are you shameless?", I whined. Leo licked my hands and I immediately retracted them.

"Does it matter? Ok fine let's go in and freshen up as Rudra might return any moment now.", Leo said and carried me inside our den. He sat me down and started preparing for dinner.

"Wait Leo, let me cook today!", I exclaimed, bewildering him.

"Are you not satisfied with my cooking Eleanor? Why do you want to cook?", Leo said, frowning.

"I want to cook to express my gratitude for you and to welcome Rudra.", I blabbered, making Leo look at me with suspicion.

"What are you upto again? No need to express any gratitude.", Leo said. Seriously, why??? This lion was just making everything harder for me.

"What do you suspect me of? Do you think that I will mix something in your and Rudra's food? Do you think I want to harm you guys?", I questioned Leo, dramatically. Now answer me buddy, I surely got you this time!!!😈

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