Chapter: 2, Meeting my saviour!

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"Huh, where am I?" I mumble trying to sit up straight while rubbing my throbbing head.

"Huh! Didn't I drown in the ocean? And by the way what place is this? Is it some kind of island? There is no trace of any ocean over here. It's a river instead. Wow! Perfect, now I am stranded in an unknown and weird island." I mumble trying to understand what situation I put myself into this time.

*Howl, howl!*

"Huh! If I am right those are hyenas right, a lot of them. Is my survival really impossible? Well it'll be if I don't run.", saying that I dash in some random direction that I have no idea about what so ever.


"Can anyone hear me? Please help me!", I scream at the top of my lungs hoping someone can hear me and probably making it easier for the pack of hyenas to find me. Anyways, even if the hyenas have left due to how skinny I am because ofcourse, I have been dieting for my wedding with that cheating bastard; I still won't be able to get out of this swamp by myself. Thanks to God, this swamp isn't that deep but I will surely need help.


"Aaaa aaaah! Help!", I scream praying someone or atleast something could hear it and come to rescue me from these godam hyenas. As I close my eyes to braze the impact.


"Huh! How am I still alive?", I exclaim thinking I am probably in afterlife right now. As I slowly open my eyes,"Liiiioooon", I shudder thinking that I have probably attracted another predator with my not so smart actions. Is it here to save me? What the fuck am I even thinking? A lion saving me! Wow even my last two brain cells are dead now! But they show animals saving people in discovery channels. Well, all that is scripted anyways. As, I am deep in thought, contemplating why a lion saved me or perhaps is just here because he heard me and is hungry; I really don't care.


"Eh, don't come near; I am not very tasty! Yo... you can eat those hyenas. I ain't big enough for even one bite!", I exclaim and the lion looks almost startled. Oh no, am I hallucinating? Save that for later. Wait why is the lion coming here, duh ofcourse to eat me. Well, that is all I can handle for the day.


"Huh! Where am I?", I mumble, trying to identify the place. As I last remember, I was in a forest, stuck in a swamp and being attacked by hyenas and then saved; sorry I almost ended up in the stomach of a lion instead of hyenas.

"Little female don't worry you are safe here.", suddenly a deep, magnetic voice reaches my ears. I look up and am stunned to see a strangely handsome, hot guy standing at the entrance with what I believe,'prey'.

 I look up and am stunned to see a strangely handsome, hot guy standing at the entrance with what I believe,'prey'

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"Who are you and where am I?" I look at him dazed. His eyes clearly showing concern and wait are those his ears. They look like lion ears. Man, at this rate I may go insane. And why does it look like he pities me? I feel so embarassed that this hot stranger pities me now.

"You can call me Leo and you are in my den, Little female.", he said with a kind smile. His magnetic voice brings me back from my thoughts as I try to solely focus on him. Seeing his smile I blush furiously. Wait what did he say,'den'. Well he looks oddly familiar, veeerrry familiar actually. He looks like the lion I just saw. Strange, who would cosplay in a remote island? Maybe the island is not remote!

"Little female, are you okay? The healer said you had some minor injuries. He said that after you take a bath, these medicines should be applied to your wounds.", with that he comes closer and shows me a pouch full of herbal medicine.

"After you take a bath, we can talk about what happened but first it's important to take care of your wounds. You may else get sick. I have prepared new clothes for you. There you go.", without me saying anything he understood what I want to say. He says that while pointing to a corner where I see a path which leads to a small pond. Will I have to bathe in an open area? Well is this now that I realised that I stink? I did fall in a swamp. How did I not realise it till now? That too with my OCD tendencies. I don't have OCD, just OCD tendencies. How is he able to handle the smell? I feel so embarassed that I quickly run at the direction he pointed at.

As I reach the destination, I see a very beautiful scenery. There are some enormous fireflies here. The creatures in this island are really huge. Wait am I hallucinating again or are there 4 moons in the sky. Huhhh? Shall I ask him about the not so sane things that I am seeing? No! He will probably think I am crazy and if I go to him without bathing, he is sure to kick me out. No, let me bathe first. Wait this thing, it kinda reminds me of alovera. Let me use it. It'll probably help with the smell. My hair and body must be so dry. Thank you very much God, for the 'alovera' thingy. Now, let's clean myself. A good old bath. I coming!


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