Chapter: 10

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"Are you okay? Here have some water.", Rudra spoke, handing me a cup.

"You are a 464 summers old virgin?", I exclaimed in disbelief after drinking some water. Fuck, I couldn't have said anything better. Rudra looked baffled at first and then looked like contemplating something. At last, hot tears streamed down his eyes.

"Why are you crying? Did I offend you in some way?", I asked in a concerned tone. My, my why does he always end up crying. No one gonna believe that he's a feral and that too 464 summers old. The way he was so insecure and vulnerable.

"Won't you accept me anymore, now that you know how old I am? Females don't generally like old beastmen and I am also a feral.", Rudra sniffled, making my heart ache. Well, it wasn't that weird, I mean I literally used to droll over immortal vampires back on Earth. Well the real problem was, how long would he live. Looking at him, he looked too young.

"No, my dear that's not the issue. Don't cry all the time, it makes my heart ache. Well actually, umm.............. you're probably gonna live longer than me and after I die you're probably gonna face the consequences of the mate bondage breaking.", I said a bit hesitantly.

"Eleanor don't be idiotic as he has probably taken blood stones to live for that long.", Leo said with a gloomy expression. I could notice his ears and tail drooping. Oh, my lion too needed attention. I went over and hugged him. See, I would had tried to hug Rudra as well when he cried to comfort him but he didn't look comfortable with physical contact that much and kept flinching. Like, everyone had there own boundaries and I decided to respect them plus it hadn't even been a day that we met. Physical touch was my love language but I wouldn't simply hug someone I just met today. I was even shy with Leo at first but Rudra just looked too innocent and umm, I just had a thing for these type of guys. I wonder how he would act in bed. Ahemmm, my goodness I never thought that I was a pervert.💀 Wait, they can smell arousal scent right. Good that I stopped thinking about such nonsense.

"I....I ne....ver...... t.....o.o..k th.....em.", Rudra managed to say after a lot of stuttering. With that me and Leo stopped our cuddling.

"What do you mean? What species are you Rudra?", Leo inquired of Rudra. I was just sitting there listening to them so as to not fall in more trouble and get the healer title taken from me. I had once been in a situation like that. Well actually, even I wonder what species Rudra actually is.

"Titanoboa, I am a titanoboa.", Rudra said anxiously. Wait, why does that sound so familiar? Why is Leo not moving or saying anything?

"Guys, what's a titanoboa?", I questioned them. Fuck what a stupid question it is! Now, surely my healer title will be taken away. Oh, couldn't I just sit quietly for once! Why isn't anyone answering me?




"Eleanor it's the world's largest snake species." Rudra answered me.

"But the world's largest snake species is green anaconda or perhaps it's different here.", I said, taking Rudra's words into consideration.

"It's okay if you don't know about them. Their race is quite rare and dangerous.", Leo said finally. Wait, Rudra said titanoboa right. So, he was non-venomous because he was a boa. Oh, now I remember titanoboa, something 2009 and Columbia hmmm.........

"Oh, fuck!", I exclaimed suddenly.

"What happened Eleanor?", Leo and Rudra asked in unison. Their faces showed immense concern.

"Oh my God, you're from that snake species. I have dreamed of meeting you since I heard the news about your species for the first time. OMG, it's really you. Can you please transform for me once? Don't worry, I am not asking you to transform right now. I am so excited.", I squealed with excitement, hugging Rudra tightly. People were generally scared of snakes, the same was for me but it didn't extend to beastmen. I loved snake beastmen, personal cooler. Thinking that I giggled happily.

'Cough, cough!'

"Eleanor, look at yourself!", Leo said while fake coughing and that's when I realised that I was strangling and  sitting on Rudra's lap. My arms were wrapped around his neck  and our faces were just inches apart. Oh, embarassing!!! But all my embarassment turned to ashes when I saw Rudra's flushed face. Damm, he looks so cute and gave me all the confidence I needed. 'Personal boundaries', what are those? I never heard of them. I leaned forward, my grip on Rudra tightened slightly. He closed his eyes as if waiting for a kiss. Oh dude, you made me want to tease you even more. I leaned forward and instead of his lips, I bestowed a kiss on his forehead. His eyes opened wide in confusion. Soo cute!!! I had the urge to pull his cheeks and I did give into my instincts. He started blushing furiously but suddenly tears appeared in his eyes. I was immediately concerned.

"What happened? Did I offend you some how?", I asked concerned.

"", Rudra managed to say between his sobs. O, I couldn't stop myself from pulling him for a kiss. This not so young beastman has suffered so much. I gently sucked on his lower lip first and he seemed to follow my lead. Then, I started nibbling on his lips and my tongue entered his mouth. His forked tongue wrapped around my tongue, which was no where near disgusting but actually felt quite nice. Our tongues began to explore each other's mouth. Soon after our lips broke apart, strings of saliva still connecting them. Both of us were out of breath. Looking at his flushed face and swollen lips, I was aroused. I leaned forward, targetting his neck this time. I started nibbling and sucking on his neck.

"Aaahhh.....mmhh, Eleanor.", Rudra moaned  in his deep and magnetic voice, motivating me further to tease him. My hands started fondling with his hairs, brushing against his flushed ears. He shivered slightly which means that he was enjoying it. He hands griped the hide beneath him. One of my hands stopped fondling with his hair and pinched his nipple.

"", Rudra moaned, biting his lower lip probably to suppress his moans. Looking at his disheveled appearance, I got even bolder. Finally after satisfying myself and sweet torturing him to my heart's content, I stopped. A reddish purple, love bite had appeared on his neck.

"This is the proof that you have a female and no other female would dare to even look at you. I marked you as mine.", I whispered seductively in his ears while tracing the hickey, making him shiver again. Looking at his big, watery eyes, flushed ears and cheeks, swollen lips and hickey on his neck, made me wanna jump at him and devour him whole.

"That's enough for today, little one. You're getting quite needy these days. Only continue, if you guys wanna mate right now. Well looking at you, you're sure ready to devour him whole but he isn't ready to be devoured by you yet. For now, you can only devour me.", Leo said with a somewhat annoyed expression at first which gradually changed into a sly smirk, making me stare at him embarrassedly. What the fuck!!! I was becoming shameless day by day!!! I was never comfortable with all this back on Earth even after several years of dating but now I am jumping on a beastman on my own accord. Wow!!! Well it wasn't just any beastman, it was my Rudra. So, I guess it's fine. But, surely this lion knows to say some really cliche stuff.

"Now you're pretending to be shy while a few moments ago, you were ready to devour Rudra whole. Such a cutie!", Leo chuckled in his deep and magnetic voice, sending shivers down my spine. Well damm, my sexy lion is arousing me again. Looks like my horny ass needs to release the inner whore. So without further ado, I climbed onto Leo lap. Leo and Rudra were starring at me with suprise which looked quite funny.

"Well, you're right and it's only fair that I let you enjoy the same pleasure as Rudra. I don't want to mate now but a few kisses can't hurt.", I whispered seductively in Leo's ears and started strangling Leo, being extremely careful to not touch his ears or tail as they were too sensitive. I didn't wanna mate obviously. He didn't even interfere, so I could continue.

Author here:

Hey Emeralds, did y'all miss me? If you did then I am sorry for slacking off. I was actually enjoying a few days of vacation as my finals are over. Don't forget to vote and comment. New chapters will be coming soon. See y'all on the next chapter. Byeeeeee!!!


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