Chapter: 7, Feral!

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Author POV:

Sorry for the delay, suicide and self harm mentioned. Please read on your own accord. If having past trauma, then don't read. Not delaying a bit is inevitable so please don't mind and enjoy.

Author POV ends.

Waking up, I noticed that the hides beneath me had been changed, my body was cleaned and a big hide was covering me.

"Aaah....aah!", I winched in pain as I tried to sit up. My back was hurting so bad and I was feeling dizzy again. I was on the verge of passing out.

"Little one, don't move!", Leo exclaimed in a stern voice. He came to me holding a bucket of hot water, a piece of hide and a small pouch. I rolled my eyes, there I thought he would pamper me and there he was acting all stern. I looked at him accusingly as he helped me sit.

"Oh ,my poor back! It hurts so much."
I exclaimed exaggeratedly, faking some crocodile tears and looking at Leo pitifully.

"Little one, I am really sorry. I did too much, you passed out in my arms. Here, I'll give you a massage using this herbal ointment.", Leo said, he's voice trembling and full of guilt. Man! Did I go too far. Oh my God, even his ears are drooping which only happens when he's extremely sad like when he misunderstood me, thinking I was about to reject him while I wanted to ask him to mate.

"Oh my poor baby! No, I was just joking. Come on, now quickly tell me where is your mark on my body?", I asked him excitedly. He's mood immediately lightened, tracing his finger on my chest where the heart generally lays, he kissed my forehead. I looked down to see a beautiful lion's tattoo there. I looked up at him again to see his eyes dazzling with a dangerous glint. I quickly covered myself not wanting to die. He was looking like a predator, ready to pounce on his prey at any moment. After a bit of scolding, I finally got the pampering, I deserved. That really helped! Also after staying in this world and making a few friends, I finally understood some of the rules in this world.


1) The no.of estrus cycles, a female could have in a year depended upon their race. The minimum is once and maximum is four times.

2) Due to the sex ratio, each female can have multiple males as partners.

3) Beastmen's spirit level is defined by the colour their colours their eyes glow during fights.

4) Ferals are cold blooded males disliked by females or males that want to monopolize or hurt their females.

5) Females can transform into their beast form but because they don't have enough practice, only in dire situations they transform.

These rules are currently enough. In future their would be more to learn. Anyways, it had been like a week since I had mated with Leo. I had taken a good amount of time to recover and Leo said that I could start looking for another mate as weak ones won't dare approach me with his scent over me. So in all, I was granted a bit more freedom and was allowed even to roam around places at the outskirts of the tribe. Meaning I could go check out the place where I had arrived after being isekaied into this world. I had been roaming around that area as I quite liked the variety of herbs that grew there. In my previous world, I had a PHD in herbal medicine. Leo ofcourse knows that, he also prepared a pair of leather boots and a leather bag for me. How else would I roam around freely! He was too nice so I started peting him which he really seemed to enjoy, lions are big cats afterall. I thought I could find some chilies here which could make the bland meat taste better. Other spices were used for medical purposes and thus easily available, that wasn't the case for chilies. They were deemed as dangerous. The other spices were useless without chilies, atleast I didn't know to cook better. Beastmen liked to eat everything as whole and ofcourse spices as whole tasted disgusting. So they don't use spices for cooking but instead use them as herbs. So where was I? Yep strolling through the outskirts of the tribe when I suddenly I saw an injured man by the river. I immediately hurried over as the inner healer in me couldn't tolerate something like this right infront of my eyes. When I reached his side, I saw that his injury looked too serious. It was a mortal wound and could cause him his life if not treated urgently. Ofcourse not under my watch!!! I immediately took out the necessary things from the hide bag that I was carrying with me. Within sometime, I had patched up all his wounds and most probably saved him. He looked like he fell from the top of the cliff. Is it a suicide case or he fell because someone pushed him? Looking at him now, he looks like a teenager but surely isn't because of those muscles and ummm. He was going to wake up soon.

"Female, am I hallucinating?", a deep and hoarse voice brought me back from my dilemma. Gosh why did I think he was going to have a higher pitched voice. Maybe because of his facial features???

"Hey don't move much, it'll else hurt!", I exclaim trying to stop him from hurting himself. That's when I notice his Ruby eyes. He had long, jet black hair and a baby face making him look like a teenager but his muscles told otherwise. He looks hot but honestly I have a mate and maybe he does as well. Aww, why am I getting sad???

"Are you a healer? Did you save me?", he asks looking at my bag a bit confused

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"Are you a healer? Did you save me?", he asks looking at my bag a bit confused. Why does he look so cute? Ok, I am taking him! Please let him be single for me!!!

"Yes, I am. What happened to you? Did you fall from the top of the cliff? O, poor boy!", I exclaim with sorrow. After being so handsome, he still looked insecure. He reminded me of my past self so much.

"Why did you bother to save me? Don't you find me disgusting?", the man asked looking insecure and vulnerable.

"No! It's a healer's duty to save. There's nothing disgusting about you. Who are spouting such nonsense?", I asked a bit enraged, he looked traumatized and yeah I was right, suicide does exist here.

"Eleanor Defrons.", I said.

"Huh! What!", he exclaimed a bit shocked.

"It's my name, my mate told me it's beautiful. What's your name?", I asked, smiling unconsciously while remembering Leo and the amount of love and affection he gives me.

"Oh, mate! My name is Rudra and your name is truly beautiful.", Rudra said genuinely, making me blush.

"Rudra, are you okay?", I asked trying to get closer to check if his wounds were okay. But seeing me get closer he flinched, so I immediately retracted myself.

"Oh, sorry for making you uncomfortable. But you are required to tell me if it hurts anywhere.", I said, to which Rudra looked at me suprised.

"It doesn't hurt anymore. You saved my life and I have to repay you. Please tell what you will like.", Rudra requested, looking at me in all seriousness.

"No need, it's a healer's job to heal. I am happy to save someone's life. I will appreciate if you return to your family safely as they must be waiting for you." I said, looking at the young man infront of me kindly.

"But, I don't have any family. Where should I go? Beastmen say I don't belong anywhere. I'll even be your slave, just let me stay. I know that nobody will ever accept me as a mate.", Rudra says, trying hard to fight back his tears. As I am going to say something, I am suddenly sweeped off the ground by a study pair of arms. Before I can say anything.

"Eleanor, how can you be so stupid! I almost lost you.", Leo growls, shocking me.

"What!" I exclaim, bewildered.

"He's a feral! What would have happened if I didn't reach here in time?", Leo roars enraged, killing intent was glimmering in his eyes. A look of horror spreads across my face.

Author here:

So guys, what will happen next??? Any idea??? Vote for more. Comment the parts you enjoyed. Sorry, for leaving y'all on a cliffhanger. But that's all for now, see y'all on the next chapter. Byeeeeee!!!


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