Chapter:13, Meeting him!

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(In the last chapter, Eleanor was kidnapped.)

I wake up to find myself laying on a stack of hay covered with hides. I grab my throbbing head. Feeling nauseas I head out of the cave just to suddenly be grabbed by someone.

"Where are you going?", hearing a voice I turn to find a middle aged female.

"I feel dizzy. I think some fresh air can soothe me.", I say, rubbing my head.

"O, dear we're on top of a cliff. If you don't take steps outside in moderation then you're going to fall.", says the lady and hearing which my half-closed eyes instantly widen. My legs start shivering and I slowly start backing away in the direction I came from. After covering a safe distance from the entrance of the cave, my legs give up. Trembling and shaking I stutter,"Where am I?"

"You're in Garuda.", the lady replies calmly. "My son the patriarch of the city saved you from the wicked feral's grasp, poor child.", she adds with a sympathetic look.

"Save? I think you misunderstood me.", I speak, baffled.

"I understand that it's hard for you right now, little one but it'll be okay soon. Our city is very hospitable to females, well all cities are, but anyways.", the lady says and helps me  to sit on the hide bed, trying to sympathies with me. I don't need your sympathy madam, you're son kidnapped me!?! I can't obviously say that to her face, God knows what will happen if I do?!?

Suddenly a few beastmen enter the cave. "Female, you're awake!", I hear a cheerful exclamation and look up to see a young blonde man who looks really cute and who also resembles the lady, not my concerns for now. I smile warily and move my gaze to the rest of the beastmen.

Suddenly I spot someone and halt my actions

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Suddenly I spot someone and halt my actions. "No, it can't be him. I'm just imagining stuff.", I mutter again and again silently, trying to convince myself.

"Ella, Ella it's really you?", he asks making me tremble with anger

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"Ella, Ella it's really you?", he asks making me tremble with anger. My eyes start tearing up. No, Eleanor calm down, calm down! Don't lose your mind and flow with your emotions!!!

"I finally found you, Ella.", he says taking a few steps forward and kneels down infront of the bed.

"Your majesty!", a series gasps are heard.

"Leave everyone.", he states coldly. Hearing which, everyone including the lady starts leaving. I look at her, begging for her to stay with my eyes but she leaves me all alone with him.

After everyone is gone, he caresses my cheek and I shiver involuntarily, not because I find it pleasant but because I'm disgusted by him and his touch. A different type of fear starts creeping inside me. Being alone with him makes me feel vulnerable and prone to danger.

"It's me Ella, your Claude.", Claude states the inevitable while still caressing my cheek.

"I don't know, who you're talking about. I think your majesty took me for someone else.", I say, trying to swat his hand away but instead he grabs my wrist.

"Your majesty please.", I plead trying to pull my hand away. Claude's grip tightens to a painful extent. Tears appear in my eyes. I'm scared, scared of being alone with him. I don't know what can happen if I commit a single mistake, what he'll do to me. I'm completely at his mercy now and I hate the fact.

"Ella don't cry, I didn't mean to hurt you.", Claude says and releases my hand. He then hugs and tries to coax me. I feel disgusted all over.

"How did your hair turn red and eyes turn green?", I ask trembling, while trying to push him away.

Claude responds by hugging me tighter, he buries his face in the crook of my neck and says,"Ella don't be scared love, let me explain myself from the beginning."

He starts,"The time you fell off the cruise, I jumped after you. So that both of us died together. Then I was reborn in this world as the Phoenix Prince of the Phoerin Empire, my name now Karl Swine. This city, Garuda is a part of the Phoerin Empire."

"To be honest, why would you ever jump after me?", I mutter.

"Because I love you Ella. I'm now the Emperor of Phoerin, I can keep you happy. Please be my mate."Karl pleads.

"After cheating on me, you still have the audacity to ask something like that.", I stutter, fresh tears appearing in my eyes. I glare at him angrily and sob silently.

"Ella I didn't cheat.", Karl suddenly says, making me narrow my eyes and scrutinize him from top to bottom.

"Now, what excuse do you have for this?", I ask, trying to control my sobs.

"Ella I have no excuses, I'll go straight to the point. Your sister blackmailed me. At first when we recently met, your sister used to flirt with me and I thought that she acted such with everyone but it only worsened. When I started to react negatively to her advances, she came to me and showed me some of your private pics which she clicked while you were bathing. I participated in the act unwillingly, I actually didn't sleep with her. It was just an act orchestrated by her and if I hadn't participated in it, then she would have posted those pics of yours online.", Karl explained carefully.

"No it can't be. Laura can never stoop so low. You're lying.", I murmur again and again.

"Ella, I know it's harsh but it's the truth.", Karl grabs my shoulder and steadies me.

"Even if it is, I don't think I can believe you anymore.", I state strongly.

"What, Ella? I know it's my fault but give me another chance love, please.", Karl pleads, he sounds broken. I don't know who to trust and whom not to anymore.

"You could've just come to me if that was the case, why didn't you?", I enquire, barely able to speak due to excessive crying.

"I thought the same too, but....", Karl speaks sounding shattered but doesn't complete his sentence.

"But?", I question a little calmer than before.

"You wouldn't believe me, would you? You might have instead done something stupid like asking your sister directly about all this. As a result, she'd find out that I informed you and in rage post the pics online.", Karl says and I can't refute it for it's the truth.



"I don't know if I can believe you.", I say and breathe a sigh of relief.

"I hope you believe me.", Karl says and starts getting up from his kneeling position but ends up losing his balance and falls on me.

Before Karl has a chance to get up, the same blonde man from before enters and pointing a finger at him says,"Your majesty might be the Emperor but he has no right to force a female." Yes, come, come. We were waiting for you only. God, everything has been going wrong, urrrghhhh!!!


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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