Chapter: 4, I'll be your mate!

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As my clothes are fully made of synthetic fibre, I just know they will dry quickly. Ofcourse, I am wearing cheap, low-quality fabric but the design and colour is beautiful so, I don't mind it that much. You know, saving money for the marriage. Anyways, I quickly wash up. Atleast try to be quick, well that's another story. After washing up, I feel like a human again. The other reason, that I didn't wear the clothes that sexily weird stranger gave me is because I really can't figure out how to wear them. Just huge, I am a 'M' but the clothes are like 'L'. So anyways, I can smell Leo making some barbecue and so I quickly hurry over. I am too hungry. I am probably being rude but I am just too hungry. Hopefully, Leo made some for me as well. When I reach where Leo is, he turns his attention from the barbeque towards me. Leo just stops whatever he is doing and starts starring hard at me. I feel that I have offended him in some way.

"Leo, excuse me, what happened? I am sorry, I didn't wear the clothes you gave me as my clothes had already dried up.", I apologize a bit worried. Is is angry? Please, just let me spend the night, I have nowhere else to go.

"Little female!", Leo says in hoarse, seductive vote. Well I don't think he's angry. Is he sick? He's turning red, probably because he's too close to the fire. Oh God! What did I ever do to end up here?

Author POV:

Don't mind, please. MC's just dense and dumb. Now remember, she's not innocent but dumb as you can't expect a 25 year old adult getting married soon, to be innocent. If you think that than I am sorry to say that you're dumb as well. Please don't mind me, I was just joking. Sorry, let's resume the story. Remember she's only dumb when it comes to realising these things and in other fields she's really smart. Hey, those of you didn't read the last chapter, go check it out. I introduced some characters back there and also the MC. I mean the beauty she holds and Leo's reaction. That's a hella important chapter.

This chapter is a little cringe, I think. But hopefully, you all like it, I mean chapter: 4.

Author POV ends.

"Little female, don't worry everything is alright. Come here and sit. Here you can have some dear meat. The meat is really tender. And please apply these medicines on your wounds.", Leo says offering me the tender parts of the deer meat. I am very grateful, for he was very hospitable. I quickly apply the herbal medicine and sit down to eat. I look at Leo to see if he has begun eating. Ofcourse, how can I forget common etiquette that the guest should start eating after the host starts. It doesn't matter, even if it's a remote island.

"Little female, do you not like the meat? Why don't you eat?", Leo raises a brow at me.

"How dare I! The host shall have the first bite.", I exclaim, starring at him questioningly.

"It doesn't matter, who the host is! The female shall always take the first bite.", Leo exclaims starring back at me. I was taken aback. At this moment, it can be called a starring contest.

"Oh! I see but please you start first.", I plead, looking at Leo's with puppy eyes, that no one can resist. His face is coated with a pink tint and his ears twitch. His tail starts waging. Wait what? Tail! This man took the whole cosplay thingy way too far. Maybe this island is not as remote as I think.

"Hey, what's your name little female? And why were you alone in the forest?", Leo asks, munching on his share of the deer meat.

"My name is Eleanor Defrons and I don't know how I ended up here. The last thing, I remember is drowning in the ocean. You can me Ella, Leo.", I say looking at him expectantly while munching on my share of the deer meat. It only has salt as seasoning but I can't complain.

"Eleanor Defrons such a wonderful name. It's a shame if even after such a beautiful name you want me to call you by a nickname Eleanor.", Leo says. His words make me blush furiously. He is really good with using words. But he makes me feel warm inside, like I finally belong somewhere. Focus, focus! It's not the time to swoon over a sexily weird stranger after finding out that your fiance cheated on you. I just met him and I am already swooning over him. Totally expectable from someone like me. Am I a simp? Urghh focus, focus!

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