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This has got to be the worst potions class Draco had ever had to sit through. First, he'd had the misfortune of being paired with none other than Ron Weasley, a student known to be quite proficient in screwing up any potion he touched. Second, Weasley did nothing to contribute to the making of the potion, except for throwing constant insults and dirty looks at Draco in an attempt to further piss him off.

And it worked too.

Draco was already very irritated with the red head's lack of assistance. The potion they were brewing demanded two sets of hands and heads working together. Snape had assigned them to work on a potion that would allow the two people brewing the potion to see each other's deepest secret. And as much as this bugged Draco, he had no choice but to agree, knowing that arguing with Snape would be absolutely pointless.

So, he and Ron had started working peacefully until one misunderstanding turned into seven and they were arguing back and forth and making an absolute fucking mess of their potion.

The potion had taken on a deep red colour when in actuality it was supposed to be a lavender purple. The steam rose in slow swirls and smelled of burnt almonds. There was no doubting that this potion had turned out very wrong.

"Weasley, don't touch it. Let's just wait for Snape to tell us how to fix it." Draco said, his voice filled to the edge with nothing but pure annoyance for the red head standing next to him.

"No! I'm going to try and fix it now because Merlin knows I can't lose another 10 points for Gryffindor." The boy busied himself by grabbing an extra chicory root and chopping it haphazardly. He tossed it in the cauldron and stirred it.

All the while Draco sat, clutching his hair so tightly he was afraid he might rip it from his head. He watched in fear as the liquid inside the cauldron started bubbling violently, and if he believed it possible, turning an even deeper shade of red.

"Weasley no! Stop!" Draco yelled, reaching for the boy's arm that was held over the cauldron about to add even more chicory root. His hand opened and the root fell into the bubbling concoction. Time seemed to stand still as the potion ceased it's bubbling and a silence fell over the two boys as they watched the cauldron in anticipation.

When nothing happened, Ron thought it appropriate to speak up. "See I got it all under contro-"

And suddenly all hell broke loose. In a single moment the cauldron exploded and the deep red mixture sprayed out and all over the two boys. They yelled out in what could only be described as fear before a silence fell over their table once again.

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