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"Weasley get your arse back here!" Draco yelled, hastily jumping up from the bench and chasing after the red head.

Harry watched as his boyfriend chased Ron around the Great Hall, weaving through the students and trying not to fall over the bags that lay strewn across the floor.

"What did he take?" Hermione asked, shooting Harry a curious look. He let out a laugh and shrugged, folding his arms across his chest and leaning on the table.

"Draco's tie."

Hermione only giggled at that, raising a hand to point down to Harry's neck. "You mean Ron's got your tie."

Harry furrowed his brows in confusion and looked down to where Hermione was pointing. Sure enough, there it was, in all its green glory. Draco's Slytherin tie was tied in a messy knot around his neck.

"Oops." he mumbled, looking back to where Draco had finally gotten a hold of Ron and was wrestling the tie out of his hands.

Harry smiled at the two, feeling content for the first time in a long time. He was happy that the whole potion fiasco had blown over but he liked to see it as a blessing in disguise, regarding the fact that it brought him and Draco together. And that it also put a stop to Ron and Draco's animosity towards each other.

Hermione giggled again from where she sat across from Harry, bringing a hand up to cover her mouth as she observed the two wrestling boys as well.

Finally, Draco emerged victorious with the Gryffindor tie in hand and he walked back to reclaim his seat next to Harry.

"I believe this is yours." Harry smiled, holding the green and silver tie out to Draco as he sat down.

"I switched our ties for a reason Potter." Draco said, raising a eyebrow at the boy and tying the red tie around his neck. When Harry sat unmoving he elaborated. "The green brings out your eyes."

Harry laughed. "Unfortunately, I'm not in Slytherin so I can't really wear this."

"The way you satisfy your curiosity seems pretty Slytherin to me."

"How long are you going to hold that against me?!" Harry said with an exasperated sigh. This only earned a laugh from Draco.

"I'll forgive you if you wear the tie. Just for today."

Harry pondered on the proposal for a second before giving in with a huff and tying the tie around his neck again.

"You're lucky I love you."


Hi author here. If you've come to this point I'd just like to thank you for reading this story and I hope you enjoyed it. Leave a comment if you see any mistakes and yeah. Thank you once again <3

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