7 [That incessant need]

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The weekend was an absolute nightmare.

Hermione was happy to see Ron and Harry finally talking again and mostly left the two alone to reconnect. This, unfortunately, left Ron to be consistently gruelled with never ending suggestions from Harry as to who held Malfoy's affection.

Harry had moved on from the Slytherin girls and named most of the fifth year female population. Ron stayed true on his word to Malfoy and kept his big mouth shut, only opening it to eat. 

He hoped Harry would eventually grow tired of constantly being met with silence, though he knew his best friend better than that. If there was one thing Harry was good at, it was satisfying his curiosity. 

"You can't ignore me forever you know?" Harry and Ron were currently on their way to the library to meet up with Hermione. They had promised the girl to fit in at least one study session over the weekend seeing as the three of them had spent little to no time together since the potion fiasco.

"I'm not ignoring you. I'm ignoring the utter tripe coming out of your mouth about Malfoy actually fancying someone."

At that Harry let out a huff of annoyance. They sat down at the table Hermione had filled with various books. She looked up from her Transfiguration text and smiled warmly at the two boys sitting across from her. "Glad to see you two are getting along again."

Ron only hummed in acknowledgement and grabbed his own text from his bag and placed it open in front of him. Seeing that he wasn't in the mood for conversation, Hermione went back to her work and Harry copied Ron's action of getting his book from his bag. Just as he was about to get to work a flash of blonde in the corner of his eye caught his attention.

He looked up to find Malfoy scanning the shelf lined with potion books, no doubt doing his promised research. Ron must have seen him looking as he followed Harry's gaze. Looking back to the black-haired boy he started frantically shaking his head, hoping to stop Harry from doing anything stupid. 

Unfortunately, this didn't stop Harry from digging his invisibility cloak from his bag and disappearing from Ron's view to follow Malfoy around.

He followed the boy back to his own table where he sat with two other Slytherins. Harry recognized them as Blaise Zabini and Theodore Nott. 

"Still not done looking for an answer?" Zabini asked, looking at the potions book in Malfoy's hands. 

The blonde shook his head and started reading. It wasn't long before the silence was broken by Zabini again. "You know Dray, I don't really see how knowing about Weasley's deepest desire could be a bad thing."

Malfoy slammed the book shut and shot Zabini a dirty look. "It's not the fact that I can see his deepest desire that bothers me. It's the fact that he can see mine."

A knowing look fell on Zabini's face. "You're afraid he'll tell Potter you lik-"

Malfoy practically jumped on the table as he slapped a hand over Zabini's mouth. "Shut up you daft idiot!"

Time seemed to still as Harry stood and tried to process what he just heard. Even if Zabini didn't get to finish his sentence, it was clear what he wanted to say.

Malfoy liked him. His deepest desire was him. Harry Potter. 

His eyes were widened to an abnormal size as he tried to grasp the fact that the boy who had lived to make his life hell, who threw countless insults at him actually liked him. Desired him.

He turned to walk back to his table where Ron and Hermione sat, Hermione with her nose still buried in a book and Ron observing at her thoughtfully. It was clear that he felt something for the girl, it was written all over his face.

Harry sat down and stuffed his cloak back into his bag, drawing Ron's attention away from Hermione. He looked at Harry with a questioning gaze, making him shift uncomfortably with his newly acquired information.

"So?" Ron asked, prompting Harry to shrug and try to feign innocence.

"Nothing. He's just doing his research."

Ron narrowed his eyes at Harry, trying to figure him out. Ultimately, though, he gave up and went back to observing Hermione as she read. Harry almost let out a sigh of relief and opened his book to a random page.


"And you promise you'll just watch?" Ron asked, looking at Harry suspiciously. It was Monday evening, and they were once again on their way to the library where Ron was supposed to meet up with Malfoy to hear about what he'd found out over the weekend.

"I promise. I'll be quiet." Harry answered and held up the cloak in his hands. "You won't even know I'm there."

He threw the cloak over himself as they entered the library and trudged over to the same spot Malfoy had sat in the previous day. Harry swallowed at the memories that flooded back. He still found it incredibly unbelievable that Malfoy actually liked him. So unbelievable, in fact, that he refused to believe it until he heard it from the blonde himself.

"You find anything?"

Malfoy stood up from the chair he was sitting in and took a deep breath before answering. "Unfortunately, Weasley we are once again out of luck."

Ron let out a frustrated groan at the information and buried his face in his hands. Harry watched the scene unfold, focusing his attention on Malfoy. Had his hair always been that blonde?

"What do we do now?" Ron looked up at Malfoy again, who was now pacing patiently with a hand rested on his chin seemingly deep in thought.

After a while he came to a halt and lowered his hand from his chin, letting it fall loosely at his side. "I don't know. I really don't."

Ron let out another frustrated groan and fell down in one of the chairs, Malfoy not far behind. They sat in silence, both seemingly thinking of a way to get themselves out of the mess they were stuck in.

"Okay." Malfoy finally said, causing Ron to look up at him with an expectant gaze. "I'm going to refrain from...fantasizing while we try and figure out how to fix this." 

There was a moment of quiet in which Ron just stared at Malfoy with what could only be described as a look of shock. Malfoy was about to open his mouth and bite back at the red head's silence, but he was cut short by Ron speaking. "That's weirdly kind of you."

"I'm not as much of a prat as you make me out to be. Not anymore at least. You just have a profound way of being able to get on my last nerve." Malfoy spat, looking offended at Ron's statement.

"Yeah. I guess not." Ron said again, getting up from where he was sitting. "Well, um...thanks. See you around. I'll talk to Hermione to try and figure something out."

Malfoy shot Ron a panicked look, but he quickly assured him that Hermione knew nothing more than about the effects of the potion. With the reassurance, Ron left the library and walked back to Gryffindor tower with Harry short on his heels.

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