4 [Locked out]

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It took Draco all but a few hours to realize what was happening.

He came to breakfast rather frustrated after a night full of tossing and turning. After his Potter fantasy and a good wanking session he felt content and ready to go to sleep, but that was quickly ruined by another vision of Granger and Weasley doing Merlin knows what. It was a fitful night, visions being exchanged back and forth all throughout the night. All Draco needed now was a strong cup of coffee.

He sat down at the Slytherin table and threw himself a cup of clean espresso.

"Rough night?" Blaise asked and he grumbled a reply, sipping at the bitter beverage.

His eyes wandered to the Gryffindor table, coming to a halt on a group of three students. He was surprised to see one student already looking back at him with a self-satisfied smile.

Damn Weasel. What does he know that I don't? Draco thought as the smile on the red head's face only seemed to grow at the blonde's confusion.

As if on queue the same sharp pain from the night before shot through Draco's head and he dreaded the vision he knew was coming.


"Nghh Ron~" Hermione moaned, arching her back at the sheer pleasure that ran through her body. Ron was leaning over her, relishing in the sight he knew he was responsible for.

He bent down and let his hands explore the naked body beneath him, tracing his hands along every cruve and muscle of Hermione's body. He came to a halt on her torso, almost as if he was hesitant.

"Go on." the girl said and any hesitation Ron had was thrown out the window. His one hand cupped her right breast as the other supported him over her body. His lips made work of her left nipple as he nipped and sucked at the sensitive skin.

Her moans could probably be heard from a mile away but neither of the two seemed to care. Ron was groaning in delight at the feeling of Hermione's perfect skin beneath his hands.


"Oh fuck no." Draco muttered, reeling back physically from the shock of the vision he'd just seen and almost spilling his coffee out over his sweater.

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, focusing his attention and clearing his mind.

This was a trick he'd been taught by his mother who was rather skilled in Occlumency. She'd made it a sort of requirement for him to be able to close off his mind to Legilimemcy. Why, he'd never know, but he'd never been more greatful for his mother's lessons than in this very moment.

Letting out the breath he'd been holding he smiled contently as he found his mind clear of the previous images he'd been subjected to.

"You okay mate?" Blaise asked, picking up on the fit Draco had just gone through.

The blonde smiled and took another sip of his bitter coffee. "Never better."


"I'm telling you Hermione, he knows!" Ron yelled, pacing up and down in the common room.

"I wouldn't put it past him Ron. He is top of the class."

"If he really is top of the class why the hell did our potion go wrong in the first place?" Ron was very annoyed, balling his fists up at his sides to stop himself from punching something.

"Because your fights with Malfoy are even worse mine." Harry said. Ron and Hermione looked over to where he was leaning against one of the walls, a small smile present on his lips.

"How long have you been listening?" Ron asked, sounding almost scared.

"Long enough to know your spoiled potion is catching up with you."

Ron buried his face in his hands and fell down on the couch next to Hermione. She placed a comforting hand on his back and looked up at Harry.

"You shouldn't evesdrop."

"I know. But if I didn't how else would I know about Malfoy's deepest desires?" he placed emphasis on the last few words and Ron buried his face even deeper into his hands as he let out a long groan.

Harry laughed and sat down on the adjacent couch, leaning forward to place a hand on Ron's shoulder. "I'm sure it can't be that bad." Harry said again and Ron lifted his gaze to look at the boy.

"It's not bad. It's bloody horrific." He sounded like he was about to cry. Ron buried his face in his hands again and Hermione rubbed his back comfortingly. She shot Harry a glare as if to say 'Apologise.'

"Sorry." he quickly said taking his hand off the red head's shoulder. "What I mean to say is..." he never finished his sentence, a tense silence falling over the trio.

Finally, after a few minutes, Ron came back up and looked at Harry almost begrudgingly. "How much do you know about Malfoy's desires?"

"All I know is that they're upsetting you, which means we have to find an antidote. Have you talked to Snape?"

"I have. Let's just say he's not very co-operative." Ron had averted his eyes from Harry again and was now looking at the ground like it was the most captivating thing in the world.

"We'll figure something out." Hermione said, her hand still resting on Ron's back and rubbing soft circles across as if to comfort the red head.

Suddenly the boy let out a sharp hiss of pain and fell down to the ground, clutching at his head and writhing around in agony.


"You're so perfect when you're begging." Harry said, his voice low and husky as he loomed over Draco's kneeling form.

"Please, I'll do anything." he pleaded, tears brimming his eyes as he was being denied the pleasure he so desperately yearned for.



Harry smirked and undid his zipper, pulling down his jeans and boxers in one swift movement. He shoved his dick into Draco's face and spoke. "Suck it Malfoy."

Draco complied eagerly, his mouth opening as he took Harry's cock entirely. It was difficult to please the black haired boy completely, seeing as his hands were tied securely behind his back, but he did his best as his mouth worked up and down Harry's shaft, his tongue making up for what his hands weren't there to do.

He knew Harry was close by the way he was gripping the blonde's hair and shoving his cock deeper into his throat. He worked his way up to the boy's tip before giving it one final lick. Harry came and Draco swallowed the cum greedily, savouring the taste like it was his last meal on earth.


"Make it stop!" Ron yelled as he finally came crashing back into reality. He was still laying on the common room floor with Harry and Hermione standing over him with concerned expressions.

"Ron?" Hermione prompted and the boy shook his head.

"I can't take it anymore. First thing tomorrow morning I'm forcing Snape to make that antidote whether he likes it or not."

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