1 [Unpleasant events]

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Draco blinked his eyes open, assaulted by the sharp rays of sunlight filtering in through the windows of the medical wing. Or at least, Draco could only guess that it was the medical wing. He recognized the white ceiling and the rows of identical beds.

Finally, when his eyes had adjusted to the new light he sat up in his bed and observed his surroundings with confusion etched into his brows. On the bed next to him sat an equally confused looking Ron Weasley.

"What are we doing here?" the red head asked, his gaze directed at the blonde sitting across from him.

"I don't know Weasley? Maybe it has to do with the fact that you blew up our potion!" Draco said, his voice raising from a calm tone to a yell as his frustration got the better of him.

"What is all this ruckus about?" came the voice of Madam Pomfrey from the entrance of the medical wing. The two boys looked over to the healer marching down the room before she came to a halt inbetween their beds.

"I'll be doing a few check ups on you two seeing as you're finally conscious." she took out her wand and started casting diagnostic charms on the two boys. It took a few minutes before she was finally done.

"Well, you two seem to be perfectly fine." she said, a contemplative look on her face. The healer opened her mouth to speak again but she was interrupted by the doors swinging open. Snape stalked inside, his black robes swaying dramatically behind him.

The man stopped just short of Draco's bed and started on what sounded to be a proper scolding. "Never in my years of teaching have I ever seen two students make such an absolute mess of a potion. Have you any idea of the consequences the two of you are facing?"

The boys looked at each other before slowly looking back at Snape and shaking their heads fearfully. The man let out a deep sigh and brought up a hand to pinch the bridge of his nose. "Madam Pomfrey did you find any physical side effects?" Snape asked the healer and she shook her head in the negative.

Snape seemed to consider this and directed his attention back to his two students. "I'm uncertain of the effects that the spoiled potion will have on the two of you, although I can only imagine that it will be most unpleasant."

"Unpleasant how?" Draco asked hesitantly.

"I believe you'll find out soon enough."

With that said the man turned back and stalked out of the room once more, making sure to flare out his robes. He slammed the doors shut behind him, leaving the boys and Madam Pomfrey in an awkward silence.

"Well...you both seem fine. I have no problem releasing you for breakfast."

In a tense silence Ron and Draco left the medical wing and walked to the Great Hall. They sat at their respective tables before both being assaulted by questions from every direction.

"What the hell happened to you?"

"Where the hell have you been?"

Ron layed his head down on his arms and let out a groan of annoyance. The students around him quieted down and went back to their meals, leaving only Harry and Hermione to fuss about him.

"Ron?" Hermione prompted and the boy looked up at her through his fringe.

"I'm fine 'Mione don't worry." he muttered, sitting up and grabbing a plate, filling it with the usual English breakfast that consisted of some eggs, toast and some sausages. He was about to put a sausage in his mouth when a blinding pain exploded in his head and he visibly recoiled, placing a hand on his head and screwing his eyes shut.


His eyes were shut with gentle kisses being peppered along his neck. He could feel his hands being held down by a set of strong arms. Gently blinking his eyes open he could see a mop of messy black hair as he felt more kisses being placed along his collarbone.

Shocked, the boy found himself smiling at the messy black hair, almost as if this was a common occurrence that he looked forward to. The black hair moved away to be replaced by a handsome face, now void of the signature round glasses. Green eyes peered down at him seductively, paired with a sly smirk.

"I've missed this Draco." Harry murmured, coming down again to place a gentle kiss on the boy's lips. A gentle kiss turned into a harder kiss and before long, his eyes were shut again and he was relishing in the feeling of lips against his own.

The lips moved down along his body before settling just below his waist, fingering the rim of the boxers he was wearing. He could feel himself nod and before long his boxers were removed and his erection sprung free. Not waiting a moment longer, Harry's mouth was around Draco's cock and he bobbed his head up and down, finding a rhythm that suited the both of them.


The blinding pain faded away into a dull one as Ron came back to reality. What the hell was that? he thought as his vision unblurred from the abrupt pain he'd felt only moments prior.

"Ron? Ron what's wrong?" Hermione asked, leaning over the table with a hand reaching out to the red head. He blinked away the last of the dull throb in his temples and looked down to his plate of food.

The sausages suddenly looked very unappetising and Ron picked up his plate, scraping the meat into Harry's plate next to him, making sure to avoid eye contact with the black haired boy. He poked at his egg in silence.

"Are you sure you're alright?" Harry asked, placing a gentle hand on the red head's shoulder. He shuddered, remembering the vision he'd seen.

"I think I'm gonna be sick." he muttered out, getting out of his seat and bolting for the big wooden doors. Before he went out he made sure to sneak a glance at Malfoy, who was sitting at the Slytherin table and staring absentmindedly at something. Shaking his head he exited the Great Hall and ran off to the boy's bathroom.


The Slytherins around Draco had long since stopped questioning him and made peace with the fact that he'd tell them everything in the privacy of their common room. Draco heaved a sigh and averted his eyes from what he'd been staring at. Or rather, who he'd been staring at.

"Still on about Potter?" Blaise asked, stealing the last piece of toast from Draco's plate. His huff of annoyance was enough to answer the boy's question.

'Yes. Of course I'm still on about Potter.'

"Still not going to tell me what happened with that potion? It might take your mind off things." Blaise said again, munching on his toast.

"Even if I wanted to tell you, I'm not even sure what happened. Snape wasn't exactly clear on the side effects."

"Well, that's not very good is it?"

"No." Draco started and lifted his head to look at the Gryffindor table where Harry sat, engrossed in a conversation with Granger. Oh, how he longed to have such a lengthy and happy conversation with Potter. "No, it's not good at all." he finished lamely.

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