2 [The visions]

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The days that followed could only be described as a nightmare. A nightmare for Ron Weasley, at least.

Visions about Harry and himself through Draco Malfoy's eyes would come and go at the most inconvenient of times. Once while he was in the shower he'd felt the familiar blinding pain in his head and had a vision of Harry and Draco shagging each other in the very shower he was in. Safe to say he got out quickly afterwards.

Then another time he was zoning out in potions and had a vision of Harry bending Draco over one of the workbenches.

It was absolutely horrific, seeing vision after vision and being unable to do anything about it at all. It came to a point where he could barely look at his best friend due to the haunting images that would creep up in his head.

"You've been off this past week Ron. I'm getting seriously worried about you." Hermione said, filling her plate with the pasta being served for lunch.

"I know. I'm sorry but I just...don't wanna talk about it." Ron mumbled back, avoiding Hermione's eyes as he shoved some food into his mouth.

Without even realizing it, his eyes had subconsciously wandered over to the Slytherin table where Malfoy sat inbetween Blaise Zabini and Pansy Parkinson. The three friends mostly ate in silence with only a few words being exchanged between them every now and then.

Ron looked at Malfoy with new eyes, seeing as he looked through the blonde's eyes in the visions. It was honestly quite frightening, how he could feel what Malfoy felt and see what he saw. What was most unsettling was the fact that he didn't even know why he was getting these visions in the first place and why it was always with Harry and always through Malfoy's eyes.

He knew it had something to do with the potion, that much he'd already figured out for himself. But what exactly did the potion do?

Ron thought back to their potions lesson, trying desperately to recall any details he could remember.

'If brewed correctly this potion will allow the two brewers to see each other's deepest secret.'

He remembered Snape's words and mulled over them a few times. Deepest secret...But no. He and Malfoy had ruined the potion to a point where it exploded in their faces. It was most certainly not brewed correctly.

That left few options for the red head to consider. One option was being shoved in his face and it left his stomach twisting uncomfortably.

"'Mione...are you going to the library today?" Ron asked, catching the attention of Hermione who was skimming over her Transfiguration essay.

"Probably. Why?"

"I was thinking...maybe I'd come with you and...we could study together. Just the two of us." he picked his words carefully, trying not to make it obvious to Hermione that he clearly didn't want Harry there but trying to be subtle so Harry didn't catch on.

Hermione eyed Ron suspiciously. "Alright. Just the two of us. Harry's got Quidditch practice anyway."



Ron and Hermione sat down at her usual table by the window. There was a brief silence in which Hermione sat with her hands folded on the table and Ron fiddled awkwardly with his fingers.

Finally Hermione spoke. "Are you going to start talking?"

Ron suppressed a groan. He knew it would come to this eventually. Hermione was just too sharp. "Um well-" he started, thinking of what to say. "-I...I've been seeing things. You know...after the accident in potions the other day. It happens randomly and it's always kinda the same thing just different...places."

He swallowed nervously hoping Hermione would understand. He really didn't want to flat out say he's been having sexual fantasies about his best friend and Malfoy.

"Seeing what Ronald?" Hermione asked and he wanted to cry. He really was going to have to say it.

"Um...Harry and...Malfoy...doing...things."

There was a moment of silence in which Hermione just stared, her mouth slightly open and her brain working overtime. Then it clicked in her mind and her eyes windened and her mouth fell open.

She opened and closed her mouth again and again, trying desperately to search for words. Ron just looked at her with furrowed brows. Eventually she gave up and let her head fall on the table in defeat.

"'Mione?" Ron asked after a while, prompting the girl to lift her head.

"Let's start with love potions, shall we?" she said and stalked off to the potions section.


Draco sat in the Owlery, reading his newest letter from his parents. It was starting to become a drag, updating his father on everything that happened around him. Letting out a sigh he stood up and leaned on the railings of the giant window. The Owlery overlooked the Quidditch pitch and Draco could see the various crimson jerseys of the Gryffindor team flying around on the pitch.

He found himself subconsciously looking for the number 7. Potter's number. When he spotted the Gryffindor seeker he couldn't help but let a smile spread across his face. He loved how confident Harry was on his broom, soaring through the air with complete self-assurance and zero fear.

His mind drifted to the other things he wished Harry would do with confidence. He wished the Gryffindor would confidently pin him against a wall and kiss him wildly with no fear. To let his lips linger on his neck and leave a trail of soft kisses all along his entire body until he reached the desired destination and let those lips, oh those beautiful, pink lips do the rest.

Draco took in a deep breath, realizing he was getting ahead of himself. He could feel the growing hardness in his trousers and thought it best to retreat back to his dorm where he could finish out the rest of his fantasy in private.


The blinding pain receded and Ron rubbed his temples in frustration. Three times. Three times in one day! This was getting ridiculous.

"Another one?" he heard Hermione asking from where she sat across from him. They had read through dozens of books but found nothing that described Ron's condition.

He nodded, wanting to bash his head against a wall. The visions were really starting to bother him and it was even worse that he felt these things about Harry. Yes, technically it was Malfoy feeling them but that didn't make it any less of a horrible experience.

"We'll find something. I promise." Hermione said, as she returned her attention to the book in front of her. Ron found his eyes lingering on the girl as she poured over the words on the pages.

He studied her with a thoughtful gaze. Over the years her voice had become less bossy and took on more of a motherly tone. Her hair had grown rather long, and less bushy due to the Sleekeazy hair potion she'd started using. This suited her quite well, he thought as he continued to study the way her curls fell loosely over her shoulders. She'd become rather pretty over the years.

He felt his cheeks grow hot at the thought. He'd never once thought of Hermione as anything other than a know-it-all bookworm. Since when had he started thinking she was pretty?

Confused he bowed his head down over his own book and read the words meticulously to try and distract himself from his heart thundering in his chest.

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