10 [Confess]

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"Are you sure this is going to work?" Draco asked again, looking nervously between Ron and Hermione.

"Positive." Hermione confirmed and shot him a soft smile.

"All you have to do is wait there and have your heartfelt speech ready and we'll bring Harry right to you." Ron said, relaxing back in his chair with his hands folded behind his head.

Draco nodded and prepared himself mentally and physically for the events that were about to unfold. He was going to have to do two things.

One; confess to Potter that he was head over heels madly in love with him. And two; convince Harry to sleep with him in order to cure his best friend Ron.

Easy enough. Right?

In mere minutes he was stood waiting in the Transfiguration courtyard while Ron and Hermione were off trying to lead Harry to him. He swallowed nervously as the cold morning air swept over him, sending soft chills up his spine. Would now be a good time to back out? To run away and never look back.

However, Draco didn't have time to put his escape plan into action as he heard a voice sound up from behind him. "Malfoy?"


"Why?" Harry asked, looking between Ron and Hermione with his eyes narrowed in suspicion.

They were currently standing in front of him as he ate his morning cereal. It wasn't out of the ordinary for Harry to eat breakfast alone these days.

Ever since Ron and Hermione had started dating about a week ago, he would frequently be left to his own devices while the two of them were off snogging and doing Merlin knows what.

"Just come on Harry. Don't be difficult." Hermione said, looking down at the black-haired boy with an expectant gaze.

Begrudgingly, he gave in, not wanting to be subjected to Hermione's persuasion techniques. Besides, Malfoy wasn't at breakfast, leaving him with nothing to admire. And he wasn't even that hungry anymore. 

He followed the two as they led him to the Transfiguration courtyard. It was all quite suspicious and left Harry feeling a little uneasy. He was about to turn around and run away from the two before the all too familiar flash of blonde caught his eye and he hastily turned to look at it before it disappeared.

Ron and Hermione had long since vanished from his side, but it didn't matter to Harry. All that mattered was the beautiful blonde hair reflecting the morning sunrise.

Walking forward he called out tentatively. "Malfoy?" The blonde spun around and they locked eyes, bright green meeting steel grey and neither wanting to look away. 

"Potter." Malfoy spoke, quiet, his voice barely above a whisper.

They stared at each other for a few moments, neither of the two saying anything as the cold morning breeze blew over them. In the silence Harry's lips curved upwards and he shot Draco that damned crooked smile that made his knees weak.

It was honestly a little ridiculous. Draco was always the picture of confidence, showing it in every word and every action. But as soon as Harry was brought into the mix he was a nervous mess that didn't know what to do with himself.

"You have to stop doing that." Draco said, disrupting their comfortable silence.

"Doing what?" Harry asked, furrowing his brows in confusion with his smile faltering slightly.

"Smiling at me." Draco said, tearing his eyes away from Harry's and looking down to the ground.

"Why?" There was a sound of shuffling feet as Harry walked closer to Draco and bent down to peer at Draco through his bangs that had fallen from its usual swoop to cover his face. "Do you like it when I smile at you?" Harry teased, shooting another deliberate smile at the blonde. Draco could only close his eyes and nod.

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