6 [Harry]

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He's honestly forgotten how long ago it started. Sometime after the cock-up in potions. Ron started acting strange.

And not his usual strange.

Strange, like asking Hermione to meet alone in the library while he's off at Quidditch practice. Or strange, like not including him in his conversation with Hermione concerning said cock-up in potions.

Harry liked to pride himself in knowing pretty much everything about his best friend and whatever went on in his life. In their years at Hogwarts, he and Ron went to each other about everything. So now that he's being secretive and sneaking off, it may or not have started to bother Harry a bit.

Okay, it bothered him a lot. Enough to get out his invisibility cloak and follow Ron to where he was currently sneaking off to for the third time that week. When they got to the library, Harry had a passing thought.

Is he meeting up with Hermione in secret?

It was a plausible question. It would make sense. He's heard Ron mumbling about Hermione in his sleep and he's noticed the way Ron started looking at the curly haired girl. 

Only, when they entered the library and Ron met up with a blonde, pointy faced Slytherin, Harry stood with a mouth hanging open in shock. He wanted to rip off the cloak and shake Ron angrily.

The only thing that held Harry back was his curiosity. He thought back to that one night in the common room when Ron had confirmed that he could indeed see Malfoy's deepest desire. He needed to know more. Any information on Malfoy could be used as a weapon, should he come and attack him and his friends again. 

Harry felt almost disgusted with himself. For stooping down to Malfoy's level and using dirty means to achieve his end goal in making Malfoy feel just as terrible as he had made him feel. Maybe it was the Slytherin the sorting hat had seen in him. 

So, he just watched. He stood and listened as Malfoy made Ron swear to shut his mouth as he researched some way to find a solution to the predicament they currently found themselves in. He followed Ron back to the Gryffindor common room and watched him fall back on the couch. Harry went to put away his cloak and came back down, joining Ron on the two-seater.

Ron looked at him and instantly knew that Harry was onto him. Harry looked back with that fierce determination that showed he would find out what he wanted to know.

"So..." Harry started, trying to feign innocence.

"So..." Ron answered back, a look of fear in his eyes.

"How's Malfoy doing?" Harry had to hide a snicker as Ron abruptly sat up. There was a silence in which Harry could tell the red head was inwardly panicking at the question. Finally, though, Ron spoke.

"How should I know?"

"Well, I just thought you'd keep in touch after your disaster of a potion. I mean, if Snape can't make you an antidote-"

"You were spying on me?!" Ron cut Harry off mid-sentence, jumping up from where he was sitting and his face growing almost as red as his hair. Harry sprang up as well, looking straight into Ron's eyes.

"We haven't had a proper conversation in days Ron. I'm just as concerned as Hermione, but for some reason she's the only one you confide in. Hell, even Malfoy knows more about your wellbeing than I do." Harry yelled out, his own anger setting in. Everything he'd pent up over the last few days came pouring out.

There was a tense silence as Harry and Ron's heavy breathing filled the air around them. They stared each other down, both battling a silent war with the other. Eventually, it was Ron that finally said something. "I'm sorry mate, it's just been hard."

"I know Ron, but you do know you can talk to me too. I might not be as smart as Hermione, but I can still try my best to help you."

Ron only nodded before sitting back down on the couch, resting his head in between his hands where they were propped up on his knees. Harry sat down shortly after, folding his hands as he stared at Ron. He picked up on just how tired the red head looked after countless sleepless nights, whether they were filled with pained whimpering or pleasured whispers.

"So, talk to me." Harry said, breaking the silence that had settled around them once more. Ron lifted his head from his hands and looked at Harry with pursed lips.

"It's kind of hard to explain," he said, shrugging and looking away from Harry, choosing to instead let his gaze linger on the fire. 

"Just try."

And, so, Ron tried. He explained what he and Hermione had figured out the night they'd gone over the potion and reached their conclusion about seeing Malfoy's deepest desires. He explained how he tried to torture Malfoy back by creating fake scenarios about himself and Hermione.

Harry stayed quiet throughout the entire story, deciding to keep his mouth shut at the mention of the 'fake' scenarios with Hermione. If they were fake Malfoy wouldn't have seen them, and that Harry knew wasn't the case. He remembered Malfoy's earlier mention of occlumency and knew that he had to have seen the fantasies.

When Ron was finally done Harry stayed quiet for a few moments longer as he went over the information he'd just received. In the entire retelling of the story Ron hadn't uttered a single word about what Malfoy's desire actually entailed and it left him feeling immensely frustrated.


He looked up at Ron, losing his train of thought. "Huh?"

"You're really quiet." Ron was fidgeting with his hands, clearly nervous about Harry's reaction to the news.

"Sorry, just thinking. You never actually said what your visions were about." Harry picked his words carefully. "I mean they can't really be anything good if they caused you so much pain, right?"

Ron didn't say anything, his face once again going red, though this time Harry guessed it was due to embarrassment rather than anger.

And then suddenly everything seemed to click for him.

His brain started working overtime, going over all the tiny little details. Ron tortured Malfoy with fantasies about Hermione, but Ron would only dish out what had been served to him. He jumped up from the couch and pointed a finger at Ron. "It's not what Malfoy desires, is it? It's who." 

Harry saw Ron swallow uncomfortably and he shot the red head a triumphant smile. He was right.

"Who is it?" Harry said as he sat back down, never breaking eye contact with Ron who looked particularly out of place as Harry started assaulting him with names.





"Oh, Merlin don't tell me it's Parkinson!"

Ron stayed silent again, refusing to utter a word. This only served to frustrate Harry more. He became impatient, sitting almost on top of Ron as he practically begged the red head to satisfy his curiosity. Ron just shook his head violently each time, eventually getting up and sprinting to their dorm where he promptly locked himself in the bathroom so Harry wouldn't be able to get to him.

He sat in there for most of the night, only emerging after midnight to find Harry soundly asleep on his four-poster bed. He sighed with relief and got slipped into his pajamas before getting under his own covers and falling asleep.

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