5 [The deal]

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And here Ron thought Snape would be a decent human being for once. He thought wrong, of course.

He'd gone back to Snape and asked him as nicely as possible if there would be any chance to reverse the effects of the potion (aka an antidote) but the man simply sneered at him and told Ron that he'd better stop bothering him with childish problems.

If only Snape knew the unchildish things Ron saw.

He sulked back to the Gryffindor common room after classes and sunk into his beloved two-seater where he was quickly joined by Harry who was looking hopeful.

"Anything?" Harry asked and Ron shuddered slightly at the reminder of the vision he'd had last night.

"Nope, no luck." he answered, feeling more down than ever. Was he going to have to live the rest of his life like this? He certainly hoped not.


Thursday was the last straw. At breakfast Ron had been assaulted by a vision as soon as he sat down.


Harry let out a frustrated sigh, his hands underneath Draco's shirt and tracing a path along the blonde's waist where he stood looming over the black-haired boy. He chuckled and leaned in closer, nipping at Harry's ear and murmuring a quiet, "Getting a little impatient, are we?"

"Stop teasing you ponce." Harry muttered back, gripping at Draco's waist and pulling him closer so their chests were flush against each other. The friction of their growing hard-ons rubbing together sent them both down a spiral of pleasure.


"No! That is it! I have had enough!" Ron suddenly yelled out. Harry and Hermione could only stare as the red head hastily got up from where he was sitting and promptly marched over to the Slytherin table where Malfoy sat. The Slytherin seemed to be lost in a daydream.  

"Hey. Hey!" he said, clapping his hands in front of the blonde's face and drawing his attention back to reality.

"Ah, Weasley. What can I do for you?" Malfoy said, leaning his chin on his propped-up elbow and letting an unbothered smirk spread across his face. Like you don't know. Damn Slytherin. Ron thought as he stood with his fists balled up at his sides. 

"I'd like a word. In private."

Malfoy's smirk faded away and his brows drew down in a confused expression. If Ron wasn't so angry, he probably would have laughed. But he was angry, so this situation was far from funny.

"Now." Ron said again when the blonde sat unmoving.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm coming." The blonde got up and walked with Ron until they were outside the Great Hall.

"What is it?" Malfoy asked, sounding unusually calm as he leaned against the closest castle wall. Ron stood with his mouth practically hanging open. What is it? What is it?!? For a Slytherin this kid really did seem pretty dense. 

"You know what. Don't lie and claim you haven't been seeing things." 

Malfoy raised a brow and looked at Ron with surprise. "Well, if you must know." Malfoy kicked himself off the wall and walked closer to the red head. "I've seen your fantasies with Granger, and quite frankly they've left me feeling a mixture of disgust and surprise. Honestly, I didn't know you had it in you."

Ron sputtered, searching for the right words to insult the smug blonde. If he's been seeing the fantasies, why does he seem so bloody calm about this whole situation?

"You are aware that this is a two-way thing, right?" Ron finally said when he found his voice. "You see my desires and I see yours?"

At that the blonde's calm exterior fell and his eyes widened with an emotion that could only be described as pure panic. He turned away from Ron and started pacing back and forth in the hallway. An eerie silence fell over the two boys as every step Malfoy took echoed on the stone of the castle floor.

"That means you've seen me and..." he trailed off, hoping Ron would understand what he was insinuating. The red head merely nodded which earned a deep groan to come from Malfoy. Whether it was fear or frustration was unclear, but it was clear that the blonde was feeling quite distraught at the information he'd just received.

After what felt like a century of endless pacing, Malfoy seemed to have calmed down and he stopped just short of Ron, who still stood looking confused and out of place.

"Okay, here's what's going to happen." The blonde stood with his arms folded and looked at Ron with a pointed expression. "You won't tell a soul about what you saw, and I'll talk to Snape about starting with an antidote."

"Don't bother. I've already tried."

Malfoy raised a brow at Ron and spoke again, "You're not a Slytherin so of course he won't feel like helping you." He said it like it's the most obvious thing in the world before continuing, "If I talk to him and explain how much it's hindering my studies, he'll likely get started on something as soon as possible."

Ron stood looking at the smug blonde with a look of disgust. Malfoy just admitted to the man's suspected favouritism and it left him feeling deeply frustrated.

"Fine. If I promise not to say anything to Harry, you'll talk to Snape?"

At the mention of Harry, Malfoy's eyes flashed with an emotion Ron couldn't quite place. As quickly as it came it had gone and the blonde turned his chin up and nodded.

"Okay, deal." Ron stuck out his hand for Malfoy to shake. The blonde looked down at the red head's hand and scoffed, slapping it away and walking past him back into the Great Hall.

"It's a deal Weasley." And with that the big doors closed, and Ron was left standing with feelings of rage and anticipation. 


The next day any and all hope that Ron had was crushed by Malfoy when he delivered the news he'd gotten from talking to Snape.

"What the hell do you mean he can't do it?!" Ron yelled out, throwing his arms up in the air and staring back at Malfoy with frustration.

"Exactly what I said. Snape can't brew the antidote." Malfoy stood leaning against one of the library walls, his arms folded across his chest. His voice was steady as he spoke.

"But he's the potions master. He's supposed to be able to brew anything."

"Unfortunately, Weasley we seem to have ruined our potion to an extent that there is nothing we can do."

God, Ron absolutely hated how calm Malfoy was. The way the pointy git just leaned against the wall without a care in the world. As if this situation didn't affect him at all.

"What do we do now? Surely we can't live like this forever." Ron had calmed down and copied Malfoy's pose, folding his arms across his chest and leaning on the edge of the library table. Malfoy studied him for a moment before smirking and kicking himself off the wall.

"You're quite right Weasley. I'm starting to get a headache from occlumenting for so long and I would very much like to fantasize without you poking around in my head." Malfoy had taken to walking up and down the length of the small table that stood in between the shelves.

It was quiet for a few moments; the quiet sound of pages being turned served as background noise while the two boys fought to come up with an idea. Finally, Malfoy spoke.

"Alright. I'm going to do some extensive research over the weekend, try and see if I can find anything."

"What do I do?"

"You are going to keep that big mouth of yours shut. If I haven't found anything by Monday, we'll just have to think of something else."

Ron hated this plan, but having no other ideas he agreed and left the library. He sauntered up the stairs of Gryffindor tower and plopped down on his trusty squashy two-seater. He let out a sigh as he leaned back against the couch to try and gather his thoughts.

His thoughts were interrupted when the couch sunk in next to him, indicating that someone had sat down. He felt the person stare and slowly turned his gaze to whoever it was.

Harry sat, his green eyes filled with an emotion Ron recognized far too easily, having been faced with that very emotion more times than he could count. Harry knew something, had acted on his curiosity and found something he wasn't supposed to. And now. Now he was going to do whatever it took to uncover the rest.

Whatever it took.

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