9 [The antidote]

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"I understand your frustration Draco. Really, I do. But there is nothing I can do for you." Snape said, looking up at Draco where he stood in front of his desk. His hands were raised and rubbing hard circles against his temples in an attempt to sooth his headache. 

"Sir, please. There must be something." Draco was practically begging, ready to fall down on his knees to plead Snape for any kind of solution to his problem.

The man stood from his desk and grabbed a potion from one of the shelves behind him. The vial was relatively small, containing a swirly light blue mixture. Draco recognized it as a draught of pain relief and gladly accepted the vial from his professor, removing the cork and tilting his head back to swallow the mixture in one go.

"Thank you, sir," he rasped out, relieved at the near immediate effects of the potion. Snape only nodded and sat back down, excusing Draco from his office. The blonde complied and left the damp room, leaving for dinner in the Great Hall.

Once there he sat between Blaise and Theo, Pansy taking the seat across from him and shooting him a bright smile. He didn't have the energy to smile back and started filling his plate with the food being served.

The Slytherin table was quiet, only a few whispers being exchanged among the students. Draco found his eyes automatically wandering over to their usual spot. He gazed over to the Gryffindor table and sought out the messy black hair he loved to examine.

He eventually found Potter, sitting at the opposite side than he usually did. Weasley was sat next to Granger across from Harry and was listening intently to the girl who was talking avidly about something.

His eyes strayed over to Potter again and was surprised to be met with green eyes staring right back at him. 

They sat and looked at each other for a few moments before a sheepish smile planted itself on Potter's face. Draco could only sit, frozen as his cheeks flushed with heat. Then, Potter lifted his hand and waved at him. Waved at him as if they were friends who hadn't seen each other in a long time.

Unable to deal with the heat flooding his face, Draco abruptly stood up and excused himself to book it to the common room. There, he promptly marched up to his dorm and into the bathroom where he splashed some cold water on his face. The scene played itself before his eyes again and again, reminding him what had just happened in the Hall only mere minutes ago.

Potter had smiled at him. Waved at him. It was all so much and it made Draco's head spin with happiness. He sank down against the bathroom wall and buried his face in his hands, face still warm from the memory.


"So, you really can't find anything?" Ron asked Hermione for the umpteenth time that week. She shook her head sadly and sat down on one of the couches in the Gryffindor common room. Ron joined her and folded his hands in front of him.

This whole situation with Malfoy was starting to get quite ridiculous. It was throwing his life completely out of balance and he was getting sick of the tiny flashes of pain. Malfoy had kept to his promise and kept the fantasies to a bare minimum. That's to say, they didn't go away completely, and that's what drove Ron mad.

"I'm sorry. I really can't see any way out of this," Hermione said as she shot Ron a disappointed look. He shook his head in return and muttered a quiet, 'Don't worry.'

They sat in silence, only looking at each other. Ron took this time to admire Hermione, a new hobby he's recently picked up.

He observed the way her hair fell over her shoulders, appreciating the way her curls framed her face. His eyes wandered along her face and back up to her eyes, which were slightly glassy, looking like she was trying to hold back tears.

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