Shazam! Part 3

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It was a few weeks since Phantom had shown up, he still brought me meals and nothing hurt as much though, so I knew he was here.

I made sure nothing was going to fall out from my bag and walked downstairs, ignoring the loud... sounds, coming from the couch as my foster 'father' invited another woman over.

I winced as I walked down stairs, avoiding several bottles and trying not to move the side that had gotten hurt by the newest villain. I sat down on my bed, trying to stop the bleeding before it stained my clothes, suddenly my jumper and shirt were off and Phantom was at my side with medical bandages and a needle and stiches and some other things. I tried not to gasp or cry as he placed his hands on my bloodied side, they were ice cold and it was so cold, frost darted out from under his hands and stopped the bleeding but made me shiver. "I'm so sorry. I'll try to make you numb." Phantom promised, sure enough soon it was hard to feel his gentle fingertips on my side. I slowly relaxed and then Phantom handed me a pillow
"What?" I asked
"Something to scream into, try not to move." Phantom asked and then I felt a needle go through my side and screamed.

Phantom silently fixed me up with the look of horror never leaving his face, and it hurt so much, the cold was painful but it numbed me too and the feeling of a needle and some type of string being dragged through my flesh, it made me want to throw up. I'd gotten stitches before, twice, once as a much younger child when I fell over, I didn't even remember it, just my parents worried voices and me crying and being rushed somewhere, and then I woke up in the doctors, the second time I had been unconscious in the watchtower med bay as Shazam, I don't remember it either, when I try to think about it I the feeling of impending doom and acceptance I'm going to die then waking up with heros worried faces looking at me. Having it done hen you were awake was so much worse.

Phantom finished and the ice fell off my side, his cold hands stayed, acting as a welcome ice pack and numbness. "It's so different doing this on someone else." Phantom whispered with a shaky voice "I owe my friends so many gift baskets." he said, I wish he sounded like he was joking
"You've, you've been awake for this? Doing it-" I stopped to gag and swallow puke "-on yourself?!" I asked, Phantom nodded,
"It was uh, a good thing I did though, by the time I got vivisected and really needed to be fully aware while stitching myself up I was used to it." Phantom said, I stared at him in mounting horror
"Every word that comes out of your mouth is horrifying." I said.

Phantom smiled sadly at me, suddenly I caught a glimpse of his true age, this wasn't some normal guy in his twenties. This was someone who'd been through years of suffering and pain, he had a weight on his shoulders that I've only heard about people carrying in books, I knew know without a doubt that Phantom has been through so much pain, so much... everything. He had such an air to him that I knew so well from other heros, putting yourself second over and over because someone's in more danger than you, I could see just for a moment the broken child and I could see the hero who'd been through too much.
"I've been told that." Phantom joked, I hugged him and he froze
"I'm sorry." I said.
"W-what do you mean sorry?" Phantom asked, we both ignored the tremble in his voice
"I don't know what happened to you but you're not okay. I'm sorry." I repeated, he stayed frozen then abruptly relaxed and let me hold him up. I ignored the tears dampening my shoulder and his quite sobbing. "You don't have to be okay, I get needing to be strong to protect people and not showing your fear, just let yourself be weak here." I asked, I felt him nod and pretended I wasn't crying as well.

After a few minutes we both lay next to each other,
"Who would've thought? The ghost king, needing help from a kid." Phantom whispered "I sound like Clockwork!" he laughed, I smiled too even though I had no clue what he was talking about. I looked at him
"If it's not offensive to ask, how did you die?" I asked "I've been wondering for a while." I said, Phatom stared at my roof, just when I thought he wasn't going to answer he spoke
"I was fourteen." he said, "My parents were... abusive, not too bad at that point but still bad. They thought ghosts existed, I thought they were crazy. They cared more about their work then us, me and my sister Jazz that is, they weren't good scientists either, they kept lab samples in the fridge which meant the food kept coming back to life, lab saftey was pretty much non existant, and they forgot about us, Jazz raised me not them." Phantom said "One day I was cleaning up their messes as usual, kids! Perfect for chores! Anyways, they had made a portal to the 'ghost zone' and I had finally finished dragging wrenches and boxes of wires and ther stuff out of it, when my hand hit the on button by accident. And you see, the portal worked, it blasted me with electricity, radiation, and ectoplasm, the electricty killed me, the ectoplasm revived me, the radiation was there too I'm pretty sure it allowed the ectoplasm to stick. But yeah, it changed my dna, rearanged my molecules, made me into a half ghost. And let me tell you kid, die of old age in a bed or something, and don't get yourself revived, I honestly have never felt something so painful since. And then once everything finally stopped I was vomitting from radiation poising which I'm lucky went away. I looked in the mirror, and boom! I'm a ghost." Phantom said, "Oh yeah, and my parents tried to kill me in my ghost form repetitively because they're ghost hunters and vivisected me when they found out I was their son. I literally wear a hazmat suit made by them and I'm pretty sure they found out how I died." Phantom said, he let rings of light pass over his body and I turned expecting to see him looking ghost, but I didn't.

I saw him wearing his usual suit, but so obviously a hazmat suit, with a radiation symbol instead of the usual one, and one of the arms of the suit was blown off, his actual arm looked normal at the shoulder (minus serious Lichtenberg scars) and then it got charred and black all the way down to his hand, I could see bone at some point.
"Are your parents still alive?" I asked
"What?" Phantom asked
"We've got someone to beat up." I said

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