Jason x Danny, let your warmth be mine

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I kissed Jason, melting into his warm mouth and his strong arms wrapped around me. My ice core purred in tune with his fire core, we were both soft and strong like our respective elements, we were opposites yet so very similar. I ran my hands though his hair, twirling the white strand around my fingers and scratching his scalp, he shivered and leaned into my hands, I leaned stright back onto his chest (holy crap this guy was toned, he had like 8 abs).

I loved the cold and knew Jason loved the heat, but I also loved the feeling of being warm and cosy and putting the ice to the side for a moment, like I was surrounded by fireplaces and blankets and hot cocoa, like I was safe and warm inside a manor with a snow storm raging outside, like I was sitting next to a campfire and eating marshmallows in a frosty night as stars shimmered above, and I absolutely loved it. Jason clearly returned the feeling, I supposed slow coldness was a welcome change from his usual burning intensity, I mean I was still intense, but the type that creeps up to you slowly, that is undeniably there but you miss it until it's seeped into your bones, the type that becomes a constant then suddenly you realise you can't breath becasue of it. I imagined it would be a breath of fresh air, the refreshing type that cuts into you lungs and throat with sharpness but still feels good, hopefully it was a nice change from Jasons warmth.

I took one hand out of his hair and slid it under his red suit, rubbing over his bandages and acting as an ice pack and a painkiller (who knew numbness came with ice powers? Too bad it didn't work on myself) Jason relaxed and the tenseness in his form melted away. I held up his weight without compliant, considering he was wearing a special made suit(an actual suit not his Hood one) that was hiding a gun or two and at least ten knifes, extensive (and very heavy) body armour, and underneath all that an alarming amount of bandages, holding Jason up was no easy feet for a human, luckily I wasn't human.

I pulled myself out of the kiss and both of us took a breath out of habit rather than necessity. "Jason you're hurt." I said, infusing the sentance with ghost speak. Jason winced as he felt the worry and concern in my words, my love for him, the need to make sure he was alright and that he wasn't hurting, the want to spend all night fretting over him and to protect him from everything and never let him get hurt (I tried and followed him invisibly when he went on patrol, he knew and let me, but I still wanted to wrap him up in blankets and keep him in a safe house)
"I know." he said in english "IMSORRYLOVEYOUPLEASEDONTWORRYICAREREGRETITCAREABOUTYOU." he whispered in ghost speak,
"I understand." I said, letting enough ghost speak in that he knew I meant it
"I know you wanted to get away from the hero business when you came to Gotham, I'm sorry and I love you," Jason kept ghost speak out of his words but I could feel/hear his core thrum in worry and hear the sadness and regret and guilt in his voice. I cupped his face with my hand, caressing the scarred skin and also making sure my core was positively singing how much I loved him, his eyes fluttered close and he relaxed futher into me
"Its okay, I found you and that's better than the normal life I wanted, I just worry sometimes. I just need to protect you, please don't feel guilty about it." I said
"I know, I just- I need to protect crime alley." Jason said, pausing a few times and struggling over his words, I chuckled
"Speak in ghost speak when it's easier Jason, I know what you mean. The same thing happened for Amity and happens for members of my 'fraid." I said in the same english-ghost speak mixture I used before, enough for Jason to understand my emotion (the hurt and pain and cry and screaming of my core when I had to leave Amity, the pain and grief and fierce protectiveness when I even think about my 'fraid being hurt) but still get the english words across.

Jason paused for a long time, I knew he just needed to get his words together
"The Ancients couldn't bring us apart Jason." I said, my core shouted out how this was true "I'd fight every single one of them for you, I'd wake Pariah Dark and then bring him to his knees if you asked, I'd do anything." I promised Jason, he didn't say anything so I kept going "I can't wait Jason, to propose to you, to marry you, to claim you as mine MINEMINEMINEDONTTOUCHMYJASONMINEMINENOTYOURSMINEONLYMEMINE. We'll have a wedding, I'll bring you to my palace and dress you up all pretty, and introduce you to everyone as Jason Todd Wayne Phantom, whenever someone walks up and asks your number you can show them a wedding ring and say your taken, you're mine Jason." I promised, my core strongly echoed emtions with every word
"I'm yours." Jason said, he still sounded a bit shocked but I could tell he meant it and my core purred as I felt his happiness.

I hugged him, tempted to transform to a more eldritch looking and curl up around him.
"Here BELOVEDDARLINGMINEAMAZINGLOVEBABYLOVERPRECIOUSTRESURE, let me help with the wounds. I know you haven't had time to do anything to them and you must be exhausted by now." I asked, my hands waiting on his suit
"Yes please." Jason asked, I took off his red suit and then the armour underneath. I ran my hands over his bandages, taking them off one by one, cleaning what I could without taking him to the bathroom, kissing his wounds and letting frost spread across his skin, making sure my cold touch dulled the pain, then applying new ointments or disinfectants or whatever was necessary and rewrapping the bandages, making sure he'd be able to move fully. My core hummed happily at the chance to fuss over a member of my 'fraid, my protection obsession temporarily fulfilled by this.

By the time I was finished Jason was nearly asleep in my care, he leaned into my hands and his core purred with love and contentness, after making sure the last bandage was good, I got into bed and snuggled into Jasons side (the one that wasn't injured). I let his warmth rush over me and stopped trying to cool him down, he was asleep so there was no point in fighting his heat to give him an ice pack.

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