Pregnant au 3

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I woke up in a warm bed, nestled deep into soft blankets and knew that I was purring. Ghosts do that, yeah, it's bothe because of being happy or content or general good feelings, but also like how cats purr to heal themselves, only emotionally too. I was just sad my baby wasn't strong enough, I could hear their core trying, to heal me and becasue of how happy and relaxed and calm and nice this was.

I heard someone walking around in the kitchen as well as the smell of pancakes and relaxed further; by the time I was awake enough to panic about not knowing where I was I had remembered what had happened and I was perfectly content to lie here not quite awake yet and heal, heal from the stress, from the exaustion, from the strain, from the entire mental side of things too.

I retreated a little into my core, not enough to be fully in it but enough that I was closer to my baby, in a sort of trance where I was lying in a comfortable bed and also snuggled up next to them.

The door opened and someone walked in as whoever was in the kitchen hummed a small musical note as pancakes created wooshing noises by being flipped, "Are you... is he purring?" Spoiler asked and I came back from my core and fully into my body.
"Thats adorable." said a voice over comms who I recognised as Oracle "You should let him sleep."
"Yeah probably." Spoiler said and I frowned, I knew she would only be scared by ghost speak even if was easiest, I had to at least try to speak in english
"'m ake." (I'm awake) I mummbled into the pillows and I got a small giggle from both girls for my effort
"Wake up sleepy head, me -Spoiler that is- and Red Hood are here today. Red Hood is a great cook and likes doing it too, he'll happily make you anything you want and we're already planning a movie marathon, ever heard of Star Wars?" Spoiler asked and I couldn't help but purr louder, another set of laughs "I was going to say we could watch something else if you prefered it but I guess we've already met your approval?"
"Mhm." I hummed, forcing myself up and stopping my purring out of effort. Eventually I gave up and just roled off the side of the bed bringing the blanket with me, I could almost see Jazz roling her eyes at me.

I followed Spoiler out of the room carrying the heavy blanket, ghosts have natural strength that borders on super strength, it's like a genetic instead of a power so it took up no energy which was nice. I sat down on the couch and smiled, it was almost as comfortable as the bed.

Red Hood brought over pancakes and I sniffed them to make sure they weren't posioned then ate five by the time Spoiler has gotten a blanket and sat down next to me. The sheer level of excitement and good intentions I got from my ghost empathy made me stop sniffing the pancakes for poison, I was safe here, those were four of the best words in the universe.

I gave the toast Red Hood had brought out a glare and considered shooting it before another wave of exaustion hit and I thought better of it. Red Hood walked in and put another twenty-something pancakes ontop of the last one I had, then he handed me a phone
"We're not sure quite what your stance on technology is but if there's anyone you need to call, this phone had hundreds of security mesures, we even cut off our own access to it." Red Hood said. I picked it up and quickly did some basic searching stuff but I couldn't find anything or anyone from Amity and I knew from experience that I'd need more time and more power to break down the firewall. I put the phone back onto the table and kept eating the pancakes, I knew that by the time I had enough energy to break the firewall it would be easier to just fly to Amity and tell them myself, I wouldn't be able to stay for long and it would be for a while but I could do it.

Six movies later I was back in sleeps grip. I woke up on the couch with my stomach absoutlely aching because when have I ever been able to catch a break? Ember popped out of a portal
"Here babypop," she handed me a bowl of glowing green spaghetti and I took a bite happily
"Thanks Ember." I said
"No problem, see you and the kid around." Ember said, she left through another portal with a wave.

I finished the plate and walked up to a table with some various tech things as well as paper and pencils that had been scattered with a note that said 'For Danny' I smiled and picked up some paper and pencils then walking back to my room, I sat down and started sketching some plans for the thermos using ghost speak so no one human can read them, after a while I set the plans down on my bedside table and I fell asleep again.

I woke up to the colourful sword child clinging to the ceiling and staring at me, I blinked a few times
"Hello?" I asked, trying to force out any ghost speak in the sentence.
"I am Robin, Two Face has attacked and I was chosen to protect you." Robin said while dropping down from the ceiling as he seemed to remember that wasn't normal "I did not mean to be strange."
"Don't worry." I mummbled, Robin jumped onto the dresser and I decided this isn't the worst thing to have happened to me and went back to sleep.

The next time I woke up Robin was sharpening a Katana, I sat up and yawned then clicked my teeth together with a sharp satisfying noise.
"Good afternoon." Robin greeted
"Hi." I said back, I stood up and grabbed my sketches then walked to the kitchen and took a loaf of bread and started eating
"Bread? That cannot be fulling." Robin mused,
"You're right," I grabbed an armload of other foods and sat down to eat, working my way through it while I drew up prototypes, making notes in ghost speak.
"Why is that thermos so high tech?" Robin asked,
"Everyone knows thermos is the easiest shape to make anything in."

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