chapter 5

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"This marriage is nothing more than a business deal " Rowan said with a little smile.
"what you mean?" Confusion rose inside me.
"Yeah, i don't wanna get married to you .it just business." He straightened he back.

What the fuck was that. "You must be kidding!" . The smile doesn't leave on his face."are you for real?And you want to say it this last moment. Let's cancel this marriage then if you don't want to get married!"

"Ohh. Hold on hold on... I didn't said i don't wanna marry you. I wanna get married to you but the truth is it's all fake."

Irritation, hate, betrayal, frustration, disappoint. I felt so many emotions at same moment .
"And if you are thinking about cancel this marriage, go ahead. But there is a small problem if you cancel this ,you might loss your company "

"What's the fuck!Rowan. it's not funny."

"And I'm not joking, i meant very single word. Look i won't do anything, its a possibility.If you cancel this marriage it will affect my company's reputation, if something happens like that , my mother would do anything to ruin your company and status. I bet you don't know what's she capable of. And What did you said back then, that company is your parents life and soul.They worked very Hard to reach here and bla bla bla .So choice is yours ."

From this point l do believe in demons.
And one of the most disgusting demon is sitting infront of me.
"And why did you said this now ?" I can't describe what kinda feeling I'm going through right now.
"Because I'm very honest ,darling."
" Get out Rowan" I want to curse him . Wanna punch him. But did nothing. Just paralyzed.
" Look, i said this just because you, deserves to know this. After all you are going to be my husband, Right!."
His mocking tone disgusted me.

"Shut the fuck up and get out Rowan."
If he stays any minutes longer , i will do something that I'm gonna regret.

"Okay Darling bye. By the way you look really good on this colour."
The doors closed behind him.

He must be kidding. He's already rich and famous he doesn't need to getting married to me unless he want to.
Exactly, he doesn't want to get married to me unless he want to.
Is there any another reason behind this marriage. Anyway I can't marry him . Should Cancel the marriage .

"Heyy. Son! You ready ?" My father's voice got my attention. I opened the door.
My father and mother looked at me with all adoration.
" You look handsome my boy, i can't believe you are getting married." She said while wiping out a tear from her cheek.
" Ohh don't jessica. It's a special day. Don't cry"
" I'm just thrilled. It's tears of boy is getting married."

Shit how the fuck I'm gonna tell them that we should cancel this marriage. And what if he is saying the truth. If i cancel this marriage it will cause to ruin our company.
he clearly knew I can't afford that.
"You ok, josh?" My father said in concern tone.
"Yeah I'm totally fine. I think we should head to the altar." I painted a smile on my face.

"Hi. I appreciate your choice." Ohh gosh I hate this voice. " Would you please shut up Rowan " i said in a low voice just as how he said.
"Rowan what you want from me? You should say 'no' when this priest ask for the consent. "
"Are you kidding me if i wanna cancel this marriage i could have done it before."
"Then I need to know,why you are fucking dying to get married to me."
Shit ,i losing it. I'm ready to throw my hands at him.

"Hold your horses, first off all I'm not dying to get married to you!! And second, i don't want to tell you why. Just keep one thing on mind if you ever get into my way you're gonna loss whatever you have .'' his face got a reddish Shade of anger.
"Oh are you threatening me?"
"What if I'm ?"
Oh my gosh this guy is really getting on my nerves.

"In the name of God, are you ready to take mr josh Jackson as your lawful   husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, to love and to cherish until you are parted by death"

It's feels like a free ticket to hell more than a wedding vows.
"Yes,I'm ready to take mr josh Jackson as my lawful husband."
His eyes doesn't leavesmine. He pinned me with that crystal blue eyes .

"In the name of God, are you ready to, take mr Rowan toms as your lawful husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, to love and to cherish until you are parted by death"
Once again I looked back to my parents side . My innerself continue to ask the same question 'is it necessary?' like a Mantra.
Yeah this is my life , i don't have to live that to please anyone else. This is your last chance josh take it wisely.

"Yes" shit!!!

To be continued.....

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