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Niall awoke back in his bunk, Yawning slightly before Liam appeared, "Morning love."

"Morning," Niall said, How the hell did they appear whenever he woke up?

"You slept a long time." Liam cooed, "Do you needa change?"

Niall blushed, "No."

Liam nodded and picked him up and set him on the ground, "I can-"

"Hush," Liam told the boy, Pulling back his nappy to see he was dry. "Do you need to go potty?" Liam asked, Niall blushed massively before nodding. Liam smiled and led him to the bathroom. 

Niall thought he was just going to help him out of his nappy, nope. Liam did untape his nappy then set him on the toilet and watched him.

"I thought you needed to go potty?" Liam asked when he didn't hear any urine hitting the water, Niall nodded, "I do. Just why are you watching me."

Liam chuckled slightly, "Go potty."

Niall blushed again but let his bladder relax, He didn't know what was more embarrassing the fact that Liam was watching him or the fact that he had been set on the toilet like a toddler.

Once he was finished Liam was praising him, Like a toddler before making him lay on the mat and putting him into a nappy.

"Should we go eat brekkie?" Liam asked, Niall nodded slightly and followed Liam. 

A plastic plate was already set up for him with cut-up fruit and cooled-off eggs, Niall began to eat before realizing that the others had glass plates with warm eggs and just regular fruit.

He was tired of this, The nappies, The nappy checks, The being called 'baby', The clear babying him. Last week he would have never been asked if he needed to 'potty', He would be able to say no without getting a timeout. 

He really couldn't help himself and burst into tears at the table, "Oh angel." Harry sighed.

Harry had ran over to him and picked him up, Pushing his face into his chest, Much like a toddler. 

"What's wrong?" He cooed as Niall continued to sob, "I-I don't know!" He lied, He wasn't about to say he was tired of being treated like a toddler while wearing a nappy and sobbing. 

Harry smiled sympthatcly at him, "Did you not sleep well, Why don't we go take a nap?"

Niall nodded slightly, He wasn't tired but if he lay in a bed he could get a break from the others.

Harry smiled and led him over to the bunk area, Checking his nappy the same way Liam and Louis had, Just as he was about to tell him he wasn't wet Harry cut him off.

"Uh oh!" Harry gasped, "Someone went potty!" Niall's eyes winded and felt the warmth between his legs, He must've gone while he was crying.

"Should we go get changed?" Harry cooed and laid out the mat, Not in the bathroom. In the hallway.

Niall didn't have time to protest before Harry had already untapped his nappy. 

"Oh no!" Niall jumped when Louis' voice came behind Harry, "Did you go potty?"

Niall blushed, More than he ever had as Louis watched Harry change him, "Harry!" Liam's voice called from the kitchen, "One second I'm changing Niall!"

Now Niall felt like crying, Now everyone knew he was having his butt changed by his younger band member.

Soon enough Harry had retaped his nappy, "It's a little hot hmm?" Harry asked, "Don't want you to overheat!" Harry joked

Niall was confused, That was until Harry had picked him up and threw his pajama pants aside, Leaving him in just his nappy and shirt.

Harry tucked Niall into his bed, "Let's see, Once upon a time," Harry started, Oh god! Niall thought he's telling me a fucking bedtime story. 

Unfortunately for him, Harry's story was boring and he thought if he closed his eyes maybe he would go away but that only made him fall asleep.


"I don't know what to do!" Louis sighed, "I'm scared of losing him."

All boys nodded, "Hear me out." Zayn muttered.

"Remember that fan we met like a year ago?"

"Right! We know exactly what you're talking about!" Harry rolled his eyes, Zayn smirked at him, "The one who wore nappies and said she did something where she pretended she a baby, uh-"

"Ageplay!" Liam smiled, "And how it helps her with stress!"

Zayn nodded, "What if we do that to Niall? You know,"

Louis nodded, "Not a bad idea. He's already in nappies, We can just order some things."

Zayn smiled, "Yeah."

Harry sighed, "it's an amazing idea. But he's never gonna agree."

Liam shrugged, "The other things are easy, All we really need to get him is to put a lock on the bathroom."

Harry nodded, "Maybe a bar for his bunk so it's like a crib? And a playpen for when we're at hotels?"

All four smiled, "Alright. Well, keep doing what we're doing. I'll make sure the stuff is here by the end of the week." Zayn said.

Okay, Zayn might have gone overboard. He got the things he did need, Like bathroom locks, More nappies, A large playpen, and an adjustable bar.

But he also bought a ton of things that weren't on the list. Toys, Many. Bibs, Baby swing, Jumper, Onesises and babyish clothes, 17 stuffies, A car seat (They weren't risking Niall jumping out of the car.), Boxers with the protection of diapers for when they're in public, Toddler art supplies, Bottles, Movies, CDs for babies, Books, A sensory blanket, And a few more things. You couldn't blame him! Ageplay shops had a lot of cute things!

He also learned that he would not be calling it ageplay, That seemed sexual so he decided to call it age reggrison. He had paid extra money for the items to be here by the end of the week, 6 more days. Zayn told himself, 6 more days. 

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