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Niall yawned and sat up in the dark room, The only light coming from underneath the curtains. He whined as he looked around the unfamiliar place and was trapped in a sleeping bag. 

He noticed he was sweating quite a bit and the liquid in his nappy became cold. His bottom lip curled slightly and he let out a sob from fear.

Liam who had been resting on the couch as his other bandmates were passed out shot up after hearing a sob from upstairs. 

Niall flinched when the door was suddenly opened, starting to cry harder when he saw Liam. "Oh, baby."

Niall instantly reached his arms out desperately wanting comfort and was gladly placed in Liam's arms.

"What happened?" Liam cooed as he searched around Niall's crib for a dummy, "Scared."

Smiling to himself when he found the Nemo dummy and popped it in his baby's mouth. "Were you scared?"

Niall nodded, Liam got him out of the sleeping bag instead of placing him on the changing table he carried him into Niall's bathroom. 

"Wet." Niall whined wanting to get the gross nappy off, "I know baby but you're all sweaty so daddy's gonna bathe you."

He started the bath and placed a bucket in front of Niall, "You pick some toys while daddy grabs some clothes."

Niall dug through the white basket, squealing when found bath crayons and foam letters, Some of his favorite bath toys growing up.

Liam smiled when he walked bath in the bathroom with simply a nappy after deciding it would be cooler for Niall to have no clothes. 

"Want bubbles, Daddy!" Niall smiled up at him, shocking Liam. He was slipping into his headspace!

"Of course. Do you want bath foam too?" Niall looked up at him with confusion, "What that?"

Liam chuckled and pulled out a bottle of Mr. Bubble's bubble bath and a twin pack of foam soap.

He poured the bubbles into the bath before undressing Niall and setting him in. He threw the toys Niall had picked out and threw them in, Shaking the bottle of foam and spraying some on Niall's head.

"Daddy!" Niall giggled then grabbed the bottle from Liam and sprayed it, "Look!"

"Yeah!" Liam cooed as he began washing Niall's hair, The toys Niall picked out earlier were long forgotten as Niall sprayed the foam everywhere.

"Let's keep the foam in the bath." Liam laughed as Niall sprayed him again. 

"Daddy foam!" Niall pouted, Liam smirked, "The foam is for Niall, not for Daddy."

"Baba!" Niall squealed when Zayn appeared in the doorway, "Hey Ni." He replied in confusion and shock from seeing the mess all over the bathroom.

"Baba want foam?"

"Actually it's almost time for the foam to go away," Liam said as he tried to grab the bottle from Niall only for him to pull it back.

"No foam."

"You can have some more foam tomorrow. The foam needs to take a nap."

Niall stared at the bottle before handing it to Liam. Zayn chuckled at Liam, the man had foam all over his shirt and hair. "Why don't you go shower while I dry him off and clean the floor."

Liam nodded, "Thanks. Didn't expect him to make this big of a mess."

Zayn laughed and shooed Liam off and lifted Niall out of the tub. "You are a messy boy."

Niall laughed around the towel, Zayn raised an eyebrow at the nappy on the counter, "Let's find you some clothes."

"No, hot!"

"You're hot?"


"Whats hot?"


Zayn nodded, finally understanding the situation, and laid Niall on his towel and tapped his nappy on.

"Baba it's a giraffe!" Niall pointed to the front of his nappy, "That's right." Zayn kissed the boy's bare stomach, "My smart boy."

"Okay baba needs to clean then we can go play."


"After I clean."

Niall sat on his towel as he watched Zayn grab an extra towel wipe the bubbles off the floor and wipe the walls of the tub.

"Went potty!" Niall claimed and Zayn rolled his eyes, "I just changed you."

"No!" Niall giggled, "In bath."

"You went potty in the bath?" Niall nodded proudly. Zayn sighed, "Next time tell Baba and you can go in the potty."

Niall nodded, "Play?"

"One second."

He pouted but squealed when Zayn dropped the towel in the basket and picked him up. 

"Let's get you a snack then we can play."

Niall glared at him, "Play now."

Zayn raised an eyebrow at him, "Or we can eat then time out?"

"No time out."

"Then no pouting."

"Alright, you need to be quiet." Zayn whispered as he began to walk down the steps, "Dada and Papa are sleeping."

"Napping!" Niall squealed loudly when they reached the bottom step, effectively waking both men up.

"Sorry, I tried to keep him quiet." Zayn apologized, "It's fine." Louis smiled, "Is he?" Zayn nodded.

"Hmm?" Harry asked, "Nialls in his headspace." Louis whispered to Harry who lit up.

"Alright, do you want yogurt or banana?"


Zayn smiled and turned around to grab the item only to hear a crash.

"Niall!" He ran over to the sobbing blonde on the floor, Harry and Louis joining him after. 

"What happened?" Zayn asked when he began to calm down a bit. "Fell off!"

Zayn sighed and looked at Harry, "I'll go order a highchair." He smiled.

"I feed myself," Niall said when the yogurt had been placed in front of him. "No, Niall." Louis began but was too late, He had already dipped his hand in and was licking his fingers.

"I just bathed you." Zayn groaned when Niall got the liquid over his face, "I did." Liam appeared, "You didn't, I did."

Zayn rolled his eyes, "Whatever." 

"No not whatever you didn't have to deal with the f-o-a-m."

"Foam?" Louis asked, "Foam!" Niall cheered, "Foam!"

Both boys glared at Louis, who smiled sheepishly. "Want foam Daddy."

"You can have foam tomorrow at bath time."

Niall pouted slightly but it was quickly forgotten when Louis raised the spoon to his mouth.

"Play!" He squealed when he swallowed the last spoonful, Louis chuckled and set him on the ground while Harry led him to Niall's old room which had been turned into a playroom.

"When we spell something, we spell it for a reason." Liam scolded Louis as he began cleaning up the mess, "How was I supposed to know he loves foam."

"It's bath foam." Liam chuckled, "And we're gonna have to buy a lot more."

"Toys!" The three heard Niall squeal.

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