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Niall rubbed his eyes as he awoke in his bunk again, only difference was this time it was 2 in the morning.

He whined slightly when he felt his wet nappy, but he wasn't shocked much as he had been wetting the bed a lot lately.

He peeked his head out of his bunk to see if anyone was awake, He didn't see anyone but instead heard snores. 

He sat for a minute, "Zayn." He whispered lightly, "Liam?"

Harry, who had always been the lightest sleeper awoke when he heard whispers through the baby monitor. At first, he had thought it was one of the other boys before he clearly heard Niall ask for Liam.

He climbed out of his bunk, Smiling at his snoring boyfriend, and made his way to Niall's. There the blonde sat, clutching the Nemo stuffy in his arms.

"What's up?" Harry asked softly, Making the boy jump.

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare ya." Harry apologized as he laughed lightly, Both at Niall's reaction and the blush that was creeping on his face.

"I, um." He whispered with teary eyes, "I'm wet."

"Oh." Harry smiled, "Well good thing I'm here to help."

Niall smiled as Harry picked him up out of his cot and laid him on the mat.

"Harry?" He heard Niall ask, "That's not my name." He scolded lightly. Niall sighed, "Dada?"

"Yes, angel?" Harry's eyes lit up, "Can I have a giraffe instead of a princess."

Harry was confused for a minute before he saw Niall's princess nappy, "You want a giraffe nappy?"

Niall nodded shyly, Hiding his face behind his Nemo which Harry hadn't even realized he brought.

Harry smiled and pulled out a giraffe nappy, Making a mental note to buy some more and donate the princess ones. He quickly changed Niall, Just as he was about to pick his baby up Niall stopped him.

"Can I maybe sleep with you? My bunk is dark."

Harry grimaced slightly, It was his first night doing ageplay, and Niall needed to sleep in his bunk. On the other hand, He was scared of the dark as a child and desperately craved his mum. It was their fault, after all, they had practically thrown everything out of his bunk.

"Only for tonight." Harry said sternly, "Well get you a night light today."

Niall nodded, allowing Harry to pick him back up and lead him over to his crib. Harry tucked him into bed before climbing in himself, Only for Niall to cuddle him, Causing Harry to fall into an uncomfortable position.

It was going to be a long night.


Harry yawned as he opened his eyes, he rubbed the sleep out of them before turning to Niall-who wasn't there.

"Shit." He whispered to himself, the boys were going to kill him!

He quickly shot out of his bed, Running to Niall's bunk which of course he wasn't there.

Running to the kitchen next he breathed a sigh of relief. There he was, along with the other three.

Louis sat in the kitchen scrolling through his phone while Zayn and Liam were cooking what looked like to be pancakes with Niall helping.

"Morning babe." Louis smiled when he noticed his boyfriend, He walked over and gave him a kiss before heading over to the stove, "You scared me Ni."

"Relax." Zayn chuckled, "We saw he was sleeping with you and you looked exhausted so we took him to let you get some more sleep."

"Thanks." Harry smiled, "Still gave me a heart attack."

"Go sit down." Liam ordered, "Chef Niall's pancakes will be done soon."

Harry smiled and sat next to his boyfriend, Pancakes were soon brought over and Niall was situated in Louis' lap as he fed him.

"Are we going shopping today?" Harry asked after a few minutes of silence. Liam nodded, "Good, Niall needs a night light."

Niall blushed and tried to hide his face but Louis simply kept shoving food into his mouth.

"That's good." Zayn said as he sat up and licked his fingers, "Make a quick list of things we need."

He grabbed a pad of paper and marker off the fridge and sat back down, adding 'Night light' to the top.

"Grab some things for next week," Louis added, Handing Niall over to Harry so he could not eat his breakfast.

"What next week?" Niall asked, "We have a couple of weeks break. The weather's gonna be bad in Europe so we're staying in South America at the beach house."

Zayn scribbled a few more things down, "Alright I got Night lights, pool floats, Baby powder, and sunscreen, I'll shop online later tonight."

"Niall likes the giraffe nappies." Harry said, "We could donate the princess and buy more giraffe ones."

Zayn nodded, "got it. I need to order swim nappies anyway."

"Let's grab some toys, Niall can pick some out," Louis said as he grabbed all the dishes and set them in the dishwasher. "Perfect," Zayn muttered as he wrote it down quickly on the pad. "Alright, I'll get Niall ready."

Zayn grabbed the blonde from Harry, "Need a change?" Niall shook his head, He truly didn't need to go. 

Zayn opened his suitcase and picked out a simple shirt with cargo shorts, quickly dressing Niall before leading him back into the kitchen.

Niall whined in Zayn's arms as they approached the baby jumper, "Hush." Zayn scolded, "Only while I get ready."

He was set in the jumper and instantly hated it, Every small move he made the jumper moved causing him to need to kick his legs which made the jumper bounce. 

Luckily he was only om ot for about two minutes before Louis came out and grabbed him, He set him on the counter, and Niall squirmed when he saw what he had in his hands.

He kicked his legs, hitting Louis in the stomach, "Hey!" The man scolded, He was pushed up against his chest as Louis began to spank his clothed bottom.

It was only three smacks, not hurting much but still stinging. "Sorry." He muttered, sitting still as Louis put the mittens on his hands and buckled them.

"I expect you to behave today." Louis raised an eyebrow and set him on the ground, "You have a very painful spanking awaiting you if you don't."

Niall nodded, 'Holding' Louis' hand as they waited for the others. 

He was not going to be able to make it through this trip without a spanking.

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