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Niall woke up the next morning, still in his headspace. It was around 4 am so everyone else in the house was asleep.

He gasped when a noise outside his window came, whimpering slightly as the trees moved, creating a shadow in his room.

He clutched his otter, waiting a few seconds until the noise was heard again.

"Daddy!" He wailed as he began to try and escape the crib, Liam running in seconds later to the sobbing boy.

"Niall!" He gasped, picking him up and bouncing him slightly, "What happened baby?"

"Monster!" He cried and pointed to the window, Liam breathed a sigh of relief and chuckled softly, "There's no monster Ni."

"Yes, Daddy!" He argued, "Heard it."

"It's just a storm," Liam assured and tried to set him in his crib, only for Niall to start wailing once again.

"Fine. You want to sleep with me and Baba?" Niall nodded, pointing to his otter soother which Liam grabbed and carried him to his room.

Zayn, who was awake and knew Niall was coming after hearing the conversation on the baby monitor gave Niall a soft smile when the softly crying boy entered the room.

"Hi, angel." He cooed when Liam handed Niall to him so he could climb into bed. He set Niall in the middle of them, pulling the duvet over him.

"There's a monster." Niall whispered, Zayn gasped, "Oh no! Baba won't let them get you."

"Daddy doesn't believe me." Niall pouted, Zayn glared fakely at Liam, "Daddy is just a meanie."

Niall nodded and yawned, "Tired. Sleep now?"

Both men laughed, "Yes angel." Zayn smiled and kissed his head, Liam kissing his nose before reaching over and kissing Zayn.

Liam and Niall slept great, Zayn on the other hand had a Niall shoved into his side and gripping his shirt tightly, he didn't dare complain.

Zayn groaned as his back was kicked again, "Sorry love." Liam whispered.

Zayn turned around to face Liam who was holding a squirmy Niall, "It's alright. What time is it?"

"About 8." Liam smiled, "Go back to sleep."

Zayn thanked him and rolled over to fall back into sleep. Liam carried Niall to his nursery and changed him.

He fed him some cereal before setting him in the playroom.

"Here Daddy." Niall giggled and handed Liam a plastic cookie, "Oh did you make this?"

Niall nodded and Liam pretended to eat the cookie, Niall handed him about 5 more meals before moving over to the dolls.

Liam sat on the couch, pretending to scroll through his phone. In reality, he was listening to Niall play with Barbies.

"I'm bored Daddy," Niall whined after a few minutes. "Well, it's still early. Wanna go outside?"

Niall nodded excitedly, Liam slipped a pair of crocs on Niall and let him out to the back.

The back garden consisted of a large playset, a pool, a sandpit, and a grill.

Niall ran over to the playset, Liam watched him with fond eyes.

"Daddy look!" Niall squealed as he went down the slide again, Liam clapped.

He turned around after hearing the back door open, Louis and Harry cuddled into each other while smiling at Niall.

"Papa! Dada!" Niall yelled and ran over to them, "Morning babe." Harry smiled and kissed his cheek, Louis patting his head.

"Come play dads."

Harry let go of Louis' hand and walked over to his boy, Pushing him on the swing.


"But it's itchy!" Niall whined and tried to take the jeans off, Louis pushed his hand away, "No you keep those on."

"But papa!" Niall whined, tears appearing in his eyes. "I'm sorry baby, You can't wear a jumper there."

Niall stomped his feet, planting himself on the floor. "C'mon Niall." Louis groaned, and Niall shook his head.

"We really don't have time for this." Louis tried to grab his hand but the boy tore it back, "I'm gonna go grab Daddy." He warned Niall's eyes had a flash of fear for a second before they went back to anger.

"Suit yourself." Louis muttered and walked to the door and poked his head out, "Liam? Come here for a second."

Liam walked in straightening his shirt a second later, "What up."

Louis gestured to a pouting Niall and Liam sighed, "Come on Niall, up. We don't have time for tantrums."

"No!" He yelled, "Don't yell at me, come on."

Niall shook his head again, Liam rubbed the bridge of his nose, "Well meet you guys in the car."

Louis nodded and sent Niall a look before leaving to gather the others. "Alright bud last chance." He warned, and Niall ignored him.

Niall smiled when Liam left the room, quietly getting up and grabbing a doll in the room and playing with it.

"No!" He whined when the toy was ripped away from him and shoes were being forced upon his feet, "Nope. We're going to eat."

"I'm not!" He said, Liam rolled his eyes, "Yes you are."

Once the shoes were successfully on Niall, he carried the screaming and kicking boy to the car, He gestured for Harry to move up to where he normally sat, once he had moved he sat in the empty seat and told Zayn to start the car.

Niall began screaming and sobbing hysterically when Liam readjusted him into the familiar position. 

"No Daddy!" He cried as Liam began pulling down the boy's jeans, untapping his nappy slightly so it would still catch anything if he had an accident but enough so he could spank the boy's rear.

The next 10 minutes were spent by the only sounds being heard were a sobbing Niall and Liam's hand hitting his unprotected bottom. 

"Are you going to throw a tantrum anymore?" Liam asked and landed a hard spank, "No!" Niall sobbed, "Are you going to listen to your daddies from now on?"


Liam quickly lifted him up and brought the sobbing boy into his chest, "I'm sorry Daddy!"

"Shh, you're alright." Liam soothed, retaping his nappy and pulling his jeans back up, buckling him into the car seat for the rest of the ride.

Once they had reached the restaurant Niall's cries had died down, since they were in public he wasn't being babied, Liam unbuckled him and got out of the car, "Daddy wait!"

All boy's eyes widened, "Shit." Harry whispered as he quickly jumped back into the car, "How the fuck do we get him out of his headspace?" Louis frantically asked the just as helpless others.

"I don't know but if he goes into that crowded restaurant in it, he's fucked."

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