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Niall awoke from his nap, enjoying the silence for a few seconds until he heard sounds from the bunk across.

"Oh god, Liam!"

"You're such a hot daddy, Taking care of the baby."

Oh god! Niall thought, He really didn't want another spanking for leaving his bunk, But he really didn't want to listen to Liam and Zayn. 

"Shh, Don't want to wake the baby." He heard Liam whisper seductively, "Be a good quiet boy."

Niall thought about his options, One he could leave his bunk and probably get a spanking. Two, He could sit here and listen to his two bandmates fuck. Three, He could make noise and hopefully, they would hear and realize he was awake. Three sounded like the safest option, One of the rules wasn't to be not a cock block. 

He sat up and yawned loudly, Instead of Liam and Zayn coming to get him, Harry walked over.

"Hi, sweetie!" Harry smiled as he lowered the bar, Picking him up and setting him on his hip.

He walked over to Liam's bunk and knocked next to the curtain, "Baby awake."

Niall blushed hard, Harry knew they were fucking yet left him there. "Thanks, Harry, Be done in a sec," Liam said.

Harry smiled at Niall and carried him over to where Louis was, "Look who's awake!" He cooed to Louis. Louis smiled widely, "Nialler! Have a good nap?"

Niall stayed silent, "Do you want playtime now or later?" Louis asked, "Let's do it later." Harry answered, "Should probably give him a snack. Plus I'm sure Liam and Zayn will be done soon."

"They weren't too loud were they?" Louis raised an eyebrow, "If they woke Niall up I'm putting them on nappy duty."

Niall blushed madly, He was being used as a punishment!

Harry shook his head, "Don't think they did."

"Right." Louis nodded, "Why don't you go make him a snack, and I'll watch him."

Harry smiled and handed Niall over to Louis, "Did you check him?" He asked before Harry walked away.

"Shi-shoot. I didn't."

Louis smirked at Harry's slip-up, "I got it."

Harry thanked him, Louis put his hand on the bottom and Niall's diaper and squeezed, Shocking the boy.

Louis sighed when he realized he wasn't wet, Setting him down on the floor and putting on baby first.

Niall tried not to show interest in the show but couldnt stop himself from watching the crayons hop around.

Liam and Zayn exited from the bunk area, Smirking at Niall who was clearly interested in the show.

"Baby first is a win?" Liam asked Louis, Making Niall jump.

"Aww did daddy scare you?"Zayn cooed and bent down to pick Niall up.

All three men chuckled at the blushing blonde, "Yep. Or whatever these crayons are at least." Louis answered.

"Was he wet?" Zayn asked as he began bouncing Niall on his knee, Louis shook his head, "Not yet." Zayn nodded, "Understandable, Only drank half his bottle before he was out."

"What is Harry making?" Liam asked, "Probably something healthy." Louis snorted.

"And what's wrong with being healthy?" Harry raised an eyebrow as he walked over with a bowl in his hands.

Louis raised his hands and surrendered but chuckled when he saw the yogurt and fruit in the bowl.

"Hold him while I feed?" Harry asked Zayn who nodded, Niall's ears turned red as Harry brought the spoon to Niall's mouth, He opened his mouth slightly and allowed the yogurt.

"Is it yummy?" Harry cooed as he brought another spoonful to his mouth. Niall ate about half before he was somewhat full and refused any more to put an end to the tourte.

"Alright angel." Zayn smiled, "Do you want to play with stuffies or  blocks?"

Niall shyly pointed at the bin with stuffies, Zayn dumping them out.

He looked through the soft toys, Smiling at the Nemo and putting it on his lap.

"Is that your Nemo?" Liam cooed, Niall nodded shyly, "I'll make a reminder to buy more Finding Nemo toys tomorrow." Louis told Liam.

Niall looked through the stuffies for about 5 more minutes before his stomach made a noise.

His eyes widened when he felt the familiar cramp in his stomach. Harry fed him yogurt, which had dairy, which made his stomach upset, and gave him the runs.

He looked over to the four who were sitting on the couch talking among themselves.

He took a deep breath and poked Zayn on the leg, "Baba."

Zayn smiled at the name, Causing Niall to feel a bit of victory. Follow the rules and maybe Zayn will let him.

"Yogurt made my stomach hurt." He whispered just loud enough for Zayn to hear, "Oh. Do you want some medicine?" Niall shook his head, "Need to poop."

Zayn laughed slightly, "Got it." Niall now noticed the other three were looking at them, Clearly confused about what Niall was whispering. "Use toilet?"

Zayn sighed, "I'm sorry angel. You need to use  your nappy."

"What's going on?" Liam asked, "The yogurt made his stomach hurt and he wants to use the big boy potty."

"I'll go lock the bathroom now." Harry stood up, It was unlocked! Niall thought He should've made a run!

"You need to use your nappy." Liam told him sternly, "I'll change you right away."

Niall eyes filled with tears, "Please. Not ready yet."

Liam shook his head, "If we let you today you'll never be ready."

Niall looked to the other two men who only shook their heads, He had a small glimpse of hope when Louis walked over to him, But the man simply pushed him back so he was lying on the ground.

"My mum used to do this with my sisters when they were constipated," Louis told the two and Harry as he was now walking back into the room.

"No, No!" Niall whined but all four simply hushed him. Louis lifted his legs and pushed them against his chest and put a bit of pressure, Niall was mortified when a fart escaped him and he felt a warm liquid enter his nappy.

"There we go." Louis smiled, Repeating the action again, Niall started to cry when he couldnt hold it anymore and let his muscles relax.

"Shh." Louis soothed, He pushed his legs against him one more time and once he heard nothing he stopped, "Alroght. Liam?"

Liam nodded and picked him up, Only for Harry to stop him, "Do it in here. I'll turn that crayon show on."

Niall shook his head franticly at Liam but he simply ignored him and left to grab the needed objects.

Once he was laid on the mat he found that Harry's idea really was helpful, He was still sobbing when Liam untapped his nappy and Louis snorted at Liam's face. His cry had calmed down by the end of it and Liam tapped a new onesie on it, Unfortantly it was princess this time but still.

"Yay!" Harry cheered, "You did so good!"

Niall blushed and hid his face in Liam's shoulder once the man had picked him up, "Should we watch a movie? How about frozen?"

Niall was set in between Liam and Zayn but he couldnt help but keep eyeing the Nemo stuffie on the floor, Zayn smirked at Niall when he noticed. "Do you want Nemo?"

Niall nodded slowly, Cuddling the fish when Zayn handed it to him. He was securely smushed in between Liam and Zayn while the movie started, Laughing at some of the parts causing all four daddies to smile in adoration at the baby.

Their baby.

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