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Niall played with his toys for about two hours before deciding he was bored. Attempting to open the door, only to find it was locked. 

Niall slowly began to come out of his headspace, He was trapped in here. Sure it wasn't a small room but he had no escape, the windows weren't able to open and it was nearly impossible to break them. 

"No no." He whimpered to himself, He needed out.

He began banging on the door only for it to fall on deaf ears, THe other four were downstairs watching the football game, screaming as their team was scoring.

He felt sweat begin to drip down from his face and his heart began to race. He searched around the room to see if Harry may have left his phone in there but all he found was a stupid fake baby one.

He began searching for a dummy next, hoping it would help calm his panic attack only to find none. 

The closest thing he found was a teething toy, which he began chewing on. 

He threw the stupid toy kitchen set out of the way while he rocked himself in the corner.

When he was no longer trapped, he was not doing this age regression thing anymore.

He had no idea how long he was stuck but once he heard the cheers from the living room die down he heard footsteps walk up the stairs.

"Hey, Ni-Whats going on?" Louis unlocked the door and walked in to find the playroom looking like a tornado flew on.

"Did you do this?" He asked Niall sternly but the blonde ignored him and ran past him, Locking himself in the nursery.

"Niall James you open this door right now."

"What's going on?"

"He locked himself in his room."

"What? Why?"

"No idea, The playroom is a disaster. Think some toys are broken."

"I'll go clean it and see if Zayn or Harry can find a lock."

"Got it."

Niall huffed angrily at the conversation between Louis and Liam, Tearing his stupid onesie off and slipping on a sweatshirt. He wasn't able to find any real boxers, only the ones they used during concerts. It would have to do for now. He slipped those and matching sweatpants on. 

He lay on the floor and peeked under to see Louis' feet still there. 

He stood in front of the door, making up a small plan in his head. He quickly unlocked the door and sped past Louis. obviously, Louis wasn't expecting it so he easily slipped through.

"Hey!" Louis shouted as he chased Niall down the stairs, Catching him at the bottom step.

"Did you change yourself?" Niall simply ignored him and tried to set his arm free to no avail.

"Niall!" Zayn boomed as he caught sight of the blonde, Niall panicked a little but quickly reminded himself that if they couldn't care for a baby then he wasn't going to be one.

"He changed himself," Louis told Zayn, Smirking down at Niall a little as he knew he was about to be punished.

"Really? Let's see." Zayn glared down at Niall, "You lock yourself in your room, You destroy your playroom and you change yourself? You must really want a spanking."

"No!" Niall yelled at Zayn, Who tore his arm away from Louis and grabbed him, Swatting him on the butt before pausing.

He gave Niall a 'You better not have' look before pulling his sweatpants off to see a boxered bum. 

"You took your nappy off too?" Zayn scolded, Now Louis also joined in on the glaring.

"You're not spanking me." Niall spit out the dreaded word, "Oh really?" Zayn raised an eyebrow, "Why not."

"Because I'm not being your baby anymore and you're no longer my daddies. I'm done."

Zayn looked a little taken aback before turning to Louis, "Grab Liam and Harry."

Louis nodded and did what he was told, Niall attempted to set his arm free only for Zayn to grab it tighter.

"Let me go," Niall growled and smacked Zayn harshly in the chest.

Zayn grabbed his face and forced him to look him in the eye, "I would stop this right now little boy because believe me when I say a long spanking involving my belt is already coming your way, and unless you want a spanking every night for the rest of our trip I strongly advise you to stop this tantrum."

Niall's eyes widened, Not at Zayn's threat (Or promise), But at the face he thought Niall was throwing a tantrum. They don't even remember locking him in the playroom!

Zayn smirked slightly when he saw Niall's eyes widen, Straightening himself up when a pissed-off Louis, A concerned Harry, and a furious Liam walked down the steps.

The Three sat on the couch, Zayn dragging Niall to a couch opposite of the others. 

"Since you seem to think you can do whatever you like, You can be spanked by all your daddies."

"You're not my daddies." Niall growled at the man, Zayn's nostrils flared up, "Wait." Harry stopped Zayn before he could speak.

"You don't have to be embarrassed that you fell into your headspace, we loved it."

"What?" Niall shot at Harry, "You think I'm done because of a little embarrassment? I'm done because I had a fucking panic attack because your four don't know how to parent!"

This caught all men off guard, "What?" Liam asked in confusion, Niall rolled his eyes. "I'm talking about you locking me in that playroom while you watched your football game."

"It was for your safety!" Louis argued, "We didn't want you to escape!"

"Then put a baby gate or something! What if I had choked on something, or hit my head? I'd be dead by now!"

"I understand your frustration," Harry said softly, "But you're not quitting this."

"Stop talking like a therapist!" Niall yelled at him, "Just yesterday I thought this truly was a good idea and I was enjoying it! But two weeks in and I have a panic attack! I don't trust you."

"Niall." Liam said calmly, Niall was breathing heavily and Liam could see the tears in his eyes, "We're enjoying this too. Were going to make mistakes. We need to communicate these things so they don't happen again."

"Oh, so you get off the hook while I got a spanking for pissing in a toilet?"

"That was a rule and you broke it, There's not a rule about daddies making mistakes."

Niall looked around at the four men, Zayn having let go of his arm now. "Fine. But if I ever have a panic attack like that again I'm telling Paul and quitting."

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