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"Say, Harry!" Harry groaned as Niall looked at him in bordem, "Wanna go home."

"Maybe say, Drugs!"

"Harry!" Liam scolded and jumped into the car, "Nialler, let's play a game."

"Boring." Niall whined and kicked his legs, "Go home."

Suddenly Zayn jumped back in the car and threw his wet sock he had poured a bottle of water over at Niall's face.

"What the fuck Zayn!" Niall groaned after a few minutes, Liam let out a sigh, "Thank god. Let's go."


Niall let out a sigh from his car seat, "What's wrong angel?" Zayn cooed, Niall shrugged, "The zoo sounds boring."

"Why don't you slip?" Liam turned around, "I think you would have fun that way."

Niall rolled his eyes, "Oh my god!"

Just as Liam was about to scold him, Niall cut him off. "Yesterday you didn't want me in my headspace and now you do! It's not a when you want the thing. Make up your fucking minds." Niall yelled, muttering the last part.

Louis narrowed his eyes, "Fine. We'll do the ageplay in public then."

"That's not-"

"Nope." Louis told him, "We were being nice before but if you're going to yell and cuss at us, you lost that privilege."

"You can't do that!" Niall pleaded, "I'm sorry. Don't do it in public."

Louis sighed, "Fine. But next time you get frustrated just remember we could be changing you in a public restroom."

Niall blushed, he looked out the window until they reached the zoo.

After getting checked in Niall's hand was grabbed and he was forced to walk with Liam, who once they entered a private area landed a few spanks to his bottom.

Niall pouted but kept quiet, as much as he didn't want to admit it. He really did want to slip, but he didn't want to ask for help after his outburst. 

Once Liam let go of his hand he tapped Harry lightly, "Wanna slip."

Harry smiled, "Niall and I are going to take a quick walk."

Harry picked him up, His legs were wrapped around his torso and his head was laying on Harry's neck.

Harry got out a pacifier from a bag they had packed and slipped it in his mouth, walking him around slowly while humming a lullaby.

After 5 minutes Harry came back with a 'toddler' Niall.

Louis chuckled at the sight, deciding not to comment as he didn't want to trigger Niall into being big.

"Mingo!" Niall squealed, freed himself of Harry's grasp, and ran over to the pink birds, Zayn quickly ran after him, "Wanna pet baba!" Niall looked up to Zayn, "I don't think they wanna be pet angel."

"Why!" Niall whined, "Pet!"

Zayn raised an eyebrow, "Do you wanna go home?"

"No!" Niall screamed and tears began to make their way down his face, "Then no tantrums." Zayn said sternly and grabbed him by the arm and picked him up.

Harry smiled sadly, "C'mon baby, wanna go see the Girrafes?" 

Niall head perked up and he nodded and wiggled out of Zayn's hold and ran ahead while Harry chased after him.


"Daddy!" Niall whined as they sat to eat, "Hot!"

"Drink some water," Liam instructed and held a sippy cup full of ice water (Which they had refilled 7 times in three hours.)

Niall did but counties to complain, he laid his head on the table, ignoring the chicken tenders he had begged for.

"Oh." Louis laughed, "You need a nap."

"No nap," Niall muttered, Louis nodded. "Alright, come here."

Niall whined again but got up, stuffing his face in Louis' chest, Louis throwing his hat over his head as Niall began to fall asleep.

Once they had finished eating, Louis carefully moved over to a bench and held Niall to his neck while he finished his nap. The other three had gone to a cooler area while it was too far of a walk for Niall not to wake up.

After 15 more minutes Louis woke him up, and Niall seemed to be somewhat in a better mood.

"Why is he just lying there." Niall sat on the floor and pointed at the lion, "He's sleeping." Liam explained, "Wake up!" Niall yelled and huffed when nothing happened. 

"Wanna see the capybara?" Louis asked, Niall shook his head. Zayn rolled his eyes and bent down to pick him up only to shoot back up.

"Oh god." He gagged, "He's taking a seriously nasty shit."

"It's hot." Harry explained, "He's been sweating all day, makes sense."

"I'm not changing it." Zayn shot, "Me either!" Liam added.


"I'm not!" 

Louis smirked at Harry, who groaned. 

Harry bent down to pick Niall up, gagging when the smell reached his nose and carried him to a bench.

The other three stood back laughing at Harry. Standing behind him once he laid Niall on the map. Harry took a deep breath after pulling down his shorts, he carefully peeled the tabs of the nappy off.

Liam and Zayn began laughing while Louis handed Harry some wipes before running. 

Harry gagged as this was one of the worst things ever, Liam and Zayn laughing at him, which made Niall laugh. Louis even took a picture to send to his sister. 

After almost 20 minutes Harry finally fished wiping Niall down and tapped a new nappy on Niall who was almost passed out, "Ready to head back?"

Niall nodded sleepily and reached out to Liam while Harry threw the horrid nappy away, "Freaking changed his nappy and he wants you." He muttered to Liam as they made their way back to the car.

Liam smirked, "But seriously, thanks for doing that. I would've puked." 

Harry rolled his eyes, "I didn't choose to do it!"

"Shut up, if you wake him you're on nappy duty while we're hiking," Zayn smirked, Harry groaned quietly. 

The car ride back was filled with silence beside Niall's snores, Zayn turned around to check on Niall before laughing. 

"Got shit on your shirt H."

Harry looked down to see, sure enough, a brown stain on his shirt.

"Fucking hate all of you."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18 ⏰

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