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The 6 days went by fast, Niall was growing concerned when he saw many large packages being brought in and shoved in the back of the bus. He also had been having more accidents, Luckily only wetting. He was making it to the bathroom in time for messing.

Niall raised an eyebrow when he walked by Liam and Harry setting up a lock on the bathroom, "What are you doing?" He asked, Startling the two, "Nothing." Harry answered innocently. Harry shrugged, Maybe they just wanted some privacy. God knows how many times Zayn and Liam had hooked up in there, And he was sure he had heard Harry and Louis once or twice.

"Why don't you and I go out?" Harry suggested Niall nodded, "Yeah." He had been coped in the bus all week after finding the lock on the door and having a tantrum which earned him an hour-long timeout. 

"Are the others coming?" He asked, Harry shook his head, "They have things to do." Niall shrugged it off But went to find Louis. 

"Uh, Louis?" He asked the man who was opening a package but quickly shut it when he heard Niall, The latter not thinking much of it. 

"Yes, baby?"

Niall cringed at the nickname, "Uh Harry and I are going out and I was wondering, I know I haven't stayed dry all week but."

"Nappy stays on." Louis answered, "What if someone sees?" Niall argued, "Sweatpants."

Niall rolled his eyes and stomped off, "Absolutely not." Louis called, "Niall James you get your butt back in here."

Niall went back into the room, "That is not how we exit." Louis scolded, "Try again."

Niall resisted the urge to roll his eyes but walked off without stomping. "Thank you," Louis called out.


"Why have there been so many packages?" Niall asked Harry as they waited for their food to arrive at Nandos. Harry shrugged, "I think it's just some new equipment."

Niall nodded, "Hey since you're driving, You care if I grab a drink?" 

Harry shook his head sternly, "Absolutely not! Do you remember what happened last time!"

"But that was when I was driving!"

"Dont care."

Niall pouted in his seat, Smiling fakely when his food arrived. Harry hadn't realized how much he needed to care for Niall until he got ketchup on his face without realizing it and all Harry wanted was to wipe it off, But unfortunately, they were in public. The four had agreed that there would be a no babying rule in public, They didn't want to ruin the blonde's life permanently.

"Where do you wanna go?" Harry asked when they had finished their food, Niall shrugged.

"Head to the bathroom quick?" Harry asked, Niall nodded. Once they reached the bathroom Niall rolled his eyes when Harry followed him into the stall.

"Good boy!" Harry whispered after checking his nappy. He unzipped the blonde's jeans and helped him onto the toilet, Watching him the same way Liam had last week.

Once finished Harry did his business, There was no one else in the bathroom and Harry had helped him wash his hands. 

Niall hopped in the front seat, Much to Harry's dismay. He couldn't force him into the back when there wasn't a car seat yet. "Why don't we go see a movie? Minions?"

Niall nodded, He had wanted to watch something not so babyish but decided not to argue, could be worse.

It got so much worse. After the movie, the two headed home, The first thing Niall noticed was a large baby jumper hanging from the ceiling, Along with two toy cheasys. One with babyish and toddler toys and the other full of stuffies.

"What's going on?" He asked, "Niall." Harry whispered, "It's for your own good."

"What is?" Niall yelled, The other three stood silent, Looking around his eyes widened, "This isn't for me is it?"

When no one answered Niall had his answer, "No way. Absolutely not!"

"Niall," Louis said, "We are worried about you."

"You don't have to be!" Niall said, "It was an accident!"

"A completely avoidable one." Zayn added, "Do you have any idea how terrifying it was to see you so lifeless in a hospital bed?"

"I'm sorry okay?" Niall cried, "I won't do anything again. I promise."

"You won't be." Liam told, "Because for the time being you're in age regression."

"I'm in what?" Niall asked, "The fuck is age regression?"

"For the time being you will be treated as a baby."

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