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Zayn made a mental note to buy a pushchair once back at the house as his arms were killing him holding a squirmy Niall. Luckily Liam noticed and took the blonde for him.

"Fishes?" Niall asked Harry who nodded, The two were playing a game on what they would find at the beach, "Sharks?" Harry shook his head this time. Niall frowned, "Want a hint Ni?" Liam asked, Niall nodded.

"There on the ground and there called sea..." He whispered in the blonde's ear. "Seashells!" He squealed and Harry chuckled and nodded.

"Look Ni!" Louis pointed ahead of them where they were now approaching the beach. "Yay! Down Daddy."

"Alright, but you need to hold Daddy's hand," Liam demanded as he set the boy down and firmly grabbed his hand before he could run away. Once they approached they smiled as no one was in sight and not a single sound could be heard besides the waves crashing and the seagulls.

"Stay here for a second Niall," Louis demanded when Liam let go of his hand to unpack. Niall frowned, wanting to go into the ocean. He squirmed when Louis pulled back his swim nappy to see he was indeed wet.

"Hand me a towel and nappy Li?" Louis asked, Niall whined, simply wanting to go play.

"Hold on a sec babe, Just a quick change." He was laid on the towel and wiped down before a new nappy was applied, He was still being held down on the towel as Louis knew he was growing impatient and would likely run off.

He was let up and Harry smiled changily at him, "Race you to the ocean Ni."

Niall smiled and ran, Harry letting him win. He jumped when he saw Harry behind him, "I won dada!"

"Yes, you did." Harry laughed and grabbed his hand and let him splash around.

After an hour Harry noticed he was wet and headed to change him, Zayn stopped him and told him to just let him run around naked.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Liam asked, "What if he shi-poops?"

"We have napkins, and it is normal to see naked babies at the beach all the time," Louis told him, Liam rolled his eyes. "Fine when he poops I'm not picking it up."

Harry removed the nappy from Niall and sat him in the sand and handed him a bucket to make castles.

Harry and Louis headed over to the ocean while Liam read a book with Zayn cuddled up next to him keeping an eye on Niall.

Niall let out a frustrated cry when his castle fell apart and Liam let out a laugh.

Niall looked at Liam, offended that his daddy had just laughed at him. Liam quickly took notice of the boy's look, "You need wet sand Ni. C'mon, let's go by the water."

Liam got up, causing Zayn to let out a whine Liam ignored him due to him passing out three seconds later. He grabbed Niall's hand and led the boy to the water, He smiled at Louis and Harry as Louis tackled Harry into the water while kissing him affectionately.

"Here baby, get some sand from over here." Niall followed his instructions and Liam helped him flip his castle over, Niall squealed and clapped his hands when the tower stood up.

Louis snuck up behind the baby and grabbed him from behind, Lifting him in the air and tickling him. Niall giggled loudly and Liam smiled at them.

His smile was quickly wiped when he felt a wetness on his chest, Yep sure enough Niall was peeing himself and Louis was unaware.

"Nice Lou." He scolded as he wiped some urine from his chest, "What?"

"He peed. On me."

Louis let out a laugh and Harry even giggled, "My bad."

Liam narrowed his eyes at him, He took Niall from his and led him back over to where Zayn was.

"Hey, Ni?" He whispered in the boy's ear when he sat on the towel, Niall looked up at him in response. "I'll give you a piece of candy if you go and take a poop on the beach."

"Why?" He asked, Liam shrugged, "It's to get back at your papa."

Niall giggled but quickly stopped, "Don't needa go."

Liam nodded, "That's ok, just get some food in your tummy."

Soon enough all were on a blanket eating the lunch they had packed, Sandwiches along with crisps and fruit.

Liam winked at Niall when he showed a crisp in his mouth, Louis raised an eyebrow at the two but didn't think much of it.

Lunch was soon finished and Niall went back to playing in the sand while the other four relaxed, Liam let out an internal victory when Niall squatted and began pushing.

"Hey, Louis?"

Louis hummed in response, "I believe you were the one who had to clean his mess."

The other three looked up to see a brown lump on the ground with Niall clearly adding to it.

"Shit," Louis murmured under his breath and grabbed the remaining napkins.

Once finished Louis got up and Niall giggled at Liam, "What are you giggling at?" Louis teased as he gagged and picked up the mess, Harry wiping him down.

"Get candy!"

Liam's eyes widened, he forgot to roll Niall not to rat him out!

"You do?" Harry asked in confusion, "Says who?"

"Daddy!" Niall squealed and pointed at Liam, All three shot Liam a confused look, Louis' slowly turning dark.

"Oh really?" He raised an eyebrow at Liam, "How come?"

"Daddy said if I poops I do!"

Zayn and Harry both tried to hide their laughs while Louis glared at Liam, "I should throw this at you."

Liam laughed, "You wouldn't."

Louis narrowed his eyes but threw the waste into a garbage bag.

Soon Niall was getting fussy so Liam put him back into a nappy and they headed back into the house.

Niall was given a quick bath (Without foam.) but was promised to have another one before bed, He was dressed in a onesie and laid in his crib to nap.

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