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"Im what?" Niall yelled, "Absolutely the fuck not!"

"I'm giving you one more warning for cursing. Then you will not like the consequences." Zayn warned. Niall huffed, "You don't have a choice." Liam added.

"Yeah right." The blonde snorted, "We're serious." Louis frowned, "The bathrooms are locked with a code only we know, You are going to be using your nappy. Your bed has already been transformed into a crib."

Niall wanted to crawl into a hole and die. "Let's discuss rules shall we?" Harry asked.

Louis dragged him over to the table where Harry had grabbed a piece of paper and a marker.

"Alright rule number one Niall must only use his nappy unless allowed otherwise," Liam said causing Niall to blush, Yeah right. He'll find a way to use the toilet.

Harry nodded and wrote it down, "No cussing." He added. 

27 painful minutes later the rules were finally over, and Niall was blushing madly. He was embarrassed enough until they started talking about punishments for breaking rules. He wasn't that worried, He was planning to go to Paul and the man would help him out of there.

Niall's rules.

-Niall must use nappies.

-No cussing.

-Niall must call us by our daddy names. (H-Dada, Li-Daddy, Z-Baba, Lo-Papa)

-Niall must take an hour nap each day.

-Bedtime is at 8, Niall must be awake by 9.

-Only shows and movies that have been approved may be watched.

-Niall must use a car seat.

-No music not for babies allowed around Niall.

-No disrespect.

-No sneaking off.

-No using restrooms.

-Niall must be spoon-fed unless told otherwise.

-Niall must have at least 30 minutes of playtime each day.

-No resting.

-Rules can be added at any time.

Niall's punishments.

-Using toilets: Nappy lock/Suppositories.

-Cussing: 5 spanks per word.

-Sneaking off: Child leash/Spanking.

-Watching innorproite media: Spanking/Time outs.

-Using non-daddy names: Time out.

-Disrespect: Spanking/ Time out. 

Resisting-Spanking/Time out.

-Any punishment can be added at any time.

Daddies rules.

-While in private Niall's nappy must be checked hourly with exceptions of nap and bedtime.

-Daddies must alert others before making a change in schedule.

-No cussing or sexual words around Niall.

Daddies punishments.

-Nappy duty.

-Staying home while others go out.

"Nap time!" Zayn smiled, Picking Niall up and setting him on his hip. Harry stopped the man, "You should bathe him first. Can't be putting him down while he's dirty."

Niall's eyes widened while Zayn nodded, "Right."

"I'll go start the bath." Liam told them, and Zayn smiled, "I'll go grab him a change of clothes."

"What should you wear?" Zayn asked, "Ducky or oh! How about this one!"

He held up a pink onesie with green butterflies all over it, He picked Niall back up and headed to the bathroom where the door was unlocked.

Liam had the bath filled with some toy story bubble baths along with a few toys in the tub.

He set Niall on the floor and began to undress him, "No." Niall whimpered when Zayn tried to remove his nappy. 

Zayn raised an eyebrow, "Is that resisting? Do you need a time out?"

Niall shook his head and let Zayn undress him, Leaving him completely naked.

He grabbed the boy by his armpits and set him in the warm water.

"You may play for a bit." Zayn smiled, Niall watched as both he and Liam left the bathroom but left the door wide open.

He waited about two minutes before climbing out of the tub as quietly as possible. 

He carefully lifted the toilet lid and aimed his penis at the water, Smiling when he successfully got out of using that stupid nappy.

"Hey!" Louis' stern voice entered the room, Grabbing Niall while he was still in the middle of peeing causing him to spray Louis and the rest of his urine to fall onto the floor.

"What's going on?" Zayn asked as he entered the room, "He was using the toilet."

Zayn glared at Niall sternly before turning to Louis, "You clean up? I'll take care of him." Louis nodded.

Zayn angrily grabbed the blonde's arm led him out of the bathroom and led him into the main area.

Niall tried to cover himself up best as he was still naked with some piss still lingering on his skin. 

"What's going on?" Liam asked when he saw Zayn dragging the naked boy, "Half an hour in and he already broke a rule."

"Which one?" Harry asked causing Niall to blush massively, Now every single one of his bandmates had seen him naked. "He was using the toilet."

Both men glared sternly at him, "Should I give him a laxative or a spanking?" Zayn asked his boyfriend, "Spank him. Don't want him to have an accident in the tub."

Zayn nodded and led the man over to Liam, "Hold him?" Liam nodded and set the boy on his lap and held him tightly.

Zayn re-entered the room a moment later with his rings off, Sitting down next to Liam and dragging the blonde over his knees, Putting his left leg over both of his, Traping the boy.

"I'm sorry!" Niall begged, "I won't do it again."

Zayn shook his head and slammed his hand down on Niall's left cheek.

Niall yelped loudly, Yelping even more when Zayn started a pattern. 

"I'm sorry!" The blonde sobbed, Zayn simply ignored the pleas and continued to assault his bottom, turning it a nice rose color.

Once the spanking was finally over, Zayn pulled him into a tight hug, Letting his bottom hang between his legs.

"Shh, you're alright." Zayn cooed, Once Niall finally began to calm down he carried him back into the bathroom and set him in the lukewarm water. 

"You lost your chance to play," Zayn told him as he squished some kid's shampoo onto his hair, Niall held back the roll of his eyes, really not wanting to have another spanking.

Niall did his best not to protest when Zayn washed him off and then dried him off like a toddler, with Only a few whines which earned him a spank to his wet bottom.

"Do you want a princess nappy or a giraffe?" Zayn asked as held out one of each, Niall shyly pointed to the giraffe, Simply laying him on the towel instead of getting the mat out and changing him quickly, Rubbing some lotion on Niall's bottom.

He dressed him into the stupid onesie before picking him up, "It's already past your nap time so we don't have time to say goodnight to your other daddies." Zayn cooed, "They'll be here when you wake up, I promise."

Niall rolled his eyes once he saw the stupid bar on his bunk, Zayn lowering the bar and laying him in it.

"Have a nice nap angel." Zayn whispered, "I love you." He placed a soft kiss on Niall's forehead, "I'm gonna go grab a bottle. Baba will be back."

Niall couldnt help but feel tired on the warm bed, The vanilla bottle Zayn had given him wasn't much help, And as embarrassing as it was, Niall fell asleep under Zayn's eyes. 

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