"So, I have heard so much about you! Mum has told me what you've been going through, and I have to say you are so brave." Gemma says after sitting down next to me. I gave her a sad smile.

"Everyone tells me that, but thanks anyway." A small tear escaped my eye as I think about how little she realizes.

"Hey, what's wrong?" She asks, noticing the tear and looking concerned.

"You wouldn't understand. Don't worry about it." I say, sniffing and wiping away the tears.

"HONEY, I'M HOME!!" Lena yelled, slamming the door closed. Gemma and I jumped and turned to see the always yelling girl. She looks shocked, and immediately I see her retract into shyness.

"Hi, I'm Gemma, and you are?" Gemma asks, with a bright smile, holding out her hand.

"Lena." she whispers, shyly reaching out and shaking Gemma's hand. I groaned and slapped my hand against my face.

"What is it?" Gemma asked, confused.

"Lena! She always becomes this little, quiet, shy person whenever someone she doesn't know is in the room! You just screamed in front of her, you might as well just act like your loud, lovable self!" I cried, making Lena look down at the floor in embarassment.

"So, I have a question." Gemma told me, looking between the two of us, a mischievious smile.

"And I might have an answer." I tell her back, and Lena comes over and sits on the end of my bed.

"Tomorrow, if my mom allows it of course, would you two like to go shopping with me?" She said in sort of a hushed tone, seeing as Ariel was fast asleep. Poor girl. She hates it here and she isn't allowed to leave.

"Yes!" Lena basically squealed, then immediately covered her mouth.

"We would love to Gemma." I say, getting up off my bed and walking over to the closet. I open it and pull out my wig box. I sigh, and turn around, walking back over to my bed.

"Let's see it. Man, I haven't seen you in your wig in so long!" Lena said, bouncing on the end of my bed. I laugh at her sudden personality shift. Thank goodness that didn't take as long as it has in the past.

"You have a wig?" Gemma asks, looking at me. I smile and nod before opening the box. I grab my special brush that I only use for my wig. Well, it's the only thing I can brush, sooo. I brush out all of the tangles and make the hair look like it did when it was still attached to my head. I grab the clothe wrap and wrap it around my head, seeing as this wig can be itchy. I go over to the mirror, and put my wig on. I starighten out the part and fluff it out a little. I smile at myself. I kind of actually looked good.

"Awww, I've missed the old you so much!" Lena says as I turn around with a smile.

"Wow, is that your old hair?" Gemma asks, looking at me in awe.

"Yes this is my old hair." I say, twirling around and laughing.

"You're so pretty!" Gemma tells me as Lena attacks me in a hug. I laugh and hug her back.

"Ugh, I can't wait! To be out in public! To see the world again! To go have fun! To get new outfits, mine are so old and boring. To just hang around and be like a normal teenager for once!" I say, breaking the hug and collapsing on the bed with a giggle.

"Oh, I almost forgot!" Lena says, running over to her bag and bringing it over.

"What is it this time?" I ask bouncing on the bed. Gemma looks over at us, so I wave her over. She sits down back in the chair she started out in.

"Well, Because it was your last treatment, I brought you two things. One, a new outfit. Two, a ton of junk food that they don't serve in the caf, along with movies so we can have a movie night!" Lean says, amking me squeal.

"Thank you so much!" I exclaim, leaning over and hugging Lena.

"It's no big deal." She told me. I break the hug and look over at Gemma.

"You're allowed to stay if you want." I tell her. She smiles.

"i would love too."


*five hours, three packages of Oreos, and two bottles each of Mt. Dew later...*

"That was so much fun!" Gemma exclaims and I laugh.

"Yeah, yeah it was. Hey Lena, thanks for bringing over Grease and Love Actually. You know those are my two favorite movies." I say with a smile. She nods.

"Well, I've got to get going darling. see you tomorrow." Lena tells me, getting up and giving me a hug.

"It was so nice to meet you." Gemma said, standing up and holding out her hand for Lena. Lena grabbed her hand a pulled her into a hug.

"it was great to meet you too Gemma." She says with a smile. They break the hug and Lena gathers up all her stuff.

"Bye Le-le-le-lena!" I yell, our little inside joke.

"Bye Every Kiss begins with Cay!" She yells back before walking out the door.

"So, Gemma, I guess you've got to leave too." I say with a sad smile as I see Anne walk up to the door.

"Yeah, I do. It was a lot of fun though. Can't wait to see you tomorrow!" She tells me, giving me a hug and walking out the door. I sihg and hop back into my bed, putting my wig and everything else needed with it into the wig box. Anne came in with a smile.

"I'm guessing you three had fun?" She asks and I nod.

"Ariel slept the entire time, the poor thing." I say with a laugh. Anne chuckes before tucking me in and giving me a kiss on the cheek. Yes, I may be a little old for it, but when you're going through what I am, the simple gestures you've always longed for are teh best.

"Get some rest darling. You have a big day tomorrow. What, with going to the mall and packing up for leaving." She said, making me smile. Remission. I'm going into remission.

"Goodnight Anne." I say as darkness starts to envelope me.

"Good night Cay." she says before everything goes black.


Hey lovelies! I updated! :D Hope you like this chapter, I really did. It was a lot of fun to write. Sorry I couldn't update sooner, I was on a trip in DC and sorry it's kinda short, I have to pack for spring break. Woo! spring break! going to the Gulf of Mexico, I'm very excited right now. :D :D again, hope you enjoyed! Btw, the girl on the side is Lena, I'll show you cayleigh soon.


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